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4 juillet 2015

How to Better Serve Returning Adult Students

HomeUp to 35 million Americans have enrolled in college at some point but failed to earn a degree or certificate. A new report from Higher Ed Insight, a research firm, tracks the challenges adult students face when they return to college. Read more...

4 juillet 2015

Degree on Their Own Time

HomeBy Jacqueline Thomsen. One women’s college is making sure that all students who want a degree can earn one. Alverno College, an all-women’s institution in Wisconsin, is phasing out its once popular weekend courses in favor of a hybrid option for students, a move the college’s president said will allow the student body to better balance personal and professional demands while still pursuing a degree. Read more...

28 juin 2015

Adult Learner's Week: we must fight for older learners Kirstie Donnelly. Education is an essential right for everyone, not purely something to be enjoyed by the young, writes Kirstie Donnelly. Read more...

27 juin 2015

EPALE : la plateforme électronique pour l’éducation des adultes en Europe

Logo Agence Erasmus+ France Education FormationPour répondre aux besoins d'échange et de coopération des professionnels de l'éducation et de la formation des adultes, la Commission européenne a créé la plateforme EPALE (European Platform for Adult LEarning).
Plateforme collaborative, EPALE permet de partager des ressources (blogs, actualités, évènements, articles…) et d'échanger autour de problématiques ou de pratiques communes. Voir l'article...

23 juin 2015

40 years of adult & community education

Résultat de recherche d'images pour ""The Department of Adult and Community Education at National University of Ireland (NUI), Maynooth, is celebrating 40 years. Since 1975, the Department of Adult and Community Education has been at the forefront of development in adult educational practices, research, and innovation. More...

23 juin 2015

Educational Games and Simuliations in Adults Education Process

Résultat de recherche d'images pour ""The gamification of reality by the implementation of educational games and learning by using simulations, especially business simulations, is one of the possibilities to improve adult‘s education process, to make it not only suitable to the needs of today’s learner, to the variety of their learning styles, but also to reach higher effectiveness of learning itself. The seminar „Study process improving by integrating business simulations“organized by the Lithuanian Quality Management and Innovations Association together with Virtonomics (Simulation for Education) on 19th of May was devoted for the theoretical and practical justification of these ideas. More...

23 juin 2015

A third of British adults would fail to reach minimum standards of spelling for 11-year-olds

Résultat de recherche d'images pour ""Just two thirds of adults achieved the 'expected level of attainment' for a primary school leaver, study finds.
According to research almost a third of British parents would fail to reach the minimum standards of spelling expected for 11-year-olds. The study involving 1,000 adults aged between 16 and 77 found that only 67 per cent would reach Level 4 in Standard Assessment Tests (SATs). More...

23 juin 2015

Draft UNESCO Recommendation on Adult Learning & Education published

Résultat de recherche d'images pour ""The draft is now available to download here directly from UNESCO's site. It takes into account the three key domains of adult learning and education: literacy and basic skills; continuing training and professional development; and education and learning opportunities for active citizenship. It is the final phase of the revision of the 1976 Recommendation on the Development of Adult Education requested by the Belém Framework for Action. More...

14 juin 2015

Study loans open doors for adults keen on a return to college Expense is often cited as a barrier to further learning, but there are multiple ways to fund a course. We talk to some older learners. More...

25 mai 2015

Innovation and Affordability: A College Program for Working Adults

The EvoLLLutionBy  - EvoLLLution. When I started my present position at Loyola University Chicago, I dove into the statistics on our enrollment numbers. I specifically wanted to understand why so many accepted students do not ultimately enroll in classes. I soon discovered that the number one reason accepted students never cross the line to enrollment is that they think (and sometimes just assume) that they cannot afford Loyola. More...

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