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28 avril 2017

AACC Day Three Matt Reed. Pathways are great, but sometimes you have to explore. Monday was about going off the beaten path a bit. More...
28 avril 2017

AACC Days One and Two Matt Reed. Conference themes are usually a bit contrived, and most of the time, you couldn’t possibly pick out the theme of a conference from within it if you didn’t already know. More...
28 avril 2017

Such As…? Matt Reed. Yesterday’s post, a call for new approaches to leading colleges, lead to a round of questions that boiled down to “such as…?”. More...
28 avril 2017

Cutting Your Way to Greatness Matt Reed. Has cutting your way to greatness ever worked? I can’t think of a time that it has, yet it remains a common default mode. More...
28 avril 2017

Fundraising Matt Reed. Community colleges have lagged the rest of higher education in fundraising. In one sense, that’s counterintuitive: a donation goes a lot farther, and comes closer to students, at a community college than at an elite private college, but that doesn’t seem to drive donors. More...
28 avril 2017

'Centrism' Matt Reed. Policies vs. labels.
As a trained political theorist, I’m inherently skeptical of anyone who loudly claims the mantle of “centrist.” It doesn’t mean what some people take it to mean. More...
28 avril 2017

Stakes Aren’t Cheap Matt Reed. The Accuplacer is a placement test often administered to students during the admission process. It has several components, each addressing a different skill: reading, writing, arithmetic, and algebra. More...
28 avril 2017

Truth and Rallying Matt Reed. A new study suggests that “intellectual humility,” defined as the serious practice of the idea that you could be wrong, is one of the most important traits of people who make good decisions. More...
28 avril 2017

Friday Fragments - April 13, 2017 Matt Reed. Tim Burke’s recent piece on academic bullying had a line that made me chuckle in rueful recognition. According to a faculty survey done at Swarthmore, most faculty agreed on two points:
1.  Faculty-to-faculty bullying is pervasive and often severe
2.  The administration absolutely should do nothing about it
In a nutshell, that’s the dilemma of administration. More...
27 avril 2017

Gadgets and Distractions Matt Reed. It's too easy to assume that all distractions are electronic, or that all electronics are distractions. More...
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