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27 décembre 2015

Celebrating Human Rights Day!

ESU - European Students' UnionToday, 10 December, the European Students' Union is celebrating the International Human RIghts Day. On this occasion, we encourage all students to speak up for their rights and fight all forms of discrimination, xenophobia and hate speech on their campuses and beyond.
Education is a human right and a public responsibility and inclusive societies cannot be achieved without taking into consideration underrrepresented groups and students in vulnerable situations, such as refugees. More...

27 décembre 2015

EQAF marks 10th anniversary at 2015 Forum in London

ESU - European Students' UnionThe 2015 European Quality Assurance Forum (EQAF) was held in London, UK on 19-21 November, hosted by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) and UCL Institute of Education. Over 500 participants attended, making it the largest EQAF to date and a fitting way to mark the 10th anniversary of the Forum.
This year, under the title of ‘Taking stock and looking forward’, EQAF reflected on the developments in quality assurance (QA) and higher education over the past decade, from the introduction of the first edition of the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) in 2005, the formal launch of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) in 2010, right up to the revision of the ESG earlier in this year. In doing this, participants examined the added value that QA brings to the higher education landscape and how best to demonstrate that. More...

27 décembre 2015

ESU is glad to welcome the European Deaf Students' Union as a new Associate Member!

ESU - European Students' UnionWith the occasion of the 69th Board Meeting in Cluj-Napoca, ESU members elected with unanimity the European Deaf Students' Union (EDSU) as Associate Member. ESU was delighted to meet Bernadette Auersperg, Board Member of EDSU who participated to the whole Board Meeting 69 and Board Meeting Seminar. ESU ensured that international sign language interpreters were present to ensure a smooth communication. More...

27 décembre 2015

Learn more about Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in EHEA

ESU - European Students' UnionThe European Students' Union is organising with colleagues of the EQUIP project (EURASHE, ENQA, EUA, EI, EQAR, UiO, CCISP) 5 events on the use of the ESG 2015 as a tool for change in European higher education. The events will take place in the first semester of 2016.

Free-of-charge registrations for these events are now open here. More...

27 décembre 2015

Participate in the feasibility study CALOHEE!

ESU - European Students' Union ESU will take part in a new project, co-financed by the European Commission in the framework of ERASMUS+. The project - called 'Measuring and comparing Achievements of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education in Europe’ (CALOHEE)  - aims to answer the questions above by developing the infrastructure that will eventually make it possible to test bachelor and master students’ performance Europe-wide across a range of fields. More...

27 décembre 2015

How does Slovenia react to the refugees crisis?

ESU - European Students' Union As you may know, Slovenians' opinions are divided on many issues; due to geographical or political reasons. This means that the country has many opposing thoughts on the topic of refugees. On one hand, there are the ones who believe that refugees are going to enrich our society, that our country should put in some efforts to keep (some of) the refugees in our country and that people are coming from warzones, where their lives are endangered and to flee is the only possible and reasonable way to survive. More...

27 décembre 2015

Measuring Global Influence new ranking of universities according to their global influence has been developed by José Lages and Antoine Patt of Université de Franche-Comté and Dima L. Shepelyansky of Université de Toulouse. It attempts to measure the influence of universities based on a method derived from Google’s ranking of search results. Universities referred to in Wikipedia articles are analysed as nodes in a network and are deemed influential if other articles link to them. More...

27 décembre 2015

University Mergers in Europe article in Quartz has drawn attention to the ongoing trend for universities around the world to amalgamate. The basis for the article is a study by Enora Bennetot Pruvot, Thomas Estermann and Peter Mason for the European Universities Association (EUA) that notes that there have been nearly 100 university mergers since 2000, with 14 of them occurring in 2014. The countries most affected are France with 16, UK eleven, Estonia eleven, Belgium 10 and Denmark eight. More...

27 décembre 2015

THE BRICS PLUS Rankings Education (THE) has just published the third edition of its BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) and Emerging Economies rankings. The emerging economies are those identified by FTSE and include three in Latin America, six in Africa, five in the Middle East, eleven in Eastern Europe, and six in Asia. More...

27 décembre 2015

China and Japan Lead Nature Asia-Pacific Ranking journal Nature has published the latest edition of the Nature Publishing Index: Asia-Pacific. This is based on papers classified as articles, letters, brief communications and reviews in Nature or Nature monthly research journals during the year ending on the 14th of December. More...

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