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3 février 2020

Aggregative or Emergent Identity? Rethinking Communities

Aggregative or Emergent Identity? Rethinking Communities
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Aggregative or Emergent Identity? Rethinking Communities Dave Snoeden offers his take on the distinction I have styled as the one between groups and networks. He describes the distinction, as the title suggests, as one...
31 janvier 2020

Communities of Practice

Communities of Practice
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Communities of Practice This issue of eLearning Papers focuses on communities of practice. "This edition of eLearning Papers focuses on four distinct CoPs that have been fuelled by the use of electronic community building...
31 janvier 2020

(Re)Presenting Community 07

(Re)Presenting Community 07
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. (Re)Presenting Community 07 OK, it's official. I do not have good video editing software for the Mac. I know that may seem astonishing, but I have to say, the stuff I was using on Microsoft - from MovieMaker to Camtasia...
31 janvier 2020

News From the Community

News From the Community
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. News From the Community The UNESCO Open Educational Resources (OER) community - which very annoyingly and controllingly shuts down its mailing list when it decides it has heard enough from the rabble - has opened up...
14 janvier 2020

GoXchange student app launched

GoXchange student app launched
By Viggo Stacey. GoXchange, an online community network seeking to support exchange students by connecting them with peers at the same study destination has been launched to give new exchange students “first-hand advice” about life in their new home....
13 janvier 2020

The Truth About Learning Communities

The Truth About Learning Communities
By Steven Mintz. A learning community can be an administrative convenience: a way to register students into a block of classes. Or a learning community can be something more: a cohort of students that shares common intellectual and co-curricular experiences,...
5 janvier 2020

Lancement communauté des professionnels acteurs OF

Lancement communauté des professionnels acteurs OF
Synthèse des interventions lors du lancement de la communauté des professionnels de la formation de Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, le 12 septembre 2019. Plus...
16 décembre 2019

Listes communautaires : phénomène ou chimère ?

Listes communautaires : phénomène ou chimère ?
Alors que les prochaines élections municipales se tiendront les 15 et 22 mars 2020, la question des "listes communautaires" est récemment revenue sur le devant de la scène : ces listes, dont la définition varie selon les points de vue, sont parfois présentées...
7 novembre 2019

I Love My Communities

I Love My Communities
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. I Love My Communities Nancy White responds to one of my comments on communities. "Surely sameness characterizes many communities. But I think 'sameness' is not quite the right word in my most vibrant communities. It...
25 septembre 2019

Communities of Practice - The Patent

Communities of Practice - The Patent
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Scott Wilson[Edit][Delete]: Communities of Practice - The Patent, December 11, 2006Yes, you read that correctly. I'm sorry. As Scott Wilson observes, "It essentially patents the idea of doing any kind of community-oriented...
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