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23 mars 2015

New “marketing cloud” aims to change the retention game

eCampus NewsTo better help higher education institutions enhance student enthusiasm and retention, Oracle has introduced Oracle Marketing Cloud for student engagement. More...

23 mars 2015

OER and for-profits: Are we selling out?

eCampus NewsBy Barbara Illowsky. Can an advocate for open educational resources (OER) and student equity justify partnering for for-profits. More...

23 mars 2015

LinkedIn bolsters higher education with new tool for universities

eCampus NewsBy Gagan Shah. Students are the beating heart of any educational institution – and long after they graduate from a college or university, they remain an important and vital representation of that institution and all it has to offer. More...

23 mars 2015

Why boosting student employment takes a match-maker

eCampus NewsBy Andrew Barbour. Over 1,000 colleges and universities are turning to a data-driven match-maker to help pair students with the right jobs—and to tweak course offerings to meet employer needs. More...

23 mars 2015

Op-ed: 5 actions to rescue universities from extinction

eCampus NewsBy David E. Goldberg. The cost and value of a college education is increasingly in question or under attack, public university budgets are being slashed, and traditional colleges and universities are challenged by new forms of educational institutions and by students and parents who increasingly just say “no.” More...

23 mars 2015

New pathway in higher-ed sifts out serious professionals

eCampus NewsBy . Capella University’s competency-based FlexPath program just announced one of their first graduating class–and they may just be the best of the best. More...

23 mars 2015

Website aims to replace community colleges

eCampus NewsBy . Could an online education resource eliminate the need for community colleges? Such an undertaking might seem drastic, but it’s exactly what the newly re-launched aims to accomplish. More...

23 mars 2015

Why MOOC OERs are “ultimate necessity” in higher education

eCampus NewsBy . Are MOOCs truly the open education innovation they were designed to be?
That the question one researcher says those in academia should be asking, considering that though MOOCs are based on ubiquity (suggesting an evolution of the Open Learning Movement), in contrast with open educational resources (OER), MOOC content is often paywalled and copyrighted. More...

23 mars 2015

Ça coince pour la titularisation des agents contractuels

Acteurs Publics, logoPar Sylvain Henry. La ministre de la Santé demande aux établissements publics hospitaliers de respecter la loi de mars 2012 sur la titularisation des agents non titulaires. Les employeurs publics des trois fonctions publiques ne semblent pas “jouer le jeu”. Suite...

23 mars 2015

Statut et rémunération des fonctionnaires : tout ce qui va changer

Acteurs Publics, logoPar Sylvain Henry. La ministre de la Fonction publique, Marylise Lebranchu, a donné un nouvel élan à la négociation sur les parcours professionnels, les carrières et les rémunérations des agents publics, qui doit aboutir le 2 juin. Suite...

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