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5 octobre 2017

Appel à propositions dans le cadre l’EDEC sur la transition numérique - Promotion Immobilière

La branche professionnelle de la promotion immobilière regroupe l’ensemble des entreprises appliquant la Convention Collective Nationale (CCN) du 18 mai 1988 (IDCC 1512- n° 3248) et est constituée :
  •  des entreprises de promotion immobilière privée dont l’activité principale est la réalisation d’opérations immobilières en logements, bureaux ou locaux commerciaux ou logistiques
  • des entreprises qui ont une activité d’aménageurs-lotisseurs.
En 2016, une étude sur l’impact du digital sur les emplois et les compétences de la promotion immobilière a été lancée  pour identifier les évolutions en termes d’activités et de compétences de la promotion immobilière, issues de la transformation digitale. Plus...
5 octobre 2017

Why Haven't MOOCs Eliminated Any Professors?

Why Haven't MOOCs Eliminated Any Professors?
Joshua Kim, Inside Higher Ed, 2017/05/17

I clicked on this post by accident but while I'm here I may as well comment. Joshua Kim asks "why haven’t the MOOC robots taken the faculty jobs. More...

5 octobre 2017

What’s now and next in analytics, AI, and automation

What’s now and next in analytics, AI, and automation
James Manyika, McKinsey, 2017/05/17
As I was reading this overview (12 page PDF) it occurred to me that despite all the attention being paid to learning analytics the major impact of analytics and machine learning in academic institutions will be in much more mundane areas: the physical plant, facility allocations, faculty workload allocations, and the like. More...

5 octobre 2017

20 Best Platforms for Selling Online Courses

20 Best Platforms for Selling Online Courses
Gabrielle Pickard-Whitehead, Small Business Trends, 2017/05/17
This is a bit of a throw-away article but I'm including it here, first, to make the point that an increasing number of people and platforms are focused on selling online courses, and second, to preserve a list of 20 platforms offering this service. More...

5 octobre 2017

After Lots Of Talk, Microsoft’s Bots Show Signs Of Life

After Lots Of Talk, Microsoft’s Bots Show Signs Of Life
Mark Sullivan, Fast Commpany, 2017/05/17
This is quite a good read, moving from the hype ("bots are the new app") to the practical application ("'Good morning,' says the Language Learning Bot, in Chinese") and quite a bit in between. More...

5 octobre 2017

Facebook promised to tackle fake news. But the evidence shows it's not working

Facebook promised to tackle fake news. But the evidence shows it's not working
Sam Levin, The Guardian, 2017/05/17
The problem with flagging fake news as "disputed" is that it encourages people to try harder. "A bunch of conservative groups grabbed this and said, ‘Hey, they are trying to silence this blog – share, share share,’” said Winthrop, who published the story that falsely claimed hundreds of thousands of Irish people were brought to the US as slaves. More...

5 octobre 2017

Tracking of Teachers and Students in Edmodo

Tracking of Teachers and Students in Edmodo
Bill Fitzgerald, 2017/05/17
If there's a constant in our field, it's the claim by service providers that they aren't tracking students for the purpose of selling the data to advertisers. Sometimes this comes back to bit the vendors, as it did this week when Edmodo was hacked. Now they face some hard questions. More...

5 octobre 2017

A Model of Personal Learning

A Model of Personal Learning
Stephen Downes, May 16, 2017, 1er Simposium Internacional de Investigacion, Desarrolle e Innovacion en la Sociedad Digital, Mexico City, Mexico
I look at the day-to-day routine of a personal learner with examples from my own practice and a live demonstration of learning activities. Through the presentation I explain the philosophy of Connectivism, a learning approach based on developing and growing personal learning networks, and will describe the ARRFF (Aggregate Remodel Repurpose Feed Forward) model of learning activities. More...

5 octobre 2017

Pearson, an Investor in Knewton, Is ‘Phasing Out’ Partnership on Adaptive Products

Pearson, an Investor in Knewton, Is ‘Phasing Out’ Partnership on Adaptive Products
Tony Wan, EdSurge, 2017/05/17

When you partner with a large corporation you put the future of your company in their hands. It's not a good place to be, as Knewton is discovering this week. "Pearson will no longer use Knewton’s adaptive learning engine for some of its digital offerings. More...

5 octobre 2017

Activité 2016 en hausse

Intergros Simplifier la formationDavantage de formation financées, davantage d'entreprises confiant à Intergros leur plan de formation ou leur taxe d'apprentissage, un meilleur accès des salariés des TPE à la formation... tous les indicateurs clés 2016 sont en progression.  
Le rapport d'activités d'Intergros présente également les principales actions conduites en 2016 pour faciliter le déploiement de la réforme et proposer aux entreprises une offre de services enrichie, accompagner les branches professionnelles, faciliter l’insertion des jeunes et assurer la qualité des formations financées. Plus...

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