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25 décembre 2014

Appel à projets : égalité professionnelle Femmes/Hommes

Logo de l'Agence Régionale de la Formation tout au long de la vie (ARFTLV Poitou-charentes)Au regard des priorités communautaires et nationales, ainsi que de celles du Programme opérationnel national et de la législation relative à l’égalité professionnelle, la DIRECCTE Poitou-Charentes, en partenariat avec la Délégation régionale aux droits des femmes et à l’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes de la préfecture de région, et après consultation des services de la Région Poitou-Charentes lance le présent appel à projets d’envergure régionale.
Date limite de remise des plis : le 21 février 2015.
Télécharger le dossier de consultation. Voir l'article...

25 décembre 2014

Appui de Pôle emploi au développement de l'alternance

Logo de l'Agence Régionale de la Formation tout au long de la vie (ARFTLV Poitou-charentes)Le ministère chargé de l'emploi va transmettre à Pôle emploi la liste annuelle nominative des entreprises qui ont versé la contribution supplémentaire à l'apprentissage (CSA), à l'exclusion de toute information financière. La CSA concerne les entreprises de 250 salariés ou plus qui n'atteignent pas un seuil minimum d'alternants (5 % en 2015).
Pôle emploi est chargé d'aider et conseiller ces entreprises dans leur recrutement de jeunes ou d'adultes en contrat d'apprentissage ou de professionnalisation.
Loi n° 2014-1545 du 20 décembre 2014 (art. 3). Voir l'article...

25 décembre 2014

Graduates’ app for tracking construction defects takes off

Go to the Globe and Mail homepageBy Deirdre Kelly. Mallorie Brodie and Lauren Hasegawa, who invented a smartphone app that tracks construction defects for commercial builders, had a tiger by the tail.
Bridgit, which they jointly founded in Waterloo, Ont., in December of 2012, launched a cloud-based communications platform that helped manage deficiencies on construction sites. Read more...
25 décembre 2014

Seven business school deans reflect on 2014 – and look ahead to 2015

Go to the Globe and Mail homepageBy Shannon Moneo. To close out the old year and ring in a new one on the business education front, we approached seven business school deans to ask them a couple of simple questions: What was the biggest challenge your MBA or business program faced in 2014 and, accordingly, how will you change what your school does in 2015. Read more...
25 décembre 2014

25 Years of Youth Empowering Youth - Mov'in Europe Conference and Ambassadors Programme

ESN logo

ESN celebrates 25 years of Youth Empowering Youth through Mov’in Europe conference "International Youth Mobility - Beyond the Erasmus+ programme" that was hosted by MEP Therese Comodini Cachia at the European Parliament on Monday, November 17th.
In the framework of the ESN Mov'in Europe project, a high-level conference was organised to discuss current issues regarding international youth learning mobility. More...

25 décembre 2014

Outcomes of the 3rd European Education Training and Youth Forum 2014

ESN logoOn 9 and 10 October 2014, the European Commission organised in Brussels the annual European Education, Training and Youth Forum 2014. Focused on the future priorities of the Education and Training 2020 Strategic Framework (ET2020) for cooperation in education and training and synergies with youth policies, the Forum gathered more than 400 participants representing civil society, institutions and national authorities. More...

25 décembre 2014

The MYEFO on higher education

By Jen T. Kwok (NTEU National Office). MYEFO tells us that projected Budget savings from higher education have been revised down from over $5 billion over four years at the time of the May Budget, to $642.4 million, following the recent defeat of the initial Higher Education and Research Reform Bill 2014 (HERRA).
When Parliament reconvenes in February 2015, the Coalition government will attempt to pass its Higher Education Research and Reform Assessment Bill (2014) Mk II (HERRA Mk II), which incorporates the changes as announced in MYEFO 2014.  The problem is HERRA Mk II still involves includes the many of the worst aspects of the original Bill including the transfer of the substantive cost of higher education away from public institutions to private individuals. 
Treasury’s projections in MYEFO emphasise the scale of increasing student debt. The Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) is the largest asset on the balance sheet, and represents the net present value of expected loan repayments and therefore future sources of funds.
The HELP asset was $25.1 billion at 30 June 2014 and is projected to grow to $30.6 billion in 2014-15 and $52.0 billion by the end of the forward estimates. This confirms early NTEU estimates of the value of student debt over time. More...

25 décembre 2014

MYEFO confirms NTEU analysis: student debt to reach $100 billion in 2020

By Courtney Sloane (NTEU National Office). The Mid-year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) has confirmed the Abbott Government is shifting debt on a grand scale, and shirking its responsibility to properly fund education, the NTEU said today.
“The government is transferring debt away from the Commonwealth and pushing it on to individuals, particularly students,” said Jeannie Rea, NTEU National President.
“They are addressing the so-called ‘budget crisis’ by forcing students and their families into a lifetime of debt,” Rea said.
Rea said that the data on student debt released as part of MYEFO confirms the NTEU’s estimate that total student debt would be $52 billion by 2016-17. More...

25 décembre 2014

NTEU congratulates students on their VCE results

By Courtney Sloane (NTEU National Office). The National Tertiary Education Union today congratulated the thousands of Victorian students who received their VCE results today and warned them not to let Tony Abbott’s unfair higher education plans destroy their dreams.
“Students must go for the university course they want to do and have worked towards,” said NTEU President, Jeannie Rea.
“Hold onto or change your university preferences to suit you,” urged Rea, “Don’t focus on what the government might try to do.
“Over the past generation tens of thousands more students from all backgrounds have got into university, worked hard and gained their degree, and gone on to contribute to society,” Rea said.
Rea reminded students that no fee deregulation legislation has yet passed Senate. More...

25 décembre 2014

Vient de paraître: Nouveautés dans HEDBIB, décembre 2014

Le numéro de décembre 2014 de Nouveautés dans HEDBIB vient de paraître. Constituée des références et des résumés des dernières publications scientifiques en enseignement supérieur du monde entier, cette source d’informations est extraite de la base de données HEDBIB. Les Nouveautés sont organisées en fonction des thèmes prioritaires de l’AIU et par région. Chaque numéro met en valeur quelques ouvrages recommandés. Contact : Amanda Sudic. Voir l'article...

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