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21 avril 2019

Educating children in Guatemala before they decide to migrate to the US border

The ConversationOn March 8, 40 girls were killed in a fire at a home for abused youth in Guatemala. More than 800 children and adolescents were living in the home. More...
21 avril 2019

Accessible, engaging textbooks could improve children’s learning

The ConversationTextbooks are a crucial part of any child’s learning. A large body of research has proved this many times and in many very different contexts. Textbooks are a physical representation of the curriculum in a classroom setting. More...
21 avril 2019

How teaching philosophy could help combat extremism

The ConversationYoung people today are constantly at risk of indoctrination – whether deliberate or inadvertent. This can be by advertisers, politicians, religious extremists or the media – and can make it hard for young people to get a handle on the world around them. More...
21 avril 2019

University can feel like a hostile place to Muslim students

The ConversationBritish Muslims are among some of the most disadvantaged people living in the UK, and yet this is not a story many are familiar with. This is because despite the poverty, disadvantage and social immobility Muslims face, headlines that link the faith to crime or terrorism, or to forced marriage or honour killings, are much more common. More...
21 avril 2019

Kenyan medical students are learning through a community outreach model

The ConversationThis is a time of unprecedented change in medical education globally. Medical schools, postgraduate bodies and other organisations are responding to rapid advances in medicine and changes in health care delivery. More...
21 avril 2019

Science festivals: knowledge making an exhibition of itself

The ConversationScience was once seen as the stuffy domain of pale male scientists who spent far too much of their time in the laboratory concocting potions in test tubes while avoiding sunlight and human interaction. More...
21 avril 2019

You too could be multilingual – it’s just about unlocking the skills inside

The ConversationThink back to when you first started learning a foreign language. For many readers it was probably French, German or Spanish at school. More...
21 avril 2019

With new technology, mathematicians turn numbers into art

The ConversationToday, digital tools like 3-D printing, animation and virtual reality are more affordable than ever, allowing mathematicians to investigate and illustrate their work at the same time. Instead of drawing a complicated surface on a chalkboard, we can now hand students a physical model to feel or invite them to fly over it in virtual reality. More...
21 avril 2019

Growing intolerance is threatening free inquiry and open debate in India’s universities

The ConversationHigher education in India is going through a critical phase. The country has witnessed tremendous growth in the sector since independence, and now has 750 universities, 35,000 colleges and 30 million of students. But none of its best institutions have managed to secure a place in the list of the world’s top 200 universities. More...
21 avril 2019

The sound of inclusion: Why teachers’ words matter

The ConversationThere isn’t just one way to sound like a scientist, or to sound like a scholar. Scientists and scholars come from a wide variety of backgrounds and speak in different ways, in different accents, dialects and languages. More...
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