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17 mai 2015

Duke students apply big data to real-world trends

eCampus NewsStudents from more than 20 prestigious colleges and universities recently tried their hand at “Big Data” analysis at seven different campuses around the country during DataFest, an annual month-long data-analytics competitive event sponsored by the American Statistics Association. More...

15 mai 2015

Votre base de données unique, est-elle prête ? Pierre Marzin. Au moment où la négociation sur la modernisation du dialogue social achoppe, la tentation serait vive de regretter le renouvellement des instances et des outils de dialogue au sein de l'entreprise. Certes, le vénérable comité d'entreprise n'est pas refondu mais malgré quelques lourdeurs, il permet malgré tout de disposer d'une plateforme de partage d'informations entre dirigeants et représentants des salariés, sur le développement de l'entreprise. Et cette ancienneté n'a pas empêché la modernisation des outils du dialogue social. Suite...
13 mai 2015

Préparez votre BDU avant le 14 juin 2015

Opcalia - OPCA - Promoteur de compétences - OpcaliaNouveau support de consultation annuelle du CE, la Base de données unique (BDU) porte sur les orientations stratégiques de votre entreprise et facilite le dialogue social.
En tant qu’entreprise de 50 à 300 salariés, vous avez jusqu’au 14 juin 2015 pour répondre à l’obligation de mise en place de cette Base de Données Unique (BDU). Voir l'article...

4 mai 2015

Academia and industry team up to give college students ‘Big Data’

eCampus NewsStudents from more than 20 prestigious colleges and universities recently tried their hand at “Big Data” analysis at seven different campuses around the country during DataFest, an annual month-long data-analytics competitive event sponsored by the American Statistics Association. More...

2 mai 2015

Using big data in the fight against dementia

By Elettra Ronchi. There’s a quiet revolution afoot: health data are increasingly collected, stored and used in digital form. Doctors, nurses, researchers, and patients are all producing on a daily basis huge amounts of data, from an array of sources such as electronic health records, genomic sequencing, high-resolution medical imaging, ubiquitous sensing devices, and smart phone applications that monitor patient health. In fact the OECD predicts more medical information and health and wellness data will be generated in the next few years than ever before. More...

2 mai 2015

The road to better data

By Johannes Jütting. Tradition tells us that more than 3,000 years ago, Moses went to the top of Mount Sinai and came back down with 10 commandments. When the world’s presidents and prime ministers go to the top of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) mountain in New York late this summer they will come down with not 10 commandments but 169. Too many?
Some people certainly think so. “Stupid development goals,” The Economist said recently. It argued that the 17 SDGs and roughly 169 targets should “honour Moses and be pruned to ten goals”. Others disagree. In a report for the Overseas Development Institute, May Miller-Dawkins, warned of the dangers of letting practicality “blunt ambition”. She backed SDGs with “high ambition”. More...

24 avril 2015

A Lire :: Big Data et ordre symbolique

Logo AmueA lire sur le blog d’Henri Verdier. Et si les données restructuraient aussi nos inconscients ? Les algorithmes envahissent désormais nos structures sociales et nos vies quotidiennes. Peuvent-ils à leur tour être perçus comme une forme nouvelle de langage ? Dessinent-ils de nouvelles formes de pouvoirs, d’autorités, de rappel à la loi ? Aurons-nous besoin de nouveaux concepts pour décrire cette emprise qui n’est plus tout-à-fait langagière, saturée de mathématiques, non linéaire, auto-apprenante, immédiate et inaccessible à l’intuition commune ?
En savoir + :: Big data : du nouveau dans l'ordre symbolique ?

6 avril 2015

Fixing the Surveillance-Industrial Complex Barbara Fister. A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned that I was reading Bruce Schneier’s new book, Data and Goliath, just published by Norton. The subtitle (which, as is the custom these days, is more or less an elevator pitch for the book) provides a hint of what’s inside: The Hidden Battles to Collect Your Data and Control Your World. What’s missing from this descriptive subtitle is the best part: And Here’s How We Can Fix It. Because unlike a lot of books that focus on big scary issues, this one has lots of concrete recommendations and encouragement to think that we can actually make change happen. Read more...

2 avril 2015

The Data Revolution and education post-2015: Considering the promise and the risks

By . In August 2014, the secretary-general of the United Nations established the Independent Expert Advisory Group on a Data Revolution for Sustainable Development. This group was charged with evaluating the global state of data and deriving recommendations that permit data to live up to their potential as “the lifeblood of decision-making and the raw material for accountability.” The resulting report, A World that Counts, posits that “Governments, companies, researchers and citizen groups are in a ferment of experimentation, innovation and adaptation to the new world of data, a world in which data are bigger, faster and more detailed than ever before.” This, they assert, “is the Data Revolution.” More...

29 mars 2015

Postscript on Student Textbook Expenditures: More details on data sources

By Phil Hill. There has been a fair amount of discussion around my post two days ago about what US postsecondary students actually pay for textbooks. More...

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