Why RSS is crucial for a Blogging Classroom
Eduforge: Eduforge Team Blog
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Various Authord[Edit][Delete]: Eduforge: Eduforge Team Blog, Eduforge [Edit][Delete] October 9, 2006
Eduforge has created a team blog. "Eduforge is an open access environment designed for the sharing of ideas, research outcomes, open content and open source software for education." Topics covered so far include Open Educational Resources. More...
Summer Book Report
Should All Learning Professionals Be Blogging?
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Tony Karrer[Edit][Delete]: Should All Learning Professionals Be Blogging?, Learning Circuits Blog [Edit][Delete] October 3, 2006
The learning Circuits blog asks people to respond - and what I really like is that they ask people to respond on their own blogs, not the Learning Circuits blog (this is actually a much larger advance in thinking than it may seem, since the temptation is always to bring writers in to a centralized source). My own contribution is therefore posted on my own blog. More...
A Recent Conversation on Blogging for The Vermont State Colleges
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Barbara Ganley[Edit][Delete]: A Recent Conversation on Blogging for The Vermont State Colleges, bgblogging [Edit][Delete] October 3, 2006
I like the way Barbara Ganley very clearly connects the use of blogs in learning with a new approach to learning. "... now that we have online communications and identity formation, we have an opportunity to put into actual practice learning as conversation with the subject matter, with others, with thinkers who have come before us. Then we will consider the learner's connections to prior learning, to cultural backgrounds, to self, to the world, to the workplace and to us as interconnected, constantly evolving influences on the learning. We will no longer isolate our classroom discourse, or our students. More...
Le blog d'un chômeur, ou l'autre côté du miroir
Sur le blog de Michel Abhervé pour Alternatives économiques. Un blog, c'est un exutoire permettant à celui qui s'y astreint dans la durée d'exprimer ce qu'il ressent, en espérant que cela intéressera quelqu'un. Plus...
How Do People Interact with Blogs?
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Tony Karrer[Edit][Delete]: How Do People Interact with Blogs?, eLearning Technology [Edit][Delete] November 2, 2006
I comment on other peoples' blogs fairly frequently. It seems a nice thing to do, and I know people appreciate them, even if I am critical. But Tony Karrer has a point. If most people read blogs via RSS (and these days, it seems, they do) then th comments are invisible. You have to click on the link to view them, and people don't click on the link. I too would like to see the comments come through in the feeds. The technology is fairly simple, but mostly it's a problem of timing and flow. I can't imagine RSS readers want to see the post again every time there's a comment. More...
Hit Pause
Friday Fragments - June 13, 2019
By Matt Reed. Provosts, debunking the idea of "administrative bloat," more.
The IHE piece on Thursday about treating provosts as COO’s, and as potential presidents, struck some chords with me. More...