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30 janvier 2017

Human migration, environment and climate change

Résultat de recherche d'images pour ""Environmental migration is a fact. Most countries experience some form of migration associated with environmental and climate change, or forced immobility for those populations that end up trapped. More...

30 janvier 2017

Les frontières et les réseaux oubliés du développement

Résultat de recherche d'images pour ""La publication CSAO/OCDE « Coopération transfrontalière et réseaux de gouvernance en Afrique de l’Ouest », aborde le sujet – crucial mais trop méconnu – de la coopération transfrontalière, par le biais d’une approche encore peu utilisée en Afrique de l’Ouest et dans le monde du développement : l’analyse des réseaux sociaux. Cette double originalité fait de la lecture de cet ouvrage une expérience pleine d’enseignements. Voir l'article...

30 janvier 2017

The Best vs. the Rest: The Global Productivity Slowdown Hides an Increasing Performance Gap across Firms . Well-known global companies such as Google, Apple and Amazon of the digital era as well as more traditional ones of the likes of BMW, L’Oreal and Nestlé have recorded impressive productivity gains over the 2000s as they created more and more revenue per employee. At the same time, aggregate productivity growth in the OECD – that reflects the performance of all businesses not just the few most successful ones – has stagnated. What explains this discrepancy. More...

30 janvier 2017

Inequality in Denmark through the looking glass . Although Denmark is one of the least unequal countries in the world, it has like many other OECD countries experienced a rise in income inequality. But by exactly how much has the Gini coefficient risen over the last decades. More...

30 janvier 2017

Weighing up the Growth Dividends from Structural Reforms . In many OECD countries, economic growth has yet to recover the lost ground suffered in the aftermath of the financial crisis. More...

30 janvier 2017

The business climate has improved in Indonesia, but this is no time for complacency . The government has put a heavy emphasis on improving the business climate, thereby promoting a competitive, innovative and dynamic private business sector. Traditionally Indonesia has relied heavily on commodities, but the recent focus of policy has been on facilitating economic development and structural change by diversifying the economy, supporting the development of the manufacturing sector and promoting downstream local value added. More...

30 janvier 2017

EQAR seeks new president

The call for candidates, which explains the nature of the position and the selection criteria, is available on the EQAR website. The deadline for applications is 7 March 2017. Any further information requests may be addressed to the chair of the selection committee whose contact information is indicated in the call. More...

30 janvier 2017

IAU: Call for new secretary general

The International Association of Universities (IAU), a membership organisation of more than 650 universities and university organisations from around the world, is seeking candidates for the position of secretary general. More...

30 janvier 2017

European Women Rectors Conference, 29-30 May 2017, Brussels

The event aims to promote a better understanding of gender disparity in academic leadership by discussing the policies, strategies and actions employed in different European higher education institutions for empowering women academics and achieving gender equality. More...

30 janvier 2017

Academic Refuge Staff Training Week, 19-23 June, Oslo (Norway)

The training is being organised as part of the EU-funded “Academic Refuge” project, which aims to improve the capacity of European universities to assist refugees and threatened academics and to promote understanding and respect for higher education values. More...

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