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4 juillet 2014

Euromed Jeunesse : 1,400 jeunes ont bénéficié du programme en deux ans

Logo Euro-med MobilitiesPlus de 1,400 jeunes de la zone Euro-Méditerranée ont bénéficié du programme Euromed Jeunesse IV entre 2011 et 2013.
Le programme financé par l'Union européenne soutient les activités concrètes mises en place par les organisations suivant des appels à propositions dans les trois domaines principaux qui sont : les échanges de jeunes, le service volontaire, la formation et le développement de réseau.
Les 84 projets financés reflètent la diversité des priorités régionales. Pour en savoir plus :

4 juillet 2014

UE-Maroc : un pas de plus dans le Partenariat pour la Mobilité

Logo Euro-med MobilitiesUn projet de soutien au Partenariat pour la Mobilité entre l'UE et le Maroc a été lancé la semaine dernière dans la capitale marocaine Rabat.  Cette cérémonie fut l'occasion de présenter la démarche innovante du projet, qui consiste en un appui technique pour les politiques marocaines en matière de mobilisation des marocains résidant à l'étranger pour le développement par une coopération renforcée entre administrations publiques européennes et marocaines. D'une durée de 3 ans, ce projet bénéficiera d'un don de 5 000 000 d'euros de l'Union européenne.
Pour en savoir plus :

4 juillet 2014

“Future of Higher Education - Bologna Process Researchers’ Conference” (FOHE-BPRC2)

Bologna ProcessThe “Future of Higher Education - Bologna Process Researchers’ Conference” (FOHE-BPRC2) will be taking place on 24-26 November 2014. The Conference will be focusing on aspects connected to the status of the theoretic research activities on the Bologna Process, on providing insight regarding actual developments related to the Bologna Process and their effects “in the field”, in particular regarding the efforts made to define and refine the framework under which international norms could be operationalized at the national and institutional level.
Therefore, we invite authors to contribute to the event with academic papers of 5-6000 words, developed under one of the nine sub-themes of the FOHE-BPRC 2 event:

  1. Internationalisation
  2. Financing and Governance
  3. Excellence and diversification of higher education institutions’ missions
  4. Student Centred Learning / Teaching and Learning
  5. Social dimension/ Equity
  6. Education, Research and Innovation
  7. Quality Assurance
  8. EHEA at the crossroads: Bologna Process and the future higher education
  9. Evidence-based policies in higher education: data analytics, impact assessment and reporting

The Editorial Board will select the papers that will be presented at the conference and then further published in a resulting research volume, which will be part of the official documentation of the 2015 EHEA Ministerial Conference in Yerevan. In order to be considered, potential authors have to submit an abstract of their contribution by 18 July 2014 at Authors of the selected papers are invited to attend the conference in order to defend their papers. No participation fees will be required from the participants to FOHE-BPRC 2.
Details related to the call for papers, a description of the conference themes and more about the conference can be found in the attached documents, as well as on the website of the event:  
For more information on the Conference and the agenda please follow the link: Information on the Conference.
Call for authors.

4 juillet 2014

What’s in a Name? General and/or professional – but definitely not ‘non-academic’ Matthew McGowan. How often do you hear NTEU representatives mumble ‘General – oh and/or Professional staff’? For our first two decades, the NTEU had two major sections of membership – academic and general. Academics are easily identified as members of that profession and classified as such. Two unions covering academic staff in universities and colleges were part of the original merger to form the NTEU. There were also three General Staff unions covering university and associated staff, and Victorian TAFE staff who were called PACCT staff. Over time, allied sections of other unions in universities joined us along with research and other allied institutions’ staff. More...

4 juillet 2014

UK: Student debt and cashpoint colleges Paul Clifton. At the University & Colleges Union (UCU) we have been following recent events in Australia closely. Your government’s plans to increase student fees and to open up the sector to for-profit providers are depressingly familiar to staff and students in English higher education. On a more positive note, it has been fantastic to see the level of protests in Australia at the proposed fee changes and budget cuts. More...

4 juillet 2014

No truth or justice in the American way Paul Kniest. The NTEU has produced a fact sheet outlining the case against the government funding private, non-university higher education providers (NUHEPs).
The research was compiled in response to changes outlined in the 2014-15 Federal Budget, specifically the decision to extend funding for Commonwealth supported places (CSPs) to non-university public and private providers, including for-profit provides. More...

4 juillet 2014

Major HEFCE study shows UK university students have become more satisfied over time

4 juillet 2014

Cedefop and DG EAC take stock of policy developments

Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational TrainingHow shall Europe maximise the potential of vocational education and training (VET) to address its long-term strategic goals? This question will be the focus of a conference organised by Cedefop and the European Commission in September.
Building European VET – Time to move on will be based on the results of Cedefop’s VET monitoring report on progress toward the aims of the common EU strategy on VET, as set out in the Bruges Communiqué (2010). More...

4 juillet 2014

Launch of European Tertiary Education Register - a new transparency approach in higher education

Aller à l'accueil EUROPA. EUROPA logoThe new European Tertiary Education Register (ETER) publishes its first results today, providing easy access to information on universities in 36 countries, including all EU Member States. For the first time at European level, ETER will provide a one-stop-shop for detailed and comparable data on 2 250 institutions hosting more than 16 million students. The data includes university size, number of students and staff, subjects and degree levels covered, as well as information about research and international activities. ETER was set up with €500 000 in EU funding from the former Lifelong Learning programme (now Erasmus+). More...

4 juillet 2014

Call for a network of experts on the social dimension of education and training

European Commission logoOn 04/07/2014 the European Commission launched an open call for tenders to establish a network of experts on the social dimension of education and training.
The overall objective of the contract is to contribute to the improvement of European-level policy development and cooperation in education and training through an advisory network of experts.
The Network will provide reliable, independent, and rigorous scientific support and advice to the European Commission in relation to equity and social aspects of all types and levels of education and training in a lifelong learning perspective through access to the most relevant evidence from existing European and international research.
The Network will be the successor to the NESSE (2007-2010) and NESET (2011-2014) networks of experts. More...

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