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30 juillet 2015

Financing for development? Show me the money!

By Gabriela Ramos. In 2009, Zambian economist Dambisa Moyo published her book, “Dead Aid”which shocked much of the international development community by claiming that ‘traditional’ systems of official development assistance (ODA) to Africa were not delivering, and arguing why we must find alternatives. More...

30 juillet 2015

Transforming policy, changing lives with statistics and knowledge

By OECD Statistics Directorate. For over a decade now, the OECD has been spearheading work on well-being measurement and policy, in line with its mission of promoting “Better Policies for Better Lives”. Many individuals and organisations around the world have also been part of a global call for better measures and policies for progress “beyond GDP”. More...

30 juillet 2015

The OECD’s Employment Outlook argues that time is running out to help workers move up the jobs ladder

By Paul Swaim. The recovery is underway, but millions of workers risk being trapped at the bottom of the economic ladder. While unemployment is on a downward trajectory in most countries, about one-half of the crisis-related increase in joblessness in the OECD area still persists more than seven years after the crisis began. More...

30 juillet 2015

Popes, miracles and development theory

By K. Vela Velupillai. Pope Francis has been in the news recently with his encyclical on climate change, but did you know that the Catholic Church helped to shape modern economic theory? When the Second Vatican Council was reconvened in September 1963 following the death of Pope John XXIII, it was asked to “start a dialogue with the contemporary world”. In October, the Pontifical Academy of Science invited 17 experts to “gather together the latest results of a new branch of science, econometry, and to present them to political economists in order to aid them in formulating those plans for a more stable security and for greater development which can contribute so much to the well-being and peace of nations”. More...

30 juillet 2015

Down in the dumps

By Maroussia Klep. There’s an old saying that “you can’t really understand someone else’s experience until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes”. Personally, I am not sure that you can ever truly understand what it is like to be that person, but you can make every effort to consider his or her perspective. More...

30 juillet 2015

Aid for Trade: Helping to end poverty and realise sustainable development

By Angel Gurría. One dollar in aid for trade generates eight dollars in extra trade for all developing countries and 20 dollars for low-income countries according to OECD calculations. These are impressive returns on investment. But these numbers do not tell the uplifting stories about the lives of men and women that have been bettered by Aid for Trade programmes, the employment generated because of trade creation and diversification, or the additional domestic and foreign investment that countries attracted. More...

30 juillet 2015

Séminaire « Des outils et/ou acteurs facilitateurs de la mobilité européenne et internationale » le 16 octobre à Marseille

Numero_VertLe CARIF Espace Compétences, centre ressources Euroguidance France Emploi, organise le séminaire :
Des outils et/ou acteurs facilitateurs de la mobilité européenne et internationale
Le 16 octobre 2015 de 9h00 à 17h00 au World Trade Center / Marseille 2 rue Henri Barbusse 13001 Marseille
Quels objectifs ?
Permettre une meilleure lisibilité des acteurs et des actions conduites en PACA et au niveau national permettant de faciliter la mobilité et une mise en lumière des acteurs œuvrant sur le territoire.  S’enrichir des expériences des dispositifs et des acteurs travaillant sur les actions permettant de favoriser la mobilité européenne et internationale.

Au programme :
Table Ronde :
Bénéfices et facilitation des parcours en mobilité.
Thème 1 : Comment faciliter un parcours de mobilité ?
1er session : 14h-15h  / 2ème session : 15h30-16h30
Thème 2 : Valorisation de l’expérience de la mobilité pour une meilleure insertion professionnelle.
1er session : 14h-15h  / 2ème session : 15h30-16h30
Sont déjà partenaires :

Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur - Pôle Emploi (EURES) - CRIJ Provence-Alpes - Réseau EURODESK -
Eurocircle - Collectif CAMI - Mission locale

Inscription >>.

30 juillet 2015

Parution de la 5ème édition de l’annuaire des titres professionnels en région PACA

Numero_VertLa Direccte Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur publie avec le CARIF Espace Compétences la 5ème  édition de l’annuaire des titres professionnels en Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur.
Cet annuaire regroupe en première partie, les 1048 agréments accordés par la Direccte, en cours de validité au 30 juin 2015, qui proposent 160 titres professionnels différents répartis sur 314 sites.
Ces données sont classées par grandes filières d’activité, par intitulé du titre et par département.
Consultez le document
Consultez les textes de la réforme de la formation professionnelle sur notre espace dédié.

30 juillet 2015

The facts about Greece

By Bill Below. Government at a Glance 2015, to be published on Monday, offers a dashboard of key indicators to help analyze international comparisons of public sector performance. Given the timing of the release, it seems appropriate to focus this powerful tool on Greece to gain a balanced understanding of Greece’s challenges—and strengths. More...

30 juillet 2015

Visualise well-being and win a trip to Mexico!

By Admin. Wikiprogress is running an infographic and data visualisation contest, with the prize of a paid trip to Guadalajara, Mexico to attend the 5th OECD World Forum on the 13-15 October 2015 for the top 3 winning entries. The winners will be awarded with a certificate of recognition during a special session of the Forum. The competition is open to all individuals, both amateurs and professionals. We especially would like to encourage the participation of young people and one of the prizes will be reserved for entries from under 26-year olds. More...

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