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17 décembre 2016

How your college friendships help you – or don’t

The ConversationBy . College students spend a tremendous amount of time with their friends. One estimate suggests that the average college student spends only 15 hours a week in class but 86 hours a week with his or her friends. More...

17 décembre 2016

How learning a new language improves tolerance

The ConversationBy . There are many benefits to knowing more than one language. For example, it has been shown that aging adults who speak more than one language have less likelihood of developing dementia. More...

17 décembre 2016

PISA results: four reasons why East Asia continues to top the leaderboard

The ConversationBy . The results speak for themselves. The latest Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) have been released – and, once again, East Asian countries have ranked the highest in both tests. More...

17 décembre 2016

Reading with your children: proper books vs tablets

The ConversationBy . Most of us have an opinion about whether we prefer reading on screen or paper: but what difference does it make for children? The truth is that technology is now encountered from babyhood. More...

17 décembre 2016

Lack of education doubles the chance of heart attack

The ConversationBy . The research, published in the International Journal for Equity in Health, found those with no education qualifications had more than double the rates of heart attack (150%) relative to those with a university degree. More...

17 décembre 2016

Indonesia’s PISA results show need to use education resources more efficiently

The ConversationBy . Indonesia’s result in the OECD Program for International Student Assessment, or PISA 2015 report, shows some improvements in the skills of students. In particular, girls are performing better than boys in all subjects: science, literacy, mathematics. They are significantly better in reading. More...

17 décembre 2016

Teaching Tips For an UDL-Friendly Classroom Natascha Chtena. Advice for implementing strategies based on Universal Design for Learning. Read more...

17 décembre 2016

Triple Threat: Young, Gifted Scholars of Color Regina Sierra Carter. "Wisdom that is as old as time yet still undeniably true."
Graduate school is a beast

17 décembre 2016

Three Books that Changed my Dissertation Heather VanMouwerik. Suggested reading for rethinking your writing practices. It can be isolating, messy, frustrating, mentally taxing, and a constant exercise in self-discipline. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either riding a great wave of creative productivity. Read more...

17 décembre 2016

Sharing is Caring: Three Ways to Maximize Collaborative Lesson Planning Anne Guarnera. It seems like the ultimate teaching hack: sharing lesson plans with other instructors to reduce your overall workload. One person writes a lesson on the female characters of Othello, another develops discussion questions on jealousy in the play, and soon enough, you’ve got yourself a unit on OthelloRead more...

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