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21 octobre 2015

What’s the First Lady’s New Public-Awareness Campaign All About? And Could It Work?

By . Michelle Obama on Monday unveiled a new element of her work to encourage young people to pursue education beyond high school: a public-awareness campaign called "Better Make Room."
The campaign, which rolled out with a diverse list of partners including the Lumina Foundation, Mashable, and Funny or Die, has a website, a hashtag, and a video in the style of a public-service announcement. More...

21 octobre 2015

What I'm Reading: ‘Hieroglyph’

By Kelly Field. Science fiction lately has been dominated by postapocalyptic, dystopian futures: environmental desolation, runaway nanotechnology, AI overlords, genetic discrimination, and the death of privacy. More...

21 octobre 2015

Smartphones: A nudger’s best or worst friend?

By Ben Castleman. It goes without saying that mobile technology and smartphones have transformed our lives. Tasks that, not so many years ago, mainly happened in person or on paper now take place in the palm of our hands. Day and night we can shop, learn, navigate, and communicate—all thanks to these tiny devices. More...

21 octobre 2015

Make college free

By Sara Goldrick-Rab. Baby Boomers got a pretty good deal when it came to college. True, only a small fraction of high school graduates went to college—and those people were mainly male, white, and well-off. But with family support, some work, and perhaps a modest Pell Grant, college costs were such that those who did go could usually make ends meet. More...

21 octobre 2015

Making data work for students: Why research partnerships between academics and policymakers are critical

By . Education stakeholders often discuss the potential transformative power of data. To support the technical infrastructure necessary to infuse education with data, policymakers created State Longitudinal Data Systems (SLDSs). Originally these systems were intended to generate reports to comply with federal requirements. More...

21 octobre 2015

Improving student access to short-term tech training

By . Over the past few years, training providers like General Assembly and the Flatiron School have developed short-term programs that help people move into careers in tech. Courses in front-end and back-end web development, data analytics, user experience design, and other tech-related fields get people ready for new careers in as little as three months. More...

21 octobre 2015

Deconstructing and reconstructing the College Scorecard

By Grover J. "Russ" Whitehurst and Matthew M. Chingos. The federal government released earnings data on U.S. colleges and universities for the first time last month. The new College Scorecard adds an important new dimension to previous government data collections on colleges and universities, which focused on inputs such as number of faculty and student characteristics and the immediate outcomes of retention and graduation rather than longer term outcomes including earnings in the labor market. More...

21 octobre 2015

Education and taxes can't reduce inequality

By Peter R. Orszag. Very often, proposals to even out income inequality advise one of two things: Expand people's access to education and/or raise the top tax rates. Yet even a big increase in the share of people with a college degree would have only a minimal effect on earnings inequality, research has shown. And now it turns out that a substantial increase in the top marginal tax rate wouldn't do any better. More...

21 octobre 2015

Make Pell Grants conditional on college readiness

By . Pell Grants, providing assistance to low-income families, cost more than $30 billion a year. The maximum grant is close to $6,000 a year per student, more than the amount provided by virtually all other antipoverty programs. More...

21 octobre 2015

3ème édition du Salon de l’enseignement supérieur et des métiers de Niort

Logo de l'Agence Régionale de la Formation tout au long de la vie (ARFTLV Poitou-charentes)Le 3ème Salon de l’Enseignement Supérieur et des métiers sera organisé le samedi 14 novembre 2015 de 10h00 à 18h00 à l’Acclameur de Niort avec le magazine l’Étudiant, la Communauté d’Agglomération du Niortais, la ville de Niort et le Rectorat de l’académie de Poitiers.
70 exposants, répartis en pôles métiers, présenteront les secteurs porteurs de l’économie locale et l’offre de formation. Au cœur du salon, un espace sera dédié à des professionnels issus d’horizons variés qui viendront parler de leur métier. Voir l'article...

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