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24 août 2015

Is graduate over-qualification a problem?

By Michelle Paterson. The report by CIPD, the professional body for HR and people development, entitled Over-Qualification and Skills Mismatch in the Graduate Labour Market finds that the increasing number of graduates in the labour market has significantly outstripped the creation of high-skilled jobs and is leading to negative consequences. Read more...

24 août 2015

Tight government budget to hit universities hard

By Jan Petter Myklebust and Ian R Dobson. The decision to adjust central finances will reduce the government’s spending in 2016 by around €900 million (US$993 million), and the savings to be made within the school education and higher education portfolios will reduce funding by approximately €210 million. But even with these cuts in the budget, the current estimate is that the central government deficit will grow from €100 billion in 2015 to €106 billion in 2016. Read more...

24 août 2015

Minister must act to end foreign student visa ‘disaster’

By Karen MacGregor. International student officers are to call for urgent ministerial intervention to end problems with visas for hundreds of foreign students in South Africa, due to government incompetence. Students who have tried to comply with visa rules have been criminalised and many arrested. Read more...

24 août 2015

Internationalisation ‘could be harmed by global conflicts’

By Nic Mitchell. Internationalisation is one of the top priorities for European universities, according to the first Trends report produced by the European University Association, or EUA, for five years.
But the report’s author, EUA’s Senior Adviser Andrée Sursock, warns: “The impressive strides made in international higher education cooperation could be harmed by widespread global conflicts, including those based on religious fundamentalism and resurgent nationalism”. Read more...

24 août 2015

Global conflicts may upset strides made in internationalisation

By Michelle Paterson – Acting Editor. In News, Nic Mitchell unpacks the European University Association’s Trends 2015 report, which includes a warning that the impressive strides made in higher education co-operation could be harmed by widespread global conflicts, including those based on religious fundamentalism and resurgent nationalism.
Internationalisation of higher education is also the topic of a recent study from the European Parliament, and in Features, Peta Lee looks at how the approaches and progress in internationalisation differ between countries. Also in Features, Munyaradzi Makoni reports on research from South Africa which emphasises a renewed focus on the developmental role of universities to boost their impact on economic development.
In Commentary, Eugene Sebastian and Rahul Choudaha examine China’s strategy to use education as a tool to drive its economic ambitions along the New Silk Road and the opportunities this brings for international students and institutions. With a more optimistic mood in Iran following the recent nuclear negotiations, Ali Ansari encourages greater academic engagement, despite concerns about academic freedom.
Justin Sanders says there should be greater commitment at secondary and tertiary education levels to developing international competencies in students, and Eric Fredua-Kwarteng and Francis Ahia believe that universities in Ghana need to engage more with their local and national communities and this should be expressed in their mission, vision and values statements.
In World Blog, Margaret Andrews emphasises the importance of research in the marketing strategies of higher education institutions and recommends starting with the data from admissions statistics. A Special Report carries the first article by Karen MacGregor in a series to be published in the coming weeks on the theme of open and distance learning, leading up to the world conference of the International Council for Open and Distance Education in October. Read more...

23 août 2015

Les chambres des formateurs consultants missionnées par la DGEFP pour porter la réforme aux PME

Après une année particulièrement difficile pour les formateurs freelances, la DGEFP vient de missionner les chambres syndicales des formateurs indépendants (CSFC) pour communiquer sur la réforme au sein de leur réseau de PME clientes. L’opération devrait débuter dès la rentrée de septembre. Voir l'article...
23 août 2015

Les Emplois d’avenir professeur (EAP) remplacés par des contrats d’apprentissage dès la rentrée prochaine

Le contrat d’apprentissage constituera, à la rentrée 2015, une nouvelle voie pour devenir enseignant. C’est ce qu’a annoncé le ministère de l’Éducation nationale, le 17 juillet sur son site Internet. Voir l'article...
23 août 2015

Participez au Mois de l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire en Normandie !

En 2015, le Mois de l’ESS devient normand ! Participez au Mois de l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire en Normandie ! Les Chambres Régionales de l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire de Haute et Basse Normandie organisent en coopération la 8ème édition du Mois de l’Economie sociale et solidaire en novembre. Voir l'article...
23 août 2015

Le fonds paritaire veut évaluer les expérimentations "bilan de compétences"

Le fonds paritaire de sécurisation des parcours professionnels (FPSPP) a lancé le 15 juillet 2015 un appel d’offres destiné à évaluer les actions menées par les Opacif dans le cadre de l’appel à projet "Bilan de compétences" du 29 mai dernier. Voir l'article...
23 août 2015

Les missions locales demandent une conférence sociale sur le futur service public de l’emploi (SPE)

L’UNML considère que « le positionnement politique des associations régionales doit être renforcé dans le cadre d’un projet politique régional, visant à développer et à valoriser la plus-value de l’action des missions locales sur les territoires ». Voir l'article...
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