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29 juillet 2018

‘Where are you from?’ is a complicated question. This is how young Australians answer

The ConversationOur study looked at how 642 Australian adolescents from Queensland and Victoria respond to the question “where are you from?”, and why they respond as they do to help explain why this question can cause so much misunderstanding. More...

22 juillet 2018

Closures of China-Foreign Programs

HomeBy Elizabeth Redden. China's Ministry of Education approves the termination of more than 200 Chinese-foreign partnerships. An expert says it's a cumulative list of all terminations since 2006. More...

22 juillet 2018

Hong Kong University Keeps Controversial Mandarin Requirement

HomeBy Elizabeth Redden. Hong Kong Baptist University opted to keep a policy requiring students to take a three-part Mandarin course or pass a proficiency test in order to graduate despite student protests, the South China Morning Post reported. More...

22 juillet 2018

New Scrutiny of Donor Influence in Australian Higher Ed

HomeBy John Ross for Times Higher Education. Most university donors expect to have some influence on how their gift is spent -- but when does this cross the line into interference with academic autonomy? And are there some topics that are so controversial that they are in effect off-limits for philanthropic support. More...
10 juillet 2018

AJK students to get free education from Chinese company

Kohala Hydro Company, a state-owned power company of China, will provide free education to students hailing from different areas of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) affected by power generation projects, reports The Express Tribune. More...

10 juillet 2018

Pressure on South Korean universities to study the North

Across South Korean universities, improved relations have given rise to the provision of more courses on North Korea. According to The Diplomat, there is currently a lack of South Korean universities offering North Korean studies, writes Leelian Kong for More...

10 juillet 2018

Universities must uphold standards – Commission

The Higher Education Commission has directed all higher education institutions in Pakistan to uphold their academic standards in order to ensure quality education and fulfilment of all the requisite criteria in quantitative and qualitative terms, reports Pakistan Today. More...
10 juillet 2018

Replacing the UGC won’t solve India’s problems

By Harivansh Chaturvedi. The decade-long uncertainty about the future of the University Grants Commission (UGC) may soon end. The Human Resource Development Ministry has released a draft bill to dissolve the UGC and set up the Higher Education Commission of India (HECI) in its place. More...
10 juillet 2018

Chinese HE’s contribution to the global common good

By Lin Tian and Nian Cai Liu. Factors such as privatisation and marketisation have tended to detract from the ‘public side’ of higher education in recent years, meaning the idea of higher education as a public good has been challenged in many countries. As researchers focusing on public good(s) and higher education, we have conducted the first empirical study on this theme in China and hope this research will make some contributions to knowledge at an international level. More...
10 juillet 2018

New regulatory body will push HE quality and autonomy

By Shuriah Niazi and Yojana Sharma. The Indian government has put forward two draft acts to dismantle its existing higher education regulatory body, the University Grants Commission (UGC), and replace it with a new body with a reduced role over university financing but greater powers in areas which the government says will improve academic standards. More...
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