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21 février 2020

Undergraduate Philosophy Journal of Australasia

Undergraduate Philosophy Journal of Australasia
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Undergraduate Philosophy Journal of Australasia 2019/12/26This link is to the first issue of the Undergraduate Philosophy Journal of Australasia. I like not only that it is open access, but also that it is by and for...
20 février 2020

'Smile with your eyes': How to beat South Korea's AI hiring bots and land a job

'Smile with your eyes': How to beat South Korea's AI hiring bots and land a job
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. 'Smile with your eyes': How to beat South Korea's AI hiring bots and land a job Sangmi Cha, Reuters, 2020/01/15CNN has picked up on a line of thought brought up in this Reuters story from a few days ago. The gist, in...
14 février 2020


By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Me.Edu.Au EdNA is launching a new social software service on December 15. "Everyone who is a current edna registered user will automatically have a myedna profile and space which will provide significant benefits for...
2 février 2020

China’s 2020 target: reshaping global mobility flows

China’s 2020 target: reshaping global mobility flows
With the Chinese New Year on our doorsteps, the Year of the Rat is also the year in which the Chinese Ministry of Education aims to reach the milestone of half a million international students studying in Chinese higher education institutions. How is...
2 février 2020

Will This be the Decade of Asian Higher Education?

Will This be the Decade of Asian Higher Education?
There is also a significant trend for Asian countries to become centres of inward and outward international mobility. China and India are both attracting large numbers of students from Africa, often with the support of generous scholarships. Southeast...
31 janvier 2020

Silliness About Asian Higher Education

Silliness About Asian Higher Education
For the last decade or so, “the rise of Asia” has been a common refrain. It alludes to the region’s economic rise (which is undeniable) but then goes on to equate the region’s higher education offerings with this economic rise, usually in a way that poses...
30 janvier 2020

UK minister met surveillance firm accused of enabling Uighur abuses

UK minister met surveillance firm accused of enabling Uighur abuses
A government trade minister held a one-on-one meeting with a facial recognition firm accused of enabling the Chinese government’s campaign of persecution against Uighur Muslims, the Guardian and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism have established....
28 janvier 2020

Photo in the News: See-Through Frog Bred in Japan

Photo in the News: See-Through Frog Bred in Japan
By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Photo in the News: See-Through Frog Bred in Japan A little off topic, but this is the most amazing (also the oddest) thing I've seen in a while. The see-through frog, of course, doesn't have to be dissected. But it does,...
26 janvier 2020

Quand Taiwan dit non

Quand Taiwan dit non
Réélue avec 57 % des voix et une majorité renforcée pour son Parti démocratique progressiste (DPP) au Yuan Législatif, Tsai Ing-wen sort triomphante des élections générales à Taiwan. Plus...
21 janvier 2020

English UK holds workshops in Taiwan, Japan

English UK holds workshops in Taiwan, Japan
By Kerrie Kennedy . More than 50 Asia Pacific region agents joined English UK workshops in Taipei and Tokyo recently to visit member centres and find out more about ELT. More...
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