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15 juin 2016

Recrutement dans le logement social via les SIAE fédération COORACE et l'Union sociale pour l'habitat (USH) ont signé un partenariat national afin de pourvoir les besoins de recrutement dans le domaine des métiers de gestion de proximité, dans le logement social. Voir l'article...

15 juin 2016

Nouvelle stratégie en matière de compétences pour l’Europe Commission a adopté une nouvelle stratégie globale en matière de compétences pour l'Europe. L'objectif est de veiller à ce que chacun acquière un large éventail de compétences, et ainsi favoriser l'employabilité, la compétitivité et la croissance en Europe. Voir l'article...

15 juin 2016

La formation se digitalise en Europe baromètre annuel "La formation professionnelle en Europe" de l'observatoire Cegos mesure les évolutions en termes de stratégie, politique et pratiques de formation en Allemagne, Espagne, France, Grande-Bretagne, Italie et Portugal. Il compare la vision des salariés et des directeurs et responsables RH et formation. Voir l'article...

15 juin 2016

The sharing economy and new models of service delivery

By Antonio Maudes, Maria Sobrino and Pedro Hinojo. The June 2016 OECD Ministerial Meeting on the Digital Economy in Cancun, Mexico will feature high-level discussions that will help to shape the current debate and present new ideas and perspectives for the participants regarding online platforms. Opportunities coming from online platforms not only create innovative forms of production, consumption, collaboration and sharing between individuals and organisations, but also promote economic benefits and employment opportunities thanks to the digital economy by creating a fast-moving business environment. More...

15 juin 2016

Digital Transformation in Chile: A roadmap to strengthen its governance

By Michele Cecchini. The digital revolution has drastically changed societies. People work and relate on the move. We are now able to interact, access information and services by touching a screen that fits our hands. For over 15 years now, specialists have looked for the best ways to leverage the power of new technologies to make governments more efficient and effective. More...

15 juin 2016

Tackling antimicrobial resistance

By Michele Cecchini. Not so long ago, catching pneumonia with a bloodstream infection meant almost certain death: 90% of patients with this condition died. The discovery of penicillin by Sir Alexander Fleming in 1928 changed everything. Now more than 90% of patients with such a disease survive and many of the achievements of modern medicine are intrinsically based on our ability to prevent and cure infections. In addition, the prevention and cure of hospital-acquired infections have allowed the introduction of complex medical interventions such as organ transplantations, advanced surgery, and care of premature neonates. More...

15 juin 2016

Love where you live, but love it more with cleaner air

By Elisa Lanzi. “Paris sera toujours Paris, la plus belle ville du monde”, as Maurice Chevalier sang in 1939; the most beautiful city in the world! And yet, the city of light does not always shine: some days a year air quality is so bad that the Eiffel tower only looks like a faraway shade. Unfortunately, Paris is not the only place with air pollution problems and it is far from being the worst. More...

15 juin 2016

Disruptive innovation in legal services – promising for consumers and challenging for regulators

By James Mancini. Legal professionals[i] are present during some of the most important events in our lives, such as setting up a business, buying a house, writing a will or navigating a divorce. Recent developments in legal services markets suggest that this may not be the case forever. More...

15 juin 2016

Human rights due diligence of pharmaceutical companies: An important first

By Damiano de Felice. On Thursday 9 June, I will moderate the first ever session on pharmaceutical companies to be held at either the UN Forum on Business and Human Rights or the OECD Global Forum on Responsible Business Conduct. For starters, these conferences represent the two most important annual events organized by international organizations to promote corporate respect for human rights. More...

15 juin 2016

Maximizing the Benefits of the Internet Economy

By Daniel Sepulveda. The open Internet combined with today’s emerging technologies has launched the information revolution and is powering the global digital economy.  Everyone has a stake in that development, both as individuals and in the organizations in which we serve and affiliate ourselves. More...

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