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23 novembre 2013

Horizon 2020 and Erasmus budgets approved Jack Grove. The European Union’s flagship schemes to support higher education, Horizon 2020 and Erasmus+, have received substantial increases in their budgets. 
As part of a €1 trillion (£0.83 trillion) EU budget settlement announced this week, the EU’s research and innovation funding scheme Horizon 2020 will receive €70 billion between 2014 and 2020 – around €15 billion more than the €55 billion received under the current 7th Framework agreement that ran from 2007 to this year. Erasmus+, which supports student exchange programmes between European universities, will receive a 40 per cent increase in its budget, with a total of €14.7 billion available between 2014 and 2020. More...

23 novembre 2013

Cable says lines between FE and HE are 'deliberately blurred' David Matthews. Business secretary talks of ‘significant advance’ in college higher learning. 
Vince Cable has said that the lines between further education colleges and universities are being “deliberately blurred” as the government attempts to make it easier for colleges to offer higher education. The business secretary was speaking on 20 November at the annual conference of the Association of Colleges in Birmingham. 
“I think one of the things that your colleges take greatest pride in is that we now have a significant advance in terms of HE in FE,” he told delegates. More...

23 novembre 2013

Russia’s biggest private university opens Dubai campus

By Melanie Swan. The largest private university in Russia, Synergy, has opened a Dubai campus – and the emirate’s education regular believes it will help meet a growing demand for Russian-accredited educations.
There are about 80,000 Russian residents and tens of thousands of former Soviet state citizens in the UAE, plus many Russian businesses. Read more...

23 novembre 2013

Dubai’s education sector set to benefit from rise in demand

Increasing demand for schools and universities from both expatriates and nationals is paving the way for growth in Dubai’s education sector. 
While the children of international workers have long boosted numbers at private schools, a need for higher-level training programmes geared toward Emiratis has generated new opportunities for investment. 
Schools reaching capacity 
The number of pupils at Dubai’s private schools has more than doubled over the past 10 years, reaching 225,000 in 2012/13, according to the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA), which regulates private sector educational institutions. More...

23 novembre 2013

Draft Tertiary and Higher Education Policy validated

New ImageThe Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (MOHERST), in collaboration with relevant stakeholders, recently convened a daylong validation forum of the draft tertiary and higher education policy 2013/2022 at the Paradise Suites Hotel.
In his official opening ceremony on behalf of the permanent secretary, Jerreh Sanyang the deputy permanent secretary for admin and finance at the MOHERST described his ministry as a young ministry working on a lot of documents one of which is science and technology innovation policy and the quality assurance framework.
According to him, all these policies and instruments are supported accordingly and it was necessary to have tertiary and higher education policy. More...

23 novembre 2013

A Cyprus University Is First In The World To Accept Bitcoin For Tuition

Business InsiderBy . Forget Bitcoin ATMs. The oft-misunderstood digital currency is going even more mainstream. 
The University of Nicosia in Cyprus announced they would be accepting Bitcoin as a form of payment for tuition, making them the first accredited institution in the world to accept the cryptocurrency. Read more...

23 novembre 2013

No Solution On Horizon for Greek Universities

By Abed Alloush. After the court’s decision which was announced on Wednesday–that the strike of administrative employees of Greek universities is illegal but not abusive–the Public Prosecutor of Athens, P.Fakou, ordered a new investigation towards the strike’s legitimacy.  This time the administrative employees, by continuing the strike, are facing charges of acting against the court’s decision. The university’s community is monitoring the situation with bated breath. In fact the representatives of the administrative staff have made it crystal clear in all directions, that no matter how many times the Greek Ministry of Education appeals against their strikes, they will continue their struggle. More...

23 novembre 2013

Le Parlement européen adopte le nouveau programme Erasmus+

Logo de l'Agence Régionale de la Formation tout au long de la vie (ARFTLV Poitou-charentes)Le Parlement européen a adopté le 19 novembre 2013 le nouveau programme européen Erasmus+ qui financera des bourses de mobilité à l’étranger pour les étudiants, les professeurs, les formateurs et les apprentis. ERASMUS+ permettra à plus de 4 millions de jeunes de se former à l'étranger.
Ce programme, qui doit entrer en vigueur en janvier 2014, sera doté d'un budget de 14,7 milliards d'euros pour la période 2014-2020. Cela représente une augmentation du budget de 40 % par rapport aux programmes actuels. Consulter le communiqué du Parlement. Suite...

23 novembre 2013

L’entreprise, vue par les enseignants

Logo de l'Agence Régionale de la Formation tout au long de la vie (ARFTLV Poitou-charentes)Opinion Way et l'institut Treize articles publient les résultats d'un sondage sur le rapport que portent les enseignants du second degré sur le monde de l’entreprise.
Selon le sondage, 71 % des enseignants en collège et lycée estiment que l'entreprise n'est pas assez présente à l'école et 74 % se disent prêts à aller faire un stage. Consulter les résultats du sondage. Suite...

23 novembre 2013

Chroniques horizon sur les métiers de la croissance verte

Logo de l'Agence Régionale de la Formation tout au long de la vie (ARFTLV Poitou-charentes)Alors que le Salon régional de la Croissance verte se tiendra les 28 et les 29 novembre, les Chroniques Horizon se consacreront plus particulièrement aux métiers de la croissance verte la semaine du 25 au 29 novembre 2013. 
La croissance verte est un mode de développement économique respectueux de l’environnement. Elle concerne les éco-activités (assainissement de l’eau, recyclage et valorisation énergétique des déchets, dépollution des sites, énergies renouvelables) mais aussi les secteurs traditionnels (transport, agriculture, bâtiment) qui intègrent des compétences liées à l’environnement. Les éco-activités représentent plus de 450000 emplois en France. Suite...

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