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8 février 2014

Combo Weekly Round Up: All the jobs and opportunities from the Neighbourhood

8 février 2014

UALL 2014 Annual Conference - Update and further Details

The Universities Association for Lifelong LearningUALL 2014 Annual Conference – Update
University of London
Transforming pedagogy? Flexible learning, teaching and innovation in the 21st century
9th to 11th April
We are pleased to bring you up to date with the preparations and arrangements for our Annual Conference; the Drinks Reception, Book Launch and Conference Dinner will now be held at The Grand Connaught Rooms. The drinks reception will be in the Crown Room, and the Conference Dinner in the Cornwall Room. We have also been offered their top menu - engagingly known as the 'Titanic Menu'.
updated outline Conference Programme
Registration Form
List of Hotels
Directions to University of London. More...

8 février 2014

National Strategy For Access And Student Success

The Universities Association for Lifelong LearningDue to be launched in autumn 2103 the National Strategy for Access and Student Success – in England - has still not been published. The strategy, jointly developed by HEFCE and OFFA, was designed to provide a framework for universities and colleges with Access Agreements to develop their own five-year institutional strategies. Neither have we seen the guidance for production of the 2015/16 Access Agreement which was scheduled for publication on 23 January. Of course effective delivery of a strategy is dependent on resources and, with BIS suffering budget reductions, we can only surmise that cuts in funding are the reason for the delay. If members have information on the situation in the rest of the UK it would be very interesting to hear as these cuts could have a significant impact on our work. More...

8 février 2014

A Creationism Debate, Seriously?! Audrey Watters. For Your Viewing…
PBS premiered American Promise, a documentary about two Black boys’ experience at the elite Dalton School. (The film is available online for the next month.)
Christian author Ben Ham and “The Science Guy” Bill Nye debated creationism. (The video is here.) Because I guess in 2014 in America evolution is still up for debate. Read more...
8 février 2014

Votre formation artistique avec CampusArt

CampusArtLa session de candidature en ligne aux formations en art et en architecture est ouverte sur le site du réseau CampusArt jusqu'au 12 février 2014.
Site CampusArt : le réseau d'écoles d'art animé par l'Agence Campus France.

ATTENTION : les dossiers de candidatures papiers doivent parvenir à l'Agence Campus France-Paris le 17 février 2014 au plus tard.
CampusArt est un réseau d'établissements français proposant des formations dans le domaine des arts et de l’architecture animé par l'Agence Campus France, avec le soutien des ministères français de l'Éducation, des Affaires étrangères et de la Culture, ainsi que de l'ANdÉA (Association Nationale des Écoles Supérieures d'Art).
Le site vous propose d’abord des informations générales sur les études d’art et d'architecture en France et vous aide à vous orienter soit vers une école supérieure d’art ou d’arts appliqués, vers une école publique ou privée, ou encore vers une université.
Le site internet donne accès (sous certaines conditions) à des formations de niveaux Licence, Master et Doctorat proposées par les établissements membres du réseau.
Le domaine artistique concerné est d’abord celui de la création (« FAIRE » de l’art, arts plastiques, design, communication visuelle, ainsi que mode, architecture intérieure etc…) donc en écoles supérieures d’art ; mais il existe aussi quelques formations universitaires en THEORIE de l’art ou en GESTION de l’art (voir les explications sur le site).
Le choix de la formation par les étudiants étrangers, ayant étudié les arts ou l’architecture pendant 3 ans au moins (beaux-arts, histoire de l'art, musique, architecture, design, cinéma, vidéo, danse, graphisme...), s‘accompagne d’un processus de candidature en ligne rapide et interactif. Suite...

8 février 2014

Demand Driven Model leads to spike in casual employment at Australian universities

By Courtney Sloane. The release of the latest staffing data for Australian universities reveals the true impact of the Demand Driven Model on the nature of employment at our universities. 
The data shows that of the new 4,880 full-time equivalent (FTE) positions created, 3,400 or seven out of ten people were employed on a casual basis.
The level of estimated FTE casual employment grew by a massive 17.1% between 2012 and 2013, with casual FTE as a share of total employment leaping from 16.6% to 18.7% in just one year alone. More...

8 février 2014

Benchmarking your university: Why and how?

By Nadine Burquel. What reputation does your institution have in the higher education sector? How do you differentiate from the competition? How can you learn from those institutions you cooperate or compete with? Find out how to launch effective collaborative benchmarking projects with other universities to make more informed strategic decisions and improve your institutional performance in the field of international higher education. More...

8 février 2014

EUCIS-LLL Training session on Erasmus+

erasmus+-training-eucis-lll-2EUCIS-LLL is organising a training session on 5 March in Brussels to inform stakeholders about the new Erasmus+ programme. New policy objectives linked to the programme will be discussed, as well as new opportunities under the three new programme key activities, concrete changes compared to the Lifelong Learning Programme, participation of civil society and cooperation with National Agencies.
Representatives from the Commission, from Belgian Agencies as well as successful project coordinators will intervene to help you seize the right oppportunities and build up innovative initiatives.
A registration fee is asked to participants in order to cover organisational costs (65€ for regular participants and 45€ for EUCIS-LLL members).
See the provisional agenda and register here!

8 février 2014

4th Executive Leadership Academy


Monday, March 24, 2014 - Friday, March 28, 2014. Claremont Hotel Club and Spa (map). The Executive Leadership Academy (ELA) is designed for individuals from all backgrounds who are interested in preparing themselves for appointments to executive positions such as vice presidents, provosts, presidents, and chancellors. The ELA is an intensive and focused training academy for higher education administrators and faculty from across the country and throughout the world. A select faculty team of senior level higher education executives and scholars will provide an interactive curriculum. The theme for the ELA is "Ten Years from Now: Leading in a Multicultural Environment." More...
8 février 2014

Lost in Translation: The Flow of Graduate Education Models Between Germany and the United States

HomeBy Anne J. MacLachlan. In: Isolde von Bülow, ed. Nachwuchsförderung in der Wissenschaft. Best-Practice-Modelle zum Promotionsgeschehen—Strategien, Konzepte, Strukturen.  [Supporting the Next Generation of Scholars. Best Practice Models of Doctoral Education—Strategies, Concepts, Structures] Heidelberg, SpringerMedizin, 2014, pp. 79-90. Download PDF Document. This paper examines the origins and current system of doctoral education in both Germany and the United States emphasizing the extent to which each country has mythologized the contribution of the other.  In the United States it is widely believed that “the” German university in the 19th century was the model for the creation of US doctoral programs.  Today in Germany under the Bologna Agreement and the Excellence Initiative it is believed that both of them are modeled on the American higher education system, particularly on the research university.  The argument made here is that there is a broad lack of real knowledge about the systems in the model country as well as significant historical, legal, and social reasons why the ability of either to copy from the other is limited.  The discussion is comparative including the different origins of the research university, home of the doctoral degree, a short summary of the post World War II period, how and why doctoral education developed in both countries up to now, and significant current issues.  Greater weight is given to discussing the US, however, because of its diverse universities, the variety of doctoral programs, and the way they are run. Emphasis is given to internal evaluation of the success of US doctoral training by doctoral students versus how it seems to be viewed in Germany. More...

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