By Hedda. At a time when various models of cost-sharing have been introduced in many higher education systems and yet more are considering such measures, the impact of changes in cost-sharing is an important question. The EU funded a study conducted by DZHW and HESA to examine these questions, with nine case studies on countries like Austria, Canada, UK-England, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Portugal and South Korea. See more...
How much will your degree cost? Australian university fees interactive calculator
A team of mathematicians have modelled the effect deregulation will have on the cost of various degrees. Using their calculator you can compare the cost before and after the Government's proposed changes, and see the modelling behind the calculations here. More...
Cost-sharing impact study
Do changes in cost-sharing have an impact on the behaviour of students and higher education institutions?
(1.99 Mb) This report analyses the effects of different models of cost-sharing in higher education (the split between public and private contributions to higher education funding) on students and higher education institutions.
The study examines trends in participation and completion in third-level education, as well as factors such as system structure, institutional revenue and strategy over the last 15 years in nine case study higher education systems in order to understand better how different models of funding – and changes to these – affect students and institutions.
The countries covered by the study are Austria, Canada, UK-England, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Portugal and South Korea.
Teueres Studieren
Eine ausführliche Umfrage bei Studenten liefert erstmals Einzelheiten über die materielle Situation der Studierenden im Ausland. Erstellt wurde sie vom Aktionskomitee 6670.
Noch rechtzeitig vor der allgemeinen Debatte zur Reform der Studienbeihilfen im Parlament in den kommenden Wochen hat das Aktionskomitee 6670 eine Umfrage über die Lebens- und Studienbedingungen der Studenten angefertigt. Die Ergebnisse wurden am Freitag vorgestellt. In die Auswertung flossen 1.636 Fragebögen von insgesamt 2.460 eingegangenen. Knapp 16.000 Studentinnen und Studenten hätten sich theoretisch an der Online-Umfrage beteiligen können. Teilnehmer waren hauptsächlich Studierende, deren Eltern in Luxemburg leben. Mehr...
How much will a uni degree cost?
By Paul Kniest. NTEU analysis (downlaod copy below) of the new funding and regulatory arrangements for higher education concludes that:
- a minimum average increase in university tuition fees of at least 33% just to compensate for reductions in government funding and the introduction of new student funded scholarship scheme,
- the lifting of the cap on university fees could see the tuition fees for some degrees reach or exceed $100,000 especially in degrees like medicine, law, engineering and management and commerce,
- the introduction of interest on HELP debts is highly inequitable because students from disadvantaged backgrounds will not be in a position to pay their fees upfront,
- the changes to HELP are especially unfair for students who elect to take career breaks which means there is strong bias against female graduates, and
- the size and cost of servicing students loans will be the equivalent of a second mortgage. More...
Think College Costs Too Much? Thank the Government
By Arthur F. Kirk Jr. I am not going to argue that a four-year college education isn’t expensive. It is. I won’t argue that its return on investment makes it worthwhile, although it surely does. I also cannot argue that increasing the number of administrators doesn’t increase the cost of a higher education. It does. More...
'You spent how much on your final project?'
University in Ontario is cheaper than you think
By George Fallis. We hear a lot about high tuition fees and how they have been rising. In Ontario today, the average tuition and compulsory fees for an arts degree are $6,657 and these fees have almost tripled over the past 20 years. The standard view is that university is becoming less affordable and that these high fees risk becoming an insurmountable barrier for students from low-income families. In fact, the opposite is true. Over the last 20 years, university has become more affordable for all students. Meanwhile, tuition for low-income students has dropped to especially low, even negative, levels. More...
When Laying Blame for Rising College Costs, Don’t Forget About Enrollment
By Eric Kelderman. In recent months, higher-education news coverage across the country has focused on the increased share of public-college costs being shifted from state governments to students. The prevailing story line goes like this: States have “disinvested” in higher education during the past quarter-century, “cutting” money for public colleges and forcing institutions to raise tuition to cover the loss of tax dollars. As a result, many of the stories proclaim, students are neck-deep, or worse, in student-loan debt, which is hampering the economy and perhaps even forcing them to borrow more money for other purchases. The first part of this narrative isn’t untrue, according to the figures reported annually by the State Higher Education Executive Officers. More...
Costs Shift to Students in Australia
By Julie Hare for The Australian. Australia's conservative government this week proposed a raft of drastic changes to higher education policies that will, taken together, mean that students are picking up a significantly greater share of the cost of their educations. The government, in its 2014 budget plan, gave universities the green light to set their own tuition fees. Read more...