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13 septembre 2014

Responsabilité sociétale de Pôle Emploi des entreprises dans les recrutements’UPE 06, sous l’impulsion de son président Yvon Grosso,  mobilise  des commissions qui interviennent  sur des thématiques essentielles pour les entreprises de notre territoire.
Dans ce cadre, un travail commun est mené conjointement par la commission RSE présidée par Georges DAO et la commission Emploi-Formation-Education présidée par Luigi POMA.
Il porte sur le thème de la responsabilité sociétale des entreprises dans les recrutements.
Dans l’optique de déterminer comment mieux recruter pour optimiser la performance de l’entreprise, nous souhaitons mobiliser 7mn de votre temps en vous soumettant le questionnaire ci-après :

Votre mobilisation sur ce questionnaire permettra de faire une analyse et des préconisations de solutions concrètes et ciblées dont vous serez les premiers bénéficiaires.
Nous échangerons également sur ce thème à l’occasion des Entreprenariales du 27 novembre prochain à l’Allianz Riviera.
Nous vous remercions d’avance pour votre participation.

13 septembre 2014

Wait. Stop. What is a photocopy? Three insights from our Library Student Advisory Board

By Brian Mathews. The mission of our Library Student Advisory Board is to help us gain a better understanding of the student experience at our university. We talk about a lot of different ideas and issues. I want to share three that surprised me.
Photocopying? We were talking about printing and I asked the students if they ever photocopied (we have all-in-one machines that do printing, copying, and scanning) and the students were silent. More...

13 septembre 2014

Eroding Colleges’ Reputation? There’s an App for That

By . In a month when news from academia includes the story of an Idaho State professor literally shooting himself in the foot with a concealed handgun, it takes a lot to win the prize for dumbest move. But, to give credit where credit is due, Goucher College managed to pull it off. More...

13 septembre 2014

What Twitter Changes Might Mean for Academics . If you’re a regular user of Twitter, as many of us at ProfHacker are, you’ve no doubt seen the many posts speculating on Twitter’s impeding demise. Twitter, along with every other social network, gets declared dead on a regular basis. However, earlier this year Adrienne LaFrance and Robinson Meyer wrote “A Eulogy for Twitter” in the Atlantic and observed. More...

13 septembre 2014

Speaking Geek . I’ve always envied people born in small countries like Belgium who grow up learning several different languages. And while I remain stumped by languages written in any script other than the Latin alphabet, I still dream of unencumbered months when I can get started on basic Mandarin. More...

13 septembre 2014

Dumber and Dumb . The other week, I got an email that referred to an online article I wrote last year, “7 Grammar Rules You Really Should Pay Attention To.” The email read, in its entirety: “There are three grammar errors in the title of your article.”
I was pretty sure that one of the alleged errors was using a preposition to end a sentence with, which isn’t an error, and isn’t really a question of grammar. More...

13 septembre 2014

AAUP Says ‘Trigger Warnings’ Threaten Academic Freedom . The American Association of University Professors has taken a formal stand in opposition to “trigger warnings,” or advance notices to students that instructional material might elicit from them a troubling emotional response. In a report issued on Monday, the AAUP argues that trigger warnings threaten academic freedom and the quality of instruction, and says there are better means of helping students who are the victims of trauma. More...

13 septembre 2014

In Many Countries, Access to Higher Ed Is Not Guaranteed, Report Says . Report: “Education at a Glance 2014: OECD Indicators”
Organization: Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
Summary: A survey of 44 countries found that increasing emphasis on vocational education and curriculum changes have greatly improved access to elementary and secondary education, but the changes have not had the same effect on higher education. More...

13 septembre 2014

Student-Loan Forgiveness Programs Encourage Borrowers to Take On More Debt, Report Says . Report: “Zero Marginal Cost: Measuring Subsidies for Graduate Education in the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program”
Organization: New America Foundation
Authors: Jason Delisle, director of the foundation’s federal education budget project, and Alexander Holt, a policy analyst
Summary: The report examines the effects of two federal student-loan programs: income-based repayment, which allows borrowers to cap monthly payments at 10 percent of their annual income and have their debt forgiven after 20 years; and the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program, which allows borrowers working in the nonprofit sector to have their debt forgiven after 10 years. More...

13 septembre 2014

Project Seeks to Ease Path to 4-Year Degree for Nontraditional Students . The American Council on Education announced on Wednesday a project intended to make it easier for nontraditional students to earn four-year college degrees. Financed by a $1.86-million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the new program will create roughly 100 free or inexpensive general-education courses that will earn students as much as two years’ transfer credit at some 40 participating colleges. More...

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