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11 avril 2017

The High (Dollar) Cost of Sexual Assault

HomeBy Emily Tate. United Educators reviewed 1,000 incidents of campus sexual assault and found that, in cases with litigation, the claims can cost institutions an average of $350,000. More...

9 avril 2017

Digital disruption lowers the cost of expensive masters degrees Blog. A round of price-cutting has broken out in the market for high-priced masters degrees with four Australian universities offering students a pathway to complete part of the degree online at a steep discount. More...

19 mars 2017

3 tech hacks that help universities cut costs (not students)

eCampus NewsBy Bob La Loggia. Technology is helping higher education maintain (or even increase) the services they provide without raising tuition and other costs. More...

19 mars 2017

The surprising new way students are paying for college

eCampus NewsBy Laura Ascione. In the face of rising college costs comes a somewhat surprising funding trend: students are increasingly turning to GoFundMe, a social fundraising platform that allows anyone to contribute to funding campaigns on the site. More...

19 mars 2017

Students in Mass. may be facing higher public ed costs

University Business LogoSubmitted by Stefanie Botelho. Despite seven years of economic growth, the Beacon Hill budget climate in 2017 has so far not translated into major increases in funding for public higher education, leaving students and families struggling to pay for college vulnerable to another round of tuition and fee increases this fall. More...

19 mars 2017

Reed hears college cost challenges at education roundtable

University Business LogoSubmitted by Stefanie Botelho. When he completed his undergraduate and graduate studies back in the 1990s, he began a career in law with $110,000 worth of debt, he said. More...

13 mars 2017

3 Years Cost Less Than 4

HomeBy Rick Seltzer. NYU’s push to help students graduate in under four years leaves questions about who it helps and how much of a difference it can make at one of the country’s most expensive universities. Read more...

19 février 2017

The most expensive college in every state

University Business LogoSubmitted by Steven Wyman. Tuition at both public and private schools continues to rise at a fast clip, and Americans collectively owe more than $1.3 trillion in student loan debt. More...

19 février 2017

Number of hungry and homeless students rises along with college costs

University Business LogoSubmitted by Stefanie Botelho. There's no way to avoid it. As the cost of college grows, research shows that so does the number of hungry and homeless students at colleges and universities across the country. More...

28 janvier 2017

In the marketplace: Are contingent faculty actually cost efficient?

eCampus NewsBy Laura Ascione Devaney. Tech-savvy educators know they must stay on top of the myriad changes and trends in education to learn how teaching and learning can best benefit from technology’s near-constant change. More...

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