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26 octobre 2014

Thoughts on beginning blogging

By Melonie Fullick. I’m taking some time out in this post, to talk a bit self-indulgently about my approach to blogging – partly because I’m still asked pretty regularly about how and why I got started with writing a blog. I suppose it seems a bit random; this still isn’t really a common activity in academic circles, so it’s not something most people think about doing. On a related note, I’m genuinely surprised to find that this blog is a finalist (for the third time, even!) in its category in the Canadian Online Publishing Awards. So that’s prodded me to ponder how I ended up “here”, as it were. Read more...
15 octobre 2014

Automattic Possibilities Eric Stoller. You have probably never heard of Automattic. Founded by Matt Mullenweg in 2005, Automattic is the company behind the popular blogging platform - WordPress. Automattic is a rather unique company in terms of overall size and structure. According to their "work with us" webpage, Automattic employees work "from their own home or office" and are "spread out all over the world." Once a year, Automattic brings its employees together for an in-person gathering to share ideas, meet face-to-face, and foster a truly unique working culture. Read more...

1 octobre 2014

L'OPCA Forco lance un blog "spécial réforme"

ForcoLes entreprises du Commerce et de la Distribution et les organismes de formation partenaires du Forco ont accès depuis le 27 juillet à un Blog entièrement consacré à la réforme de la formation professionnelle.
En se connectant à l’adresse , ils y trouveront des actualités, des documents et des informations leur permettant de suivre la mise en œuvre de la loi du 5 mars 2014 et d’en comprendre les mécanismes.
Surtout, ils pourront échanger, commenter, débattre sur la mise en application de la loi, via un forum de discussion accessible grâce à leurs identifiants Forco Net. Voir l'article...

16 août 2014


By David Silbey. It’s time to shut down The Edge of the American West. It’s been a long run, and I’ve enjoyed it, but blogging has become less compelling over the last year or so. I want to stop before writing for Edge actively becomes a chore. The blog has already had a number of lives, and different configurations, but I suspect that this is the last one. I’m proud of what I did here (and proud of what others did as well). Thanks for reading it. More...

14 août 2014

Le Blog "Tout savoir sur la réforme de la formation 2014" est en ligne

ForcoLes entreprises du Commerce et de la Distribution et les organismes de formation partenaires du Forco ont accès depuis le 27 juillet à un Blog entièrement consacré à la réforme de la formation professionnelle.
En se connectant à l’adresse, ils y trouveront des actualités, des documents et des informations leur permettant de suivre la mise en œuvre de la loi du 5 mars 2014 et d’en comprendre les mécanismes.
A très bientôt sur « Tout savoir sur la réforme de la formation 2014 » ! Voir l'article...

29 juin 2014

All Good Things Come to a Pause GradHacker. School's out for summer, and GradHacker is going on its annual hiatus beginning this week. We will resume publication in August, so keep your eyes open for our fabulous fall line up of seasoned and new writers.
In the meantime, consider joining the GradHacker team. We are currently hiring for a new Managing Editor and two Permanent Authors (grad students from STEM fields especially encouraged to apply to author positions). You can find out more information about each of these paid positions here. Read more...
23 juin 2014

5 000 ème article sur le blog de Michel Abhervé - Bravo le blog de Michel Abhervé pour Alternatives économiques. Ce n’est pas sans une certaine fierté que j’ai pu écrire le titre de cet article.
En effet depuis son début en juillet 2008, cet article est le cinq millième publié. Et en 5 000 articles, pas la moindre remarque émise par Alternatives Economiques qui assume la responsabilité juridique de ce que je publie, pas la moindre mise en cause juridique (ce qui bien sur n’empêche pas des demandes de précisions, des propositions de complément et autres suggestions d’amélioration et/ou d’actualisation…, ni l’expression de désaccords). Suite...

Voir aussi 4 000 ème article sur le blog de Michel Abhervé - Bravo.

22 juin 2014

Happy Birthday, e-Literate

By Michael Feldstein. Ten years ago today, I wrote my first blog post on e-Literate. At the time, my only real ambitions were to learn about blogging and use the fact that I was writing in public to force myself to think more clearly about what I believed about educational technologies. I never could have imagined that, not only would I still be writing a decade later, but that it would be come such a large and important part of my professional and personal life. I have met many wonderful people and had unbelievable opportunities as a result of this blog. More...

22 juin 2014

A Birthday (Re)Blog and Semi-Autobiography: Introducing the Futures Initiative Cathy Davidson. By way of introduction to anyone who does not know me, here is an autobiographical blog I posted yesterday, on my birthday,  on my trade author blog.  It begins to explain some of the history and the principles that have led to my moving to The Graduate Center CUNY to direct  the Futures Initiative. I hope this personal essay might inspire others in our Futures Initiative Group to introduce themselves, too. Read more...
10 mai 2014

Writing Your Way Around the Web Eric Stoller. There are so many places to publish content on the web. If you're interested in writing and cultivating your craft, the web remains the easiest place to "get your blog on."
Here are my top picks for writing, publishing, and posting to the web:
  • WordPress - My first experience as a blogger began with the self-hosted version of WordPress back in 2004. Since then, the platform has become the go-to site for writers, bloggers, and content creators. Read more...
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