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14 février 2019

Comité de pilotage de l'Université franco-tunisienne pour l'Afrique et la Méditerranée (U.F.T.A.M.)

ESR enseignementsup-recherche gouv frAu cours de deux journées de travail, les établissements français (Université de Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne, Université Paris Dauphine, Aix-Marseille Université, E.N.S. Saclay, Université de Côte d’Azur et ENSTA Paris Tech) et Tunisiens (Université Al Manar, Université de Carthage, SUPCOM, Faculté de Droit et des Sciences Politiques I.H.E.C. et ENIT.) engagés dans cette première phase du projet ont pu finaliser le catalogue des formations de grades de Licence et de Master proposées dans les domaines du droit, de la gestion, des sciences de l’ingénieur et des sciences environnementales avec une forte emprunte euro- meditéraneenne et euro-africaine. Plus...

14 février 2019

Try to Lower the Stakes of the Job-Interview Dinner

Stephen Downes PhotoBy Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Try to Lower the Stakes of the Job-Interview Dinner
Jonathan Malesic, Chronicle of Higher Education, 2018/10/25
I've never had a job-interview dinner, and never really thought of it, but I do recall meeting Gene Semchych at a restaurant prior to my employment at Assiniboine Community College (which would be my first real job in 15 years) and spilling food on my shirt. I'm not really a social eater to bgin with; I can't imagine eating when my future employment is on the line. More...

14 février 2019

VET Knowledge Bank

Stephen Downes PhotoBy Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. VET Knowledge Bank
The National Vocational Education and Training Research NCVER News has been running a series on the vocational education and training (VET) Knowledge Bank, including especially the History of VET and Landmark documents. From the website: "The VET Knowledge Bank contains a suite of products capturing Australia's diverse, complex and ever-changing vocational education and training (VET) system. . It aims to provide a collected memory of VET reference information. The VET Knowledge Bank is a living, growing resource. More content will be added in the coming months." Also, "VOCEDplus is a free international research database for tertiary education relating to workforce needs, skills development, and social inclusion."

Web: [Direct Link] [This Post]. More...

14 février 2019

Social entrepreneurship gains ground on Canadian campuses

Stephen Downes PhotoBy Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Social entrepreneurship gains ground on Canadian campuses
Anqi Shen, University Affairs, 2018/10/25
According to the J.W. McConnell Family Foundation’s RECODE initiative program director Chad Lubelsky, “A social entrepreneur, in the broadest sense, is someone who is starting things for the social good, and the container – be it a business, co-op, not-for-profit or charity – is secondary,” I'm not thrilled by the use of the term 'entrepreneur', which to me seems to import for-profit business concepts into the social and public spheres, but but I do support the idea of promoting projects that engage students in projects designed to increase the public good. More...

14 février 2019

EDEN RW Barcelona Declaration 2018 European Distance Education

Stephen Downes PhotoBy Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. EDEN RW Barcelona Declaration 2018
European Distance Education Network, 2018/10/25
I'm not sure when this will wrap up (perhaps even before you read this post) but it's worth forwarding: "#EDENRW10 organizing committee is working on a Declaration regarding the workshop theme. Here's the draft  Please we would love your contribution using the hashtag #BCNdeclaration18." The document addresses the need for personal learning, open learning, and teachers as facilitators using digital technologies. More...

14 février 2019

2018 Students and Technology Research Study

Stephen Downes PhotoBy Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. 2018 Students and Technology Research Study
Dana C. Gierdowski, D. Christopher Brooks, Joseph Galanek, EDUCAUSE, 2018/10/25

From this report (47 page PDF) some of the the key findings (quoted):

  • Practically all college and university students (in the U.S.)  have access to the most important technologies for their academic success.
  • While laptops, hybrids, desktops, and smartphones continue to be rated as very to extremely important to student success, the importance of these devices differs considerably by student demographics. More...
14 février 2019

Media, Society, Culture and You

Stephen Downes PhotoBy Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Media, Society, Culture and You
Mark Poepsel, Media, Society, Culture and You, 2018/10/25
This isn't a great book, and it isn't a terrible book - I think the advertising describes it best, as "an approachable introductory Mass Communication text that covers major mass communication terms and concepts including 'digital culture.'" It introduces readers to everything from Dewey to brocolage to Shirky to framing theory. More...

14 février 2019

Younger Americans are better than older Americans at telling factual news statements from opinions

Stephen Downes PhotoBy Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Younger Americans are better than older Americans at telling factual news statements from opinions
Jeffrey Gottfried, Pew Research Center, 2018/10/25
I've heard it said only half-jokingly that people are worried about social media being as bad for today's generation as television was for their parents. Television was - and continues to be - a disaster for public knowledge, in my view. According to this report, we might be better off with the internet (even with cesspools like 4chan and Facebook). More...

14 février 2019

Introduction to Open Education: Towards a Human Rights Theory

Stephen Downes PhotoBy Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Introduction to Open Education: Towards a Human Rights Theory
TJ Bliss, Patrick Blessinger, International Journal of Open Educational Resources, 2018/10/23
This is an overview of openness in education and in educational resources in particular and takes a human-rights perspective on the subject. It's a fairly long article, but relatively introductory. Its almost entirely US-based history dates the beginning of open content from 1998, which is a (large) number of years too late (again, my 1995 openly-licensed Fallacies guide was following examples already widelky found the field even by then). More...

14 février 2019

Has L&D been hijacked by ‘identity’ politics?

Stephen Downes PhotoBy Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Has L&D been hijacked by ‘identity’ politics?
Donald Clark, Donald Clark Plan B, 2018/10/23
I'm sympathetic with this sentiment from Donald Clark, having seen my share: " Gone are the days when HR and L&D were at the forefront of personal development. Much ‘training’ is now targeted at protecting the organisation from their own employees. A tsunami of compliance and identity training has overwhelmed L&D." I also agree that "I have values and have no interest in HR telling me what my values should be." But we shouldn't confuse between bad training and bad ideas. More...

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