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7 juillet 2014

3ème salon régional des Quadras-Quinquas+

EMPLOI-seniors "quadras-quinquas+" Réseau de compétences3ème salon régional des Quadras-Quinquas+
1211 personnes ont visité ce salon. Mercis à nos exposants, aux associations ligériennes et à la presse qui étaient présents. Mille mercis à nos soutiens "historiques", Nantes-métropole, Malakoff-Médéric et à la fondation d'entreprise de la Banque Populaire Atlantique-Atlantique coopération.
Au cours de cette manifestation, un documentaire a été tourné. Il sera diffusé en fin d'année sur une grande chaîne nationale.

Salon des "Quadras-Quinquas+": SUCCÈS

Le 3ème salon des "Quadras-Quinquas+" s'est déroulé ce 12 juin à Rezé (Nantes). Nous avons dépassé le millier de visiteurs (1211). Nous remercions   l'ensemble de nos partenaires, entreprises,associations, presse ...qui nous ont soutenu. Nous vous remercions aussi VOUS les membres de l'ASSPRO qui vous êtes mobilisés pour que ce salon soit un succès.
Ce type de manifestation est à chaque fois un "challenge" car, vous le savez, nous disposons de peu de moyens financiers. Une fois de plus nous avons apprécié l'aide et l'appui  de Malakoff-Médéric, Fondation d'entreprises de la Banque Populaire Atlantique et de Nantes-métropole, nos soutiens "historiques" dévoués et attentifs à la situation de nos publics, sans lesquels l'aventure ASSPRO ne serait pas possible.
Face au chômage, l'ASSPRO est dans l'action et défend des positions innovantes.Nous serons très prochainement sur le terrain..avec VOUS!

Contrats seniors
Lors du dernier salon des "Quadras-Quinquas+", qui s'est déroulé au mois de juin 2014, plusieurs personnes nous ont sollicité sur l'existence du contrat de travail seniors. En effet, il semble bien que dans le maquis des mesures gouvernementales pour la promotion de l'emploi, certains agents de Pôle emploi ignorent son existence. Cette mesure est toujours d'actualité.

7 juillet 2014

Plan seniors

EMPLOI-seniors  "quadras-quinquas+" Réseau de  compétencesPlan seniors
M. REBSAMEN, ministre du travail, nous l'avais promis, ce plan gouvernemental pour l'emploi des seniors ACTIFS.Il est vrai qu'il y a péril. Le chômage des quinquas a augmenté sur une année de 12% . Le moins que l'ont puisse dire c'est que ce plan n'est pas flamboyant. Ils s'agit de la mise en exergue , voire du renforcement, de dispositifs déjà existants et qui pour la plupart n'ont pas montré leur pertinence. Le ministre s'est engagé à faire le point dans six mois. Il est probable qu'à coups de formations et autres artifices, la courbe fléchira (encore que...). Malheureusement, cela ne traite pas le problème de fond:  il faut créer de l'activité, du travail...
Plan REBSAMEN pour les seniors actifs le figaro.
Comment le ministre du travail, M. REBSAMEN, va  faire baisser la courbe du chômage des seniors. Affligeant! article le Figaro.

7 juillet 2014

System and institutional excellence Melbourne,

System and institutional excellence
Melbourne, Thursday 24 July, 6-8PM.
Drinks and canapes from 5:30PM

Australia has a fine higher education system, but new generation system policies and institutional strategies can make it excellent. How to further grow key strengths and value-add other priorities? Join Stephen Parker, Alan Robson and Phil Honeywood to discuss. Chaired by Gregor Kennedy.
What can be done to further ensure that higher education in Australia serves our diverse population? What is a sustainable configuration of strategic profiles that will boost system and institutional excellence? What are key implications from online provision and hybrid corporate structures?
Has Australia the imagination and will to create and maintain international pre-eminence in higher education? Key issues must be tackled across the next few years if an excellent higher education system is to be designed and built.
The 2014 Policy Seminars address contemporary debates, providing a forum for leaders from across Australia's education and government sectors to discuss issues of national significance.

Registrations are now open for this seminar
Visit website for further information and online registration:

Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact us via email:
or tel: +61 3 8344 4605 (business hours).

7 juillet 2014

Ranking of Russian universities and Forum on Competitivness

AuditThe 2nd Global Forum of Universities, Global Competitiveness, was held in Moscow earlier in June. It was organized by ‘Expert RA’ ranking agency and it was timed to publication of the third annual rating of Russian universities. The discussion at the Forum focused on cooperation between universities and employers.
“It took ‘Expert RA’ two years to build up a coherent frame of reference for assessment of Russian and foreign universities,” noted Alexey Khodyrev, Executive Director, University Ratings, ‘Expert RA’. “We have published ratings of Russian universities and CIS universities and the global rating of universities in terms of demand for their graduates by the world’s top employers. Ratings of Russian and CIS universities identified the gap between the needs of employers that are badly in need of engineering experts, on the one hand, and the selection of the prospective students that prefer liberal and economic professions, on the other. However, our global rating suggested that the world’s leading corporations hire Russian university graduates willingly”. More...

7 juillet 2014

Ranking of Most and Least Expensive Colleges in USA

AuditThe U.S. Department of Education on Monday released its rankings of the most and least expensive colleges in the country -- an annual ritual that some lawmakers are eyeing for elimination in the coming reauthorization of the Higher Education Act.
As has been the case in previous years , many well-known institutions appear on this year’s list, which ranks the top 5 percent of the most expensive colleges based on tuition and the average net price students pay after receiving financial aid.
Based only on tuition and fees alone, Landmark College was the most expensive nonprofit, four-year institution in the country during the 2012-13 academic year. It was followed closely by Columbia University, Sarah Lawrence College and Vassar College. The University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania State University and University of New Hampshire took the top spots on the four-year public side. More...

7 juillet 2014

Rankings and graduate employability – A glass half full

LH Martin InstituteBy Marian Mahat and Benoît Millot. At the recent IREG-7 conference on rankings and graduate employability held in London, we made a point about the marked differences on how systems and institutions view graduate employability. As some at the conference affirmed, especially the employer representatives graduate employability is more than just getting a job. Employability infers something about the ability of the graduate to function in a job and be successful in it, the ability to move between jobs and the ability to remain employable throughout their life. More...

7 juillet 2014

Workforce Development in the VET Sector

LH Martin InstituteBy Anne Dening. The National Agreement for Skills and Workforce Development called for the halving of the number of Australians aged 20 to 64 who do not have qualifications at a certificate III level and above, and doubling the number of higher level qualification completions by 2020. This goal is very ambitious and will require growth in the VET sector over this period of time if the target is to be met. It is further acknowledged that workforce participation rates must also rise as the large number of those nearing retirement leave the full time workforce; even if some of this group are persuaded that it is their interests to work until they are 70. The increase in participation can only be achieved if those currently unemployed and/or currently not qualified for work can be trained to achieve these skills levels and qualifications and contribute to the economy. More...

7 juillet 2014

University Fee De-regulation: Markets, Strategy and Pricing - Discussion and Simulation Forum

LH Martin InstituteUnderstanding market dynamics, student demand and competitors as well as the cost of provision will be critical to developing institutional and pricing strategies in a deregulated higher education market.
The de-regulation of university fees from 2016 and changes to tuition subsidy rates and student HELP loans proposed in the May budget will see more direct competition on price and from non-university providers and an increased focus on value. More...

7 juillet 2014

Analysis of publicly funded load & student numbers by state and provider type

LH Martin InstituteBy Leesa Wheelahan. The analysis in this paper is based on the National Centre for Vocational Education Research’s (2014) Students and Courses. It consists of two tables, both of which have been derived from Table 15 in the Australian and State and Territory tables. The paper shows changes in the number of publicly funded students and changes in the number of full-year training equivalents (or student load) from 2009 – 2013 in each state. It also shows the share of publicly funded student numbers and student load by provider type (TAFE, adult and community education and private providers) in each state. More...

7 juillet 2014

TAFE forced into higher ed markets

By . PUBLIC TAFEs will be increasingly forced into the deregulating higher education market in order to survive as private providers take huge slices of the vocational training market, LH Martin Institute vocational expert Leesa Wheelahan has warned.
TAFE’s national share of publicly funded students has tumbled in the wake of deregulated subsidy markets in Victoria and South Australia, from 70 per cent in 2009 to just 56 per cent last year. That is a decline of over 50,000 students to 826,000. In contrast private providers now account for 36 per cent of the market as student numbers almost doubled to 537,600. More...

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