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8 avril 2019

La montée en puissance des relations entre universités et entreprises

Focus RH - Gestion de carrière et évolution professionnelleLes entreprises ne peuvent plus ignorer le vivier de jeunes talents que proposent les universités.
Ces dernières réunissent en effet chaque année plus de la moitié des effectifs d'étudiants dans l'enseignement supérieur…
Autant de candidats prêts à s'insérer sur le marché de l'emploi. Un vivier dans lequel les entreprises n'ont pas forcément l'habitude d'aller chercher leurs candidats. Plus...

8 avril 2019

Creating inclusive adult learning opportunities in South Africa

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentPosted by . The South African labour market has been faced with high levels of unemployment for many years. In the final quarter of 2018, 6.1 million South Africans were unemployed, representing 27% of the labour force. A further 2.8 million people were willing to work but not actively looking for a job (i.e. discouraged job seekers). More...

8 avril 2019

Adult Learning in Italy: what role for training funds?

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentPosted by . Action on adult learning is needed urgently in Italy. As a result of the introduction of new technologies, 15.2% of jobs have a high risk of automation, and a further 35.5% may experience significant changes to how they are performed. Italy also has an old and ageing population and around 38% of Italian adults have low levels of literacy and/or numeracy proficiency, well above the OECD average of 26.3%. More...

8 avril 2019

How can artificial intelligence enhance and transform education?

Education & Skills TodayAs arguably the driving technological force of the first half of this century, artificial intelligence (AI) promises to transform virtually every industry, if not human endeavours at large. Businesses and governments worldwide are pouring enormous sums of money into a wide array of AI technologies, and dozens of AI-focused start-ups have received billions of dollars in funding. More...

8 avril 2019

How Italy developed a state-of-the-art school assessment culture

Education & Skills TodayI first visited Italy’s National Institute for Evaluation (INVALSI) in 1989. In those days, when it was called the CEDE, it was a place where academics debated educational research and contributed to international comparative studies. Back then, few would have thought the institute would build a comprehensive national assessment of the Italian school system. More...

8 avril 2019

How can teachers be more effective in diverse classrooms?

Education & Skills TodayTeaching is a complex, multifaceted task – especially at a time of rapid societal change. Recent migration patterns have led to increasingly diverse classrooms, which present new challenges to teachers. More...

8 avril 2019

Should schools teach coding?

Education & Skills TodayAs technology continues to transform the skills that today’s students need to shape their future, many countries are responding by layering more content on top of their school curricula and timetables. Adding new subject material is an easy way for education systems to show that they are responding to emerging demands, but it is always harder to remove older material. More...

8 avril 2019

Leading together: insights from ministers and teachers on the future of education

Education & Skills TodayThe expectations we place on teachers are high and growing. We expect them to have a deep and broad understanding of what they teach, how their students learn, and of the students themselves. More...

8 avril 2019

Why vocational education matters more than you might think

Education & Skills TodayVocational education has not always had the best reputation. Vocational programmes are often technical in nature, and their graduates typically expect lower incomes relative to those who complete general or academic tracks. As a result, vocational education is generally perceived as a track for low-achieving students, or an alternative for those who drop out. More...

8 avril 2019

Le doctorat au registre national des certifications professionnelles : regard critique Educpros de Doctrix. Peut-être faudra-t-il mettre un jour les compétences des doctorant.e.s et docteur.e.s directement dans la constitution !
Il faut dire que la procédure nécessitait de faire valider cette idée par le Conseil national de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche. Celui-ci est, rappelons-le, l’institution qui réunit les représentant.e.s des établissements de l’ESR (60 conseillers) et les représentant.e.s des forces politiques, économiques, sociales et culturelles (40 conseillers) sous la présidence du ministre chargé de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche ou la personne que le ministre désigne à cet effet. Il n’y a malheureusement pas de représentant.e.s des doctorant.e.s dans cette instance réunit au moins trois fois par an alors que la CJC demande un collège spécifique depuis de nombreuses années. Parmi ses activités, il se prononce sur les orientations générales de l’enseignement supérieur et sur les diplômes. Pourquoi pas le diplôme de doctorat donc !
Bref, une bataille a été gagnée mais ce n’est pas fini car il fallait/faut/faudra « l’inscription de ce diplôme dans les conventions collectives, et plus précisément dans les grilles de classification des branches professionnelles (avec une garantie de salaire minimum pour le coefficient qui serait attribué aux docteurs lors de leur 1ère embauche et avec une garantie de progression d’un coefficient à l’autre, au fil du temps). » selon Dr Pierre Dubois. L’arrêté pourra au moins appuyer cette démarche bien plus contraignante qui connaît beaucoup de résistance. Plus...
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