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18 juillet 2016

La actividad investigadora de la universidad española - Informe del Observatorio IUNE 2016

Pagina de inicio. Universidad Carlos III de MadridEn la última década, la producción científica de las universidades en Web of Science (una de las principales bases de datos de producción científica mundial) casi se ha duplicado, pasando de 26.124 publicaciones en 2005 a 51.301 en 2014 (un 96,7% más). En consecuencia, se observa un fuerte incremento en la productividad científica del profesorado universitario, que han pasado de publicar de media 0,45 papers por profesor en 2005 a 0,81 en 2014. Además, también ha crecido la visibilidad de estas investigaciones, ya que las publicaciones en el primer cuartil (donde se encuentran las mejores revistas científicas) llegaron a representar el 53,23% del total de papers publicados por los profesores universitarios en 2014. More...

18 juillet 2016

Estimating the economic payoff to virtual university education: a case study of the Open University of Catalonia

Higher EducationThere is surprisingly little analysis of the employment and earnings impact on students of taking and completing Internet-based programs and of how it compares with earnings outcomes for graduates of face-to-face universities. This paper analyzes a follow-up survey of students who began attending the virtual Internet-based Open University of Catalonia (UOC) in the early 2000s. We find that, on average, they made smaller percentage gains in earnings than workers of similar age and initial education in the Spanish labor market. Yet, we also find that many of our UOC respondents were “high flyers,” already earning high salaries when they had begun studying at UOC. When we separate them out, we find that younger, more “normal” UOC students made larger earnings gains than the comparison group in the Spanish labor market. We emphasize the importance of disaggregating the varied clientele of online universities in assessing their economic payoffs. More...

18 juillet 2016

Le Doctorat à la Loupe - Le rendez-vous mensuel du doctorat

Résultat de recherche d'images pour Cette série à destination de tous les acteurs du doctorat est destinée à présenter les bonnes pratiques qui permettent d'élaborer et mener un projet doctoral à son terme dans de bonnes conditions. Certaines fiches s'adressent plus spécifiquement aux chercheurs doctorants, aux directeurs doctoraux, aux directeurs d'école doctorale ou aux autres acteurs du doctorat.

18 juillet 2016

Is There a Doctor on Board? Collecting Generalizable Data on Doctoral Candidates in Germany

Despite of its relevance for science policy and the scientific community, empirical research on doctoral education in Germany is sparse. The few papers available face challenges in the sampling approach: simple random sampling is not possible, because a universal register of PhD candidates in Germany does not exist yet. This article focuses on the issues related to possible data collections for the purpose of research with respect to PhD candidates in Germany. We first outline which official information on doctoral candidates is currently available. We then give an overview of the main German survey studies on doctoral candidates with a focus on their respective sampling strategies. Finally, we discuss the three approaches which conceivably enable researchers to conduct statistical inference on the population of doctoral candidates in Germany: sampling via stratified clusters based on universities or faculties, sampling based on a screening approach, and respondent driven sampling. More...

18 juillet 2016

AAU President Mary Sue Coleman Comments on Fisher v University of Texas Decision

Résultat de recherche d'images pour " american universities logo"The Supreme Court’s decision in Fisher v. University of Texas is good for higher education and good for the country. We are delighted by the Court’s reaffirmation that colleges and universities may judiciously use race as one factor among many in admissions processes designed to achieve their educational goals.
As AAU has stated numerous times in the past, diversity among students adds significantly to the rigor and depth of students’ educational experiences and prepares them for citizenship in a free, plural society. The opportunity to learn and interact with peers with varied backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives is essential for students who must navigate an interconnected global economy
. More...

18 juillet 2016

Internationally mobile students and their post-graduation migratory behaviour

OECD iLibraryAn analysis of determinants of student mobility and retention rates in the EU
This paper is part of the joint project between the Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs of the European Commission and the OECD’s Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs on "Review of Labour Migration Policy in Europe". This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union
. More...

18 juillet 2016

New Forms of Work in the Digital Economy

OECD iLibraryThis paper provides new evidence on the development of online platforms and explores the emergence of new forms of work in the digital economy. Following the rise of platforms that match demand and supply of goods (e-commerce) and information (search, social networks), platform markets for services traded over the Internet (the "x"-economy) have grown exponentially in recent years. The paper analyses how online platforms affect the organisation of markets and work; discusses related opportunities and challenges for individuals participating in such markets; presents analysis of trends and effects of non-standard work in OECD countries; and identifies policy issues related to new forms of work. More...

18 juillet 2016

Universities UK statement on the outcome of the EU referendum

Universities UKDame Julia Goodfellow, President of Universities UK said:
'Leaving the EU will create significant challenges for universities. Although this is not an outcome that we wished or campaigned for, we respect the decision of the UK electorate. We should remember that leaving the EU will not happen overnight – there will be a gradual exit process with significant opportunities to seek assurances and influence future policy.
'Throughout the transition period our focus will be on securing support that allows our universities to continue to be global in their outlook, internationally networked and an attractive destination for talented people from across Europe. These features are central to ensuring that British universities continue to be the best in the world. More...

18 juillet 2016

Rapport sur la formation continue et la gestion des carrières dans la haute fonction publique 9 octobre 2015, l’École nationale d’administration (ÉNA) a fêté ses 70 ans.
Bien que faisant aujourd’hui l’objet de critiques, tant en raison de son recrutement – jugé par trop homogène – que de sa formation – qui serait parfois lacunaire –, il n’en demeure pas moins que l’instauration d’une école de formation administrative a eu en son temps l’effet d’un mini-cataclysme. Dans ses Mémoires de guerre, le Général de Gaulle résume parfaitement les circonstances de cette création ainsi que l’impact attendu d’une telle réforme : « La satisfaction m’était donnée, le 15 décembre, d’inaugurer l’École nationale d’Administration, institution capitale qui allait rendre rationnels et homogènes le recrutement et la formation des principaux serviteurs de l’État, jusqu’alors originaires de disciplines dispersées. L’École, sortie toute armée du cerveau et des travaux de mon conseiller Michel Debré, recevait le jour, il est vrai, dans l’atmosphère assez sceptique dont l’entouraient les grands corps de la fonction publique et les milieux parlementaires. Mais elle n’en verrait pas moins se dissoudre les préventions, jusqu’à devenir peu à peu, au point de vue de la formation, de la conception et de l’action administratives, la base de l’État nouveau. ».
L’État, confronté à de problématiques qui se renouvellent chaque jour, doit pouvoir s’en remettre, notamment, à une haute fonction publique efficace et solide dont le professionnalisme et la déontologie doivent être exemplaires. Cet objectif ne saurait être atteint sans un parcours de carrière optimal et encadré, débutant par un recrutement – via, notamment, de grandes écoles généralistes (ÉNA) ou techniques (École polytechnique) – adapté aux futures fonctions dévolues et un accompagnement tout au long de la vie professionnelle. Forte de ce constat, la Mission d’évaluation et de contrôle (MEC) de la commission des Finances de l’Assemblée nationale a donc chargé le commissaire des Finances, M. Jean Launay ainsi que M. Michel Zumkeller, commissaire des Lois, d’un rapport sur « La formation continue et la gestion des carrières dans la haute fonction publique ». Voir l'article...

18 juillet 2016

Education Could Improve Direct Loan Program Customer Service and Oversight

Résultat de recherche d'images pour ""The Department of Education (Education) and its contracted loan servicers provide a range of information to borrowers about their federal Direct Loans for higher education, such as repayment plans and procedures, but some borrowers GAO interviewed reported difficulties with contacting servicers through their call centers. Borrowers noted similar concerns in Education's 2014 and 2015 customer satisfaction surveys, and Education identified servicers' call center hours as a key item needing improvement. Education officials said they have no minimum standard for call center hours and each servicer sets its own. As a result, some borrowers have limited access to assistance. For example, a borrower on the West Coast may have an East Coast servicer whose call center hours end at 1:30 p.m. Pacific time (see figure below). A federal taskforce on student loan servicing recommends minimum requirements for effective customer service. Unless Education establishes a minimum standard for call center hours to improve access and align with its strategic goal of providing superior customer service, some borrowers will have difficulty obtaining information to manage their loans, and be more at risk for delinquency or default. More...

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