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17 mai 2015

Fight Over Campus Banking

HomeBy Michael Stratford. The U.S. Department of Education on Friday unveiled draft regulations on debit cards and other financial products offered on campuses. Consumer advocates have long sought the rules, which have drawn the ire of the financial services industry. Read more...

17 mai 2015

Challenging the Rationale for Job Cuts

HomeBy Colleen Flaherty. Two more institutions could be headed for censure by the American Association of University Professors at its annual meeting next month, based on the content of twin reports out today on the University of Southern Maine and Felician College. Read more...

17 mai 2015

After Corinthian, two more for-profit college chains announce closings

By Claire Zillman. One reason? The Obama administration’s increased regulation of the industry.
For the for-profit college industry, the knocks just keep coming.
Corinthian Colleges, once one of the nation’s largest for-profit chains, grabbed headlines late last month when it announced it would close its remaining 28 campuses, displacing roughly 16,000 students. More...

17 mai 2015

How Campus Rape Became a National Scandal

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Sonja Sharp. It's not even noon, and already Zoe Ridolfi-Starr looks worn. The self-identified sexual assault survivor and lead complainant in a federal case against New York's Columbia University for its alleged mishandling of sexual violence hurries to join a small clutch of fellow activists in the school's central quad for a protest—part of April's national Carry That Weight Together event—that never quite forms. More...

17 mai 2015

States cut higher education spending per student

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "the hill logo"By Rebecca Shabad. Most states are spending less per student at public higher education institutions now than they did before the recession, according to a report released Wednesday by the liberal-leaning Center for Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP).  
Forty-seven states are spending less on each student than they did before 2008. The only states not spending less are Alaska, North Dakota and Wyoming, the 26-page report said. More...

17 mai 2015

Higher ed institutions embrace tech to improve scholarship awarding

University Business LogoBy Stefanie Botelho. AcademicWorks, the only provider of comprehensive scholarship management solutions, today announced more than 20 new campuses have purchased AcademicWorks to improve scholarship fund utilization, compliance and stewardship. More...

17 mai 2015

Bill would make all university board meetings public

Résultat de recherche d'images pour ""By David Jesse. The bill, House Resolution O, would remove the word "formal" from a section in the constitution detailing which public university board meetings have to be open to the public. The bill would have to have a two-thirds vote approving it from both the state House and Senate, then head to the public for a vote. It is currently in committee, where a similar bill died last year. More...

17 mai 2015

Does financial literacy ed need a “flipped” boost?

eCampus NewsiGrad and the University of Illinois (UI) have launched a financial literacy instructor certification program, aimed at boosting instructor confidence in the subject. More...

16 mai 2015

Baltimore: Smacked Down by the Invisible Hand

By Bill Below. The city’s median income is $41,385, but as always the devil is in the details. To find the real picture of inequality you have to de-aggregate. The median income for whites in Baltimore is $60,550, but drops precipitously to $33,610 for blacks. Unemployment for young white men in Baltimore is 10%, but for young black males it jumps to 37%. As a point of reference, the unemployment rate at the worst point of the Great Depression was 25%. More...

12 mai 2015

AUCC rebrands as Universities Canada

By Natalie Marsh. The Association of Universities and Colleges Canada (AUCC) has become Universities Canada / Universités Canada, after rebranding last month and changing its name for the first time in 50 years. More...

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