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26 janvier 2018

Colleges Offer Resume-Boosting Digital Badges Blog. These smaller credentials recognize students’ specific skills or achievements in online and on-campus undergraduate courses.  Besides their transcript, graduates of Western Michigan University’s Haworth College of Business can show potential employers that they’ve earned a digital badge for Event Leadership or Mobile – as in mobile programming. More...

26 janvier 2018

Here’s what U.S. colleges will look like in 2030 Blog. Many American colleges will have to look different decades from now if they’re going to survive. That’s one of the many arguments in “Demographics and the Demand for Higher Education,” a book by Nathan Grawe, an economics professor at Carleton College, published late last year. More...

26 janvier 2018

7 Ed Tech Trends to Watch in 2018 Blog. Whenever we analyze the landscape of higher education technology, we find a range of trends in various stages of development. There are topics with real staying power, such as learning space design (which has factored into our trends list for several years). More...

26 janvier 2018

The reimagination of higher education in 21st Century America Blog. Higher education must change to fit this new global economy. Moreover, since higher education is huge business in America more students are walking away with higher debt. Is a college education worth its price anymore? The real problem with higher education is with a failure of imagination of the creative possibilities for secondary education – and post-secondary educational options that are alternative to traditional college/university education. More...

26 janvier 2018

Tuning Your Pedagogical Practice: Incorporate Digital and Social Technology Blog. Teaching with digital and social technologies often produces stress and tension for teachers and students alike, but I suspect much of that comes from an unclear explanation of why a particular tool is being used and comfort, or lack thereof, with its use. More...

26 janvier 2018

New analysis offers insight into what prospective students want Blog. A recent analysis from Digital Media Solutions offers insight into where students are the most interested in higher education by tracking inquiries and student acquisition activities of institutions, finding that online program inquiry growth has increased tremendously. More...

26 janvier 2018

eMarketer Unveils Latest Worldwide Social Users Estimates Blog. One in three people—2.48 billion—worldwide used a social network in 2017, eMarketer estimates. Rising social network use in emerging markets in Asia-Pacific, Latin America and the Middle East and Africa drove an 8.7% gain over 2016. More...

26 janvier 2018

Why EdTech Firms Should Hire Educators Blog. Edtech companies often focus on technology development, testing, and integration. However, a significant number of them are doing so without the input of education professionals. What do traditional educators have to offer edtech companies? In short, a lot. Here are the most significant reasons edtech companies need to employ teachers. More...

26 janvier 2018

When to Earn a Smaller Credential With Your Online Degree Blog. Online students may pursue a credential like a graduate certificate alongside their degree to satisfy additional career goals.  Experts say more online degree students are also concurrently seeking smaller online credentials to supplement their education. More...

26 janvier 2018

7 facts about the STEM workforce Blog. Employment in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) occupations has grown 79% since 1990, from 9.7 million to 17.3 million, outpacing overall U.S. job growth. A new Pew Research Center analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data takes a broad-based look at the STEM workforce from 1990 to 2016 based on an analysis of adults ages 25 and older working in any of 74 occupations. More...

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