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16 février 2016

Extending a little thought experiment

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Extending a little thought experiment
David T. Jones, The Weblog of (a) David Jones, 2016/02/05

At what point does something personal - like writing a nice note to congratulate someone - become something impersonal - like writing a script that automatically selects and congratulates people. More...

16 février 2016

Slow or Sophisticated? Squandered or Sustainable?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Slow or Sophisticated? Squandered or Sustainable?
David Wiley, iterating toward openness, 2016/02/16

David Wiley takes publishers to task for not comprehending the threat of open educational resources. And with $3 billion of financial aid money in the U.S. spent on textbooks and proprietary learning materials, publishers have a lot to worry about. But I'm not sure I agree with his exact argument. More...

16 février 2016

Proceedings of the European Stakeholder Summit on experiences and best practices in and around MOOCs (EMOOCS 2016)

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Proceedings of the European Stakeholder Summit on experiences and best practices in and around MOOCs (EMOOCS 2016)
Mohammad Khalil, Martin Ebner, Michael Kopp, Anja Lorenz, Marco Kalz, ResearchGate, 2016/02/16
This is the full collection of papers from the European MOOCs Stakeholders Summit. If it had been up to me, I probably wouldn't have crammed all these papers into one single PDF, since you're faced with an all-or-nothing download. More...

16 février 2016

LearningStudio and OpenClass End-Of-Life: Pearson is getting out of LMS market

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. LearningStudio and OpenClass End-Of-Life: Pearson is getting out of LMS market
Phil Hill, e-Literate, 2016/02/05
With Pearson getting out of the LMS market, writes Hill, " there will now be more than 100 LMS changes triggered by this announcement... there are still some very large online programs that now have to select a new LMS." But maybe this is a good point for them to pause and think about whether they need to run a learning management system at all. More...

16 février 2016

The Giant Zero

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The Giant Zero
Doc Searles, Doc Searls Weblog, 2016/02/04

Doc Searles has come up with a new metaphor to say many of the same things he's been saying for a number of years now. More...

16 février 2016

Workplace Learning-and-Performance -- Four Responsibilities Initiative!

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Workplace Learning-and-Performance -- Four Responsibilities Initiative!
Will Thalheimer, Will at Work Learning, 2016/02/04

The concept of the 'four responsibilities' is intuitively right and I think serves as a good corrective against approaches that focus exclusively on the client (at the expense of the learner) and vice versa. More...

16 février 2016

The only way is ethics

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The only way is ethics
Miles Berry, An Open Mind, 2016/02/04

I agree that we need to pay attention to ethics when we teach. But as someone who has taught ethics in college and university, I am acutely aware of the fact that there is not one, but many, approaches to ethics. More...

16 février 2016

The Limits of Open

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The Limits of Open
Carl Straumsheim, Inside Higher Ed, 2016/02/01

At a certain point they should be required to drop the word 'open' from their offering, right? Coursera has now started charging op front for students to take some of their courses. More...

16 février 2016

17 portraits territoriaux à destination des professionnels du SPRO

Orientation Pays de la LoireAvoir une meilleure connaissance socio-économique de son territoire pour renforcer l’accompagnement des usagers dans leur orientation professionnelle, telle est l’ambition de ces portraits destinés aux professionnels de l’accueil, l’information et l’orientation. Voir l'article...

16 février 2016

Bien préparer l’entretien professionnel

Orientation Pays de la LoireLa loi de mars 2014 introduit l’obligation pour les employeurs d’assurer, avec chacun de leur salarié, un entretien professionnel tous les 2 ans, et un état des lieux tous les 6 ans. La première échéance est donc fixée à mars 2016 pour tous les salariés en poste depuis 2014. Un délai court pour que les entreprises puissent s’approprier la démarche. Pour les informer, Opcalia (Organisme paritaire collecteur agréé –Opca- interbranches) proposait une matinée consacrée à ce sujet le 28 janvier 2016. Voir l'article...

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