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28 août 2015

Repères et références statistiques sur les enseignements, la formation et la recherche - 2015

L'édition 2015 de Repères et références statistiques est en ligne. Au sommaire: une information statistique détaillée sur le fonctionnement et les résultats de l'éducation nationale et de l'enseignement supérieur, ainsi que les principales données sur la recherche française. Plus de 150 thèmes sont abordés dans cette publication.
Télécharger la brochure Repères et références statistiques 2015.

Des références indiscutables
Repères et références statistiques (R.E.R.S.) paru en août 2015, est une publication de référence pour les domaines de l'éducation nationale, de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche.
Plus de 150 thèmes, remis à jour d'année en année, sont répartis en 12 chapitres.
Cette publication s'adresse à tous les publics : enseignants, chercheurs, étudiants, journalistes, grand public...
Une information statistique détaillée
Repères et références statistiques 2015 présente les données statistiques de l'année 2014-2015.
Depuis 1984, l'ouvrage propose, d'éditions en éditions, une information suivie et actualisée sur tous les aspects structurels de l'éducation, du primaire au supérieur, et de la recherche. Il présente notamment des séries chronogiques longues.
A noter, parmi les nouveautés de l'édition 2015, de nouvelles pages, notamment sur les réseaux d’éducation prioritaire REP et REP+ , le devenir des élèves deux ans après leur entrée au C.P., les apprentis dans les EPLE, l’espérance d’obtenir le baccalauréat pour un élève de sixième, et, aussi, sur les compétences du socle en fin de C.E.2., celles en mathématiques en fin d’école élémentaire et en fin de collège, dans le cadre du dispositif Cedre.
Par ailleurs, le chapitre relatif à la recherche et développement a été enrichi d’une double page sur les doctorants et docteurs.
Repères et références statistiques 2015 est organisé selon une présentation unique : des textes clairs et synthétiques commentent des tableaux statistiques, des cartes et des graphiques.
Repères et références statistiques 2015
  • Le système éducatif
  • Les établissements
  • Les élèves du premier degré
  • Les élèves du second degré
  • Les apprentis
  • Les étudiants
  • La formation continue
  • Résultats, diplômes, insertion
  • Les personnels
  • Budgets, coûts et financements
  • Recherche et développement
  • La France d'outre-mer
  • Sigles
  • Bibliographie

Consulter la brochure RERS 2015. Voir l'article...

28 août 2015

Présentation des nouveaux métiers de la formation - Aubagne

Le CARIF Espace-Compétences, dans sa mission d'appui aux professionnels de la formation, de l'orientation, de l'accompagnement et de l'emploi, organise des prestations de formation.

Vous pouvez consulter les programmes de formation détaillés Intitulé :OF20 - Présentation des nouveaux métiers de la Formation
Date : 02 octobre 2015
Horaires : de 9h00 à 12h00 et de 14h00 à 16h30
Lieu : CARIF Espace Compétences – Centre de Vie Agora, Bât A – ZI Les Paluds – 13400 AUBAGNE
Conditions générales et financières
Cliquer ici

Si votre OPCA est AGEFOS PME PACA, bulletin d’inscription MutEco Act OF : Cliquer ici
Si votre OPCA est OPCALIA PACA, bulletin : Cliquer ici
Dans le cas contraire : Fiche d’inscription Cliquer ici ou par courriel

Si besoin, vous pouvez contacter l’équipe du CARIF en charge de ces formations :
- Céline Simoncini, assistante de formation, par courriel , tel. 04 42 82 43 33, pour les inscriptions, les documents administratifs (conventions, attestations)
- Hélène Destin, chargée de mission, par courriel, tel. 04 42 82 43 36 pour les devis, factures, demandes spécifiques.

28 août 2015

Connaître et mettre en œuvre les obligations inhérentes à un organisme de formation - NICE CARIF Espace-Compétences, dans sa mission d'appui aux professionnels de la formation, de l'orientation, de l'accompagnement et de l'emploi, organise des prestations de formation.

Vous pouvez consulter les programmes de formation détaillés Intitulé :OF07 - Connaitre et mettre en œuvre les obligations inhérentes à un organisme de formation
Date : 23 octobre 2015
Horaires : de 9h00 à 12h00 et de 14h00 à 16h30
Lieu : Antenne de la région 33 avenue Notre Dame 06200 NICE
Conditions générales et financières
Cliquer ici

Si votre OPCA est AGEFOS PME PACA, bulletin d’inscription MutEco Act OF : Cliquer ici
Si votre OPCA est OPCALIA PACA, bulletin : Cliquer ici
Dans le cas contraire : Fiche d’inscription Cliquer ici ou par courriel

Si besoin, vous pouvez contacter l’équipe du CARIF en charge de ces formations :
- Céline Simoncini, assistante de formation, par courriel , tel. 04 42 82 43 33, pour les inscriptions, les documents administratifs (conventions, attestations)
- Hélène Destin, chargée de mission, par courriel, tel. 04 42 82 43 36 pour les devis, factures, demandes spécifiques

28 août 2015

Blogging in classroom – How to get started

By Mike Wallagher. As education evolves and starts to embrace rapid developments in technology, we’re starting to see new teaching methods being introduced to the classroom that take advantage of this digital revolution.
One form of digital communication being increasingly exploited for learning purposes is blogging. It’s a platform that has been widely used by individuals and businesses for a long time now, and its educational potential is increasingly being acknowledged.
If you’re thinking of setting up a blog for your class, here’s your guide to getting started.

What do I mean by “classroom blog”?
There are several possible ways of utilising the power of blogging in a classroom context. These are the main ones:

  • Teacher communications – using a blog to communicate school or class news with students and their parents.
  • Teacher blogging about their subject – to encourage debate among students (perhaps even encouraging students to engage actively with the content by leaving comments with their opinions).
  • Student blogging – either a shared blog to which each student can contribute under their own user profile, or each student has their own blog for sharing their thoughts about a particular subject or subjects.

Which will best suit the needs of your classroom?

Benefits of blogging in education
Before getting into the nitty gritty of how to set up a blog, let’s take a quick look at some of the advantages of blogging in an educational setting.
Blogging allows students to express their opinion
Blogging helps students articulate their views and build a readership, which can be a very motivating experience for them. Sharing ideas on the internet can also put them in touch with like-minded individuals and with those who may challenge their ideas, which means that they may be required to defend their opinions (which is valuable preparation for the academic rigour of university).

It’s great experience for future university and job applications
Blogging demonstrates enthusiasm for the subject, and a willingness to share ideas with others, as well as developing enthusiasm for communicating ideas in a way that will prove useful beyond the classroom. It also teaches students about the importance of ‘responsible journalism’ such as backing up ideas with concrete evidence, citing research and so on.

Blogging about a subject is more engaging than simply reading a textbook
If students are to write about a subject on a public platform like a blog, they need to be completely familiar with the subject and comfortable expressing an opinion about it. This encourages a deeper understanding and greater engagement with the subject. Unlike when they write an essay that only the teacher will read, blogging gives their work an indefinite life beyond the classroom and invites others to engage with it. More...

28 août 2015

Recognition in Germany - Assessment of higher education certificates

logo_enForeign higher education certificates which do not qualify their holders for a regulated profession are not governed by the Federal Government's Recognition Act. Graduates from such programmes can apply for employment on the German labour market directly. However, to improve their career prospects in Germany, they may have their final qualifications assessed by the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB).
The assessment of the certificates is based on the Lisbon Convention. The Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany have entrusted the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB) with this task. The ZAB assesses certificates issued by any country in the world on completion of a higher education programme.
The aim of certificate assessment is to facilitate access to the German labour market. The official assessment document describes the foreign higher education qualifications and the possibilities of using them for professional and academic purposes. The certificate assessment includes a comparison with German certificates: The document states the German final qualifications which compare with the foreign certificate and provides information about the options for continuing studies and the procedure for professional recognition. The procedure of certificate assessment is not equivalent to professional recognition.
A fee of € 200 is charged for issuing the assessment document.
On the website of the Informations- und Beratungsstelle Anerkennung Sachsen (IBAS) you will find an information sheet on the evaluation of academic degrees (PDF, 217 KB) at the Central Office for Foreign Education.
If you have any questions concerning the EU's Recognition Directive or the Lisbon Convention, please contact the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB). › Access to ZAB. More...

28 août 2015

Recognition in Germany - Recognition Procedure

logo_enIf you have gained professional or vocational qualifications abroad and would like to work in Germany, you have the option of having your foreign qualification recognised and in some cases will need to do so. You will find all the information relevant to the recognition procedure here.
In the recognition procedure, the relevant competent authority will check whether your foreign professional or vocational qualification is equivalent to a German qualification. The equivalence check takes place on the basis of stipulated formal criteria such as content and duration of training. Any relevant occupational experience you may have is also taken into account.

Preconditions for a recognition procedure
You must be able to show that you have completed a professional or vocational qualification which was not obtained in Germany. You must also intend to work in Germany. More...

28 août 2015

Recognition in Germany - Academic / School Qualifications

logo_enThe Federal Recognition Act does not cover, among other things, school qualifications, higher education entrance qualifications, academic achievements and academic qualifications that lead to non-regulated professions. The following shows what other procedures there are for recognizing these qualifications.

Evaluating University Degrees
Recognition is not required for foreign university degrees which do not lead to a regulated profession. However, you may have your degree evaluated in order to improve your chances of employment. More...

28 août 2015

Recognition in Germany - Competent authorities

logo_enAnyone seeking to have their professional or vocational qualifications recognised must begin by finding the correct competent authority for the recognition procedure. The “Recognition in Germany” portal will point them in the right direction.
Pursuant to the Vocational Qualifications Assessment Law (BQFG), the Chambers are usually responsible for the assessment of equivalence in training occupations in the dual system. In the case of regulated occupations, i.e. professions such as doctor or nurse, responsibility depends on respective vocational and professional law and the provisions of the federal states.
You can use the Recognition Finder  to identify your competent authority. More...

28 août 2015

Recognition in Germany - Legal Basis

logo_enFederal Government’s Recognition Act
The Recognition Act for the procedure to assess professional qualifications came into effect on 1 April 2012. The following tells you what has changed with the law.
More on the Recognition Actmore

Länder Regulations
Not all occupations in Germany are regulated at federal level. Here you will find up-to-date information on the amendments to Länder legislation.
Further informations on the Länder Regulationsmore

EU Recognition Directive
Do you come from an EU Member State? Here you can find out more about the EU Directive on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications (2005/36/EC).
More on the EU Recognition Directive more

Lisbon Convention
Higher education qualifications can also be assessed for the purpose of access to the German labour market. Here you can find out more about what is behind the Lisbon Convention.
Informations on the Lisbon Conventionmore

Ethnic German resettler
If you are an ethnic German resettler, the Recognition Act brings a number of benefits. You may pursue a recognition procedure in accordance with the Federal Expellees Act as previously or pursuant to the Federal Law (BQFG).
More information is available here. More...

28 août 2015

IQ Network Counselling

logo_enThe contact points of the "Integration through Qualification (IQ)" funding programme provide information about the procedures of professional recognition and direct persons interested in recognition to the relevant authorities.
Note to persons from abroad who are interested in recognition:
Please contact a counselling service in the federal state where you are planning to work, regardless of whether or not you already live in Germany. More...

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