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21 novembre 2015

Technology Partners, Big Data and the Future of Privacy

The EvoLLLutionBy Barmak Nassirian - EvoLLLution. While partnerships on technology matters are critical for operational efficiency, institutions must be well aware of their obligations regarding information security and privacy. More...

20 novembre 2015

Curious Data on Teaching Loads in Ontario

Résultat de recherche d'images pour " logo"By Alex Usher. Back in 2006, university Presidents got so mad at Maclean’s that they stopped providing data to the publication.  Recognizing that this might create the impression that they had something to hide, they developed something called “Common University Dataset Ontario” (CUDO) to provide the public with a number of important quantitative descriptors of each university.  In theory, this data is of better quality and more reliable than the stuff they used to give Maclean’s. More...

20 novembre 2015

Bad Data Can Lead To Bad Policy: College students don’t spend $1,200+ on textbooks

By . The average US college student does not spend or budget more than $1,200 for textbooks, with that number rising each year, as commonly reported in the national media. The best data available continues to show that students spend roughly half of that amount, and that number is going down over time, not up. More...

18 novembre 2015

Big Data and the Logic of Consumerism Barbara Fister. Last month The Intercept, an online muckraking news source that was founded last year by Glenn Greenwald and others, released a trove of leaked classified documents about our drone warfare in the Middle East and Africa. Though it was mostly ignored by the media, it was an important story. Read more...

15 novembre 2015

We have plenty of data floating around. Making sense of it is the challenge

Go to the Globe and Mail homepageBy Paul Attfield. The continued growth of big data and the ability to utilize it is transforming how Canadian companies do business, understand their customers’ needs and plan for the future. Dino Trevisani, the president of IBM Canada, and Saul Klein, dean of the Gustavson School of Business at the University of Victoria, look at its promise, and limits. Read more...
15 novembre 2015

Researchers concerned by the rise of ‘big data’ surveillance

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Tim Lougheed. Much of this information is being used without our consent or knowledge, say SSHRC grant recipients. More...

11 novembre 2015

A dash of data: Spotlight on Italian households

Economic growth (GDP) always gets a lot of attention, but when it comes to determining how people are doing it’s interesting to look at other indicators that focus more on the actual material conditions of households. This blog looks into how households in Italy are doing by looking at a number of alternative indicators. More...

10 novembre 2015

Des milliards de données et moi, et moi et moi

Sur le blog Gaïa Universitas. Avec plus de 36 millions de visiteurs chaque mois, la popularité massive d’ est incontestable. Pourtant, y déposer une publication (ou sur Researchgate) est-il éthiquement et politiquement comparable à la diffuser dans une archive ouverte institutionnelle (type HAL ou Orbi), comme bien des chercheurs semblent le penser. Voir l'article...

8 novembre 2015

Recrutement et BIG DATA : au feu les CV et les entretiens d’embauche ! Educpros de Jean-François Fiorina. La bonne vieille pile de CV et l’entretien d’embauche auraient-ils vécus ? J’ai eu la chance d’être invité à la #RMSconf – recrutement mobile et social – qui se tenait à Paris mi-octobre sur le thème « Big Data et recrutement » où je suis intervenu sur l’école du futur. Suite de l'article...
8 novembre 2015

Recherche et Big Data : où l’on voit Cro-Magnon venir bousculer les habitudes de Néandertal

Blog Educpros de Philippe Monin. Dans mon post précédent, j’évoquais l’éclatement du modèle standard de l’enseignant-chercheur tout-terrain et l’émergence de spécialistes de toutes sortes. J’examine aujourd’hui une première espèce qui va rapidement peupler notre écosystème et bousculer l’enseignant-chercheur tout-terrain: le chercheur 3.0. Ce chercheur 3.0 va prospérer dans l’ère digitale grâce aux data et aux ressources technologiques de la machine : computing science, intelligence artificielle et analytics. Véritable Cro-Magnon, le chercheur 3.0 risque de rendre la vie dure au chercheur néandertalien d’aujourd’hui. Suite...
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