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6 juillet 2016

Réussir le cluster de Paris-Saclay

Sénat - Un site au service des citoyensRapport d'information n° 620 (2015-2016) de M. Michel BERSON, fait au nom de la commission des finances, déposé le 23 mai 2016
La structuration d'un cluster scientifique et technologique sur le plateau de Saclay est un projet très ambitieux en faveur duquel l'État investit 4,5 milliards d'euros depuis 2005. Il pourrait devenir à terme une source majeure de croissance et d'emplois pour la région Île-de-France, et, partant, pour notre pays.

Disponible au format PDF. Voir l'article...

6 juillet 2016

Rapport sur le temps de travail dans la fonction publique

Portail de la fonction publique, retour à l'accueil

Le 26 mai 2016, Philippe Laurent, président du Conseil supérieur de la fonction publique territoriale, a remis son rapport sur le temps de travail dans la fonction publique à Annick Girardin, ministre de la fonction publique.

Rapport sur le temps de travail dans la fonction publique. Voir l'article...

6 juillet 2016

Danish Roadmap for the European Research Area 2016-2020

Cover image text is missing

6 juillet 2016

Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del Sistema Universitario e della Ricerca: Rapporto sullo stato del sistema universitario rapporto si articola in due sezioni, una dedicata al sistema universitario, una dedicata alla ricerca. Nella prima sezione si analizzano da un lato le tendenze relative agli studenti (iscrizioni, percorsi ed esiti negli studi), dall’altro gli andamenti delle risorse economiche e umane, della spesa degli atenei e dell’offerta formativa. La seconda sezione è dedicata, principalmente, a un’analisi della struttura del sistema della ricerca, anche negli aspetti istituzionali, delle risorse nazionali e di fonte europea e del posizionamento internazionale della ricerca italiana.
Rapporto sullo stato del sistema universitario e della ricerca 2016 (Versione integrale). More...

6 juillet 2016

Opening Up Education in Europe

The European Commission’s Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) is closely involved in work on the agenda for open education (OE) in Europe. It is running a number of studies on behalf of the Directorate General Education and Culture (DG EAC) to highlight the state of play of OE in Member States and carry out research to support policy making. IPTS’ current project ‘Policies for Opening Up Education’ (OpenEdu Policies) looks at the best way ahead for effective policies at both national and European levels. It follows up on the OpenEdu study, which proposed a framework for higher education institutions based on 10 dimensions of open education. IPTS has two upcoming reports on this research: ‘OpenCases: Case Studies on Openness in Education’ and ‘Opening Up Education: A Support Framework for Higher Education Institutions’. These publications and others can be accessed in their open education webpage. More...

6 juillet 2016

New rules to attract non-EU students, researchers and interns to the EU

The new rules clarify and improve conditions for non-EU interns, volunteers, school pupils and au pairs. The new rules merge two existing directives (one on students and one on researchers) ensuring that:
- students and researchers may stay at least nine months after finishing their studies or research in order to look for a job or to set up a business, which should also ensure that Europe benefits from their skills,
- students and researchers may move more easily within the EU during their stay. In future, they will not need to file a new visa application, but only to notify the member state to which they are moving, for example to do a one-semester exchange. Researchers will also be able to move for longer periods than those currently allowed,
- researchers have the right to bring their family members with them and these family members are entitled to work during their stay in Europe, and
- students have the right to work at least 15 hours a week. More...

6 juillet 2016

Review of the U.S. Global Change Research Program's Update to the Strategic Plan Document

The National Academies PressThe Update to the Strategic Plan (USP) is a supplement to the Ten-Year Strategic Plan of the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) completed in 2012. The Strategic Plan sets out a research program guiding thirteen federal agencies in accord with the Global Change Research Act of 1990. This report reviews whether USGCRP’s efforts to achieve its goals and objectives, as documented in the USP, are adequate and responsive to the Nation’s needs, whether the priorities for continued or increased emphasis are appropriate, and if the written document communicates effectively, all within a context of the history and trajectory of the Program. More...

6 juillet 2016

World Employment and Social Outlook 2016: Transforming jobs to end poverty

This edition of the WESO looks at poverty reduction and how it has been influenced by income inequality and the availability of quality jobs in developing and developed countries.
This report shows that decent work is paramount in the fight to reduce poverty. One key finding is that poverty has tended to decline in many emerging and developing countries, whereas it has tended to increase in the majority of advanced economies, including in terms of working poverty.
The report also examines the role that policy can play, documenting country initiatives focused on job-centred economic policies, employment programmes, enterprise development, social protection and social dialogue.
Finally, the report discusses the role of international labour standards in reducing poverty and inequality.

World Employment and Social Outlook 2016: Transforming jobs to end poverty ‎pdf - 4.1 MB‎. More...

6 juillet 2016

From Nudge to Regulating Uber: Case studies in the Relation Between Science and Public Policy

We are proud to announce that Cristiano Codagnone from Open Evidence holds the course  “From Nudge to Regulating Uber: Case studies in the Relation Between Science and Public Policy” at  the Faculty of Economics at the National University of Colombia, Cátedra Homero Cuevas. The course offers a critical retrospective of experience that is both based on the subject matter of the various policies (mostly ‘experience distant’) but also on the way evidence is used in policy making reconstructing the spontaneous and unaware experience and learning from interaction with policy makers and their stakeholders. More...

6 juillet 2016

A Single Market for great startups and scaleups: have your say

Open Evidence is supporting DG GROW in its Single Market Forum, currently being held in Amsterdam to discuss the main barriers to scaling up in Europe. We are managing a far fetched online engagement strategy to ensure participation and policy input by entrepreneurs who typically do not participate in EU policy events. More...

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