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26 août 2013

Enhancement of Quality Assurance Management in Jordanian Universities - EQuAM University of Barcelona is launching a new project entitled "Enhancement of Quality Assurance Management in Jordanian Universities" (EQuAM), in partnership with ENQA and 15 other higher education bodies.
A model (principles, priorities, guidelines and procedures) will be produced to support Jordanian HEIs and their quality assurance unit to improve internal QA in line with the new requirements of the national HE Accreditation Council and international expectations. The Model will be based on analyses of needs and capacities in Jordanian HEIs, as well as the experiences and best practices from the successful QA Action Line of the Bologna Process. Workshops, consultations and “matching” exercises will contribute relevant material from Jordanian and European HEIs and QA agencies. The Model will be piloted in Jordanian HEIs and complemented by training and capacity building to support its sustainability. European experiences in building productive relationships between HEIs and their QA agencies will inform the effective implementation of the Model and reflect the importance of autonomous HEIs meeting national/international expectations whilst working in different contexts.

26 août 2013

Call for international experts - Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education (SKVC) Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education (SKVC) announces a public call for international experts to participate in the process of external quality assessment of study programmes provision and (or) institutional reviews of HEI in Lithuania.
Experts applying should be known in their fields as researchers, teachers of the subject, or be Bologna experts, independent higher education consultants, have previous experience of participation in peer reviews in the home country or internationally, and be fluent in English.
If you are interested, please send your Curriculum Vitae and a short motivation letter by e-mail to:
All information will be submitted into the SKVC database. The evaluation coordinator will be in contact with the selected experts with proposal to work in the particular evaluations in Lithuania.
For more information about list of programmes to be evaluated please consult the call here.

26 août 2013

Public call for international external experts - Public Agency for Accreditation of Higher Education (PAAHE) Public Agency for Accreditation of Higher Education (PAAHE), Albania, announces a public call for international external experts.
External experts are expected to work as peer review for external evaluation of Higher Education Institutions in Albania at institutional and study program level.
Experts applying must meet the following criteria:
1. Must be a well known person in the relevant science field;
2. Must have experience of at least 5 (five) years in teaching and in scientific research in one of the areas;
3. Must have at least the scientific degree "Doctor"
4. Must have experience in quality assurance in higher education institutions;
5. Must have high personal and professional integrity;
6. Must have international experience gained through postgraduate study or research training in Western universities or research centers.
If you are interested, please send your Curriculum Vitae by e-mail to:
The selected external experts will be listed on the External Expert List of PAAHE and will be contacted about particular proposed evaluations in Albania.
For more information please consult the call here.

26 août 2013

Marketising Higher Education: Public and Private Universities in a Market Economy higher education sector in the UK and globally is changing rapidly, with increasing marketisation and the precipitous growth of private services and providers. This seminar draws on a range of research studies to explore the implications for higher education policy and practice in the UK and beyond.
Markets in Higher Education: Teaching versus Research 
Professor Margaret Thornton (Australian National University) 
Drawing on research conducted for her recent book, Privatising the Public University: The Case of Law (Routledge, 2012), Prof. Thornton argues that the neoliberal turn in higher education, in particular the increasing marketization of the sector and the commodification of knowledge, has had differential impacts on teaching and research. In this paper she explores the reasons why this might be so, with particular reference to the UK and Australia.
The growth of private and for-profit higher education providers in the UK: implications for policy and practice 
Professor Robin Middlehurst, Kingston University
Drawing on a series of policy research studies undertaken in the UK between 2009 and 2014, this paper will explore the growth of non-profit and for-profit providers in England, in comparison with other countries. Prof. Middlehurst will set out the policy context in which this growth has taken place and discuss the myths, realities and implications for policy and practice in UK higher education more broadly.
Lunch will be available at 1pm and the event will start at 1.40. After each paper there will be time for questions and discussion, followed by an opportunity to discuss issues raised in both papers over tea or coffee. 
For further details about the Higher Education Policy Network, please contact the network convenor, Prof. Carole Leathwood, Institute for Policy Studies in Education, London Metropolitan University,
Venue Information
Room TMG-45
London Metropolitan University
166-220 Holloway Road
London, N7 8DB
Please use the Rocket Complex entrance to the University
26 août 2013

Quality Assurance and Quality Enhancement in e-Learning Discussion Meeting 6 Sep 2013
Start Time: 10:00 am
Location/venue: Fielder Centre, University of Hertfordshire, UK
This free one-day discussion meeting will explore challenges facing the sector in relation to assuring quality whilst also enabling quality enhancement and innovation through technology enhanced learning (TEL). We will be considering the rapid increase in the development of MOOCs (Massive Online open courses) and the impact of the Key Information Set (KIS) requirements on UK Higher Education Institutions.
Technologies impact on all aspects of the learning process, including teaching, assessment and communication. In light of changes in technologies and the changing role of e-learning within higher education, guidance and policies associated with quality assurance and quality enhancement of technology enhanced learning (TEL) need to be considered and reviewed.
The day will include; a discussion on the quality issues associated with MOOCs and feedback from a MOOC student; Michael Hamlyn, Director of Academic Enhancement at Staffordshire University. The afternoon will focus on the KIS requirements and will include presentations from Catherine Benfield, Head of Business Development at the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), and Moira Sutton from the International Centre for Guidance Studies (iCeGS), School of Education at the University of Derby. Catherine and Moira have been involved in the early evaluations of the KIS and will present findings from their respective reports regarding Institutional and User perspectives. The presentations will be followed by discussions about the KIS requirements which focus on face to face contact hours with little consideration of how institutions and academics use technology to guide and support students. The issues were recently highlighted by the JISC following the publication of a Student Academic Experience survey from Which? And the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI). Actively seeking your contributions to the QAQE debate, the day will include networking opportunities and participatory sessions to explore practitioner needs.
Attendance at the conference is free - there is no registration fee

10.00-10.15 Registration and Coffee

10.15-10.20 Welcome

10.20-11.30 MOOCs and Quality Issues - QAQE Steering Group

11.30-11.45 Refreshments

11.45-12.15 Experiences of MOOCs – Michael Hamlyn, Director of Academic Enhancement, Staffordshire University

12.15-13.00 Discussion of MOOCs – Quality Issues and challenges for sector

13.00-13.45 Lunch

13.45-14.00 Key Information Sets - QAQE Steering Group

14.00-14.30 Early evaluation of KIS; Institutional perspectives - Catherine Benfield

Head of Business Development, Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA)

14.30-15.00 Early evaluation of KIS; User experiences - Moira Sutton, International Centre for Guidance Studies(iCeGS) School of Education, University of Derby

15.00-15.15 Refreshments

15.15-16.00 Discussion of KIS - risks and benefits associated with TEL

16.00 Close of conference

Contact email

26 août 2013

Academic Ranking of World Universities 2013 2013 Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) is released today by the Center for World-Class Universities at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Starting from a decade ago, ARWU has been presenting the world Top 500 universities annually based on transparent methodology and reliable data. It has been recognized as the precursor of global university rankings and the most trustworthy one.    
Harvard University continues to take the first place in the 2013 list. The Top 10 universities are: Harvard, Stanford, Berkeley, MIT, Cambridge, Caltech, Princeton, Columbia, Chicago and Oxford. In Continental Europe, ETH Zurich (20th) in Switzerland takes first place and it becomes the first university in this region listed among the world Top 20 in the history of ARWU. Pierre & Marie Curie (37th) in France overtakes Paris-Sud (39th) as the second best university in Continental Europe. The best ranked universities in the Asia-Pacific region are the University of Tokyo (21st) and Kyoto University (26th) in Japan, and the University of Melbourne (56th) in Australia. 
The University of Groningen (92nd) in Netherlands enters the Top 100 list for the first time. There are totally 11 universities breaking into the Top 500 list in 2013, among which King Abdullah University of Science and Technology in Saudi Arabia, the University of Coimbra in Portugal, and the Catholic University of Korea in South Korea make their first appearance.
The Center for World-Class Universities also releases the 2013 Academic Ranking of World Universities by Broad Subject Fields (ARWU-FIELD) and 2013 Academic Ranking of World Universities by Subject Fields (ARWU-SUBJECT). Top 200 universities in five broad subject fields and in five selected subject fields are listed, where the best five universities are:

The complete lists and detailed methodologies can be found at the Academic Ranking of World Universities website at
Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU): Starting from 2003, ARWU has been presenting the world Top 500 universities annually based on a set of objective indicators and third-party data. ARWU has been recognized as the precursor of global university rankings and the most trustworthy league table. ARWU adopts six objective indicators to rank world universities, including the number of alumni and staff winning Nobel Prizes and Fields Medals, the number of Highly Cited Researchers, the number of articles published in journals of Nature and Science, the number of articles indexed in Science Citation Index - Expanded and Social Sciences Citation Index, and per capita performance. More than 1200 universities are actually ranked by ARWU every year and the best 500 universities are published.

26 août 2013

Dispositif SAFRAN - Programmation 2013-2014 de 30 actions de professionnalisation sont programmées entre septembre 2013 et avril 2014 à destination des acteurs de la formation, de l’information, de l’orientation, de l’accompagnement des parcours, de l’insertion et de l’emploi de Poitou-Charentes.
Cette programmation propose plusieurs modalités de professionnalisation : des formations d’une durée de 1 à 4 jours et des évènements sur des formats plus courts, de 2 heures à 1 journée (rencontres thématiques, groupes de travail, présentations d’outils pédagogiques ou d’orientation, conférences-débats).
Ces actions sont mises en œuvre par l’ARFTLV et bénéficient d’un financement de la Région Poitou-Charentes ou de la Direccte, avec le soutien du Fonds Social Européen. Elles sont accessibles sans frais d’inscription.
Trois axes thématiques constituent la programmation 2013-2014, chacun poursuivant des objectifs particuliers de professionnalisation et s’adressant à des publics spécifiques.
Axe 1 : Orientation tout au long de la vie et accompagnement des parcours
Les formations de cet axe sont financées par la Région Poitou-Charentes. Elles seront régulièrement complétées par des actions courtes organisées par l’ARFTLV.
Les actions proposées :
- Faire évoluer ses pratiques d’orientation  - Inscription
- Les techniques de base de la conduite d’entretien - Inscription
- Prévenir et gérer les comportements inadaptés du public- Inscription
- Développer les coopérations avec les entreprises pour la construction et la mise en œuvre du parcours vers la formation et l’emploiInscription
- Prévenir les abandons en formation par une démarche de médiation relationnelle - Inscription
- Repérer les difficultés de santé des publics accueillis - Descriptif et inscription à venir
- Identifier et lever les freins à l’entrée en formation - Inscription
- Accompagner les transitions et mobilités professionnelles - Inscription
- Analyse de sa pratique de l’explicitation - Inscription
- Réunion d’information sur l'accès à la formation dans les trois fonctions publiques (Etat, hospitalière, territoriale) : Le 17 septembre après-midi (en savoir plus)
- Le cadre juridique de l’emploi et de la formation professionnelle continue - Inscription
- Le cadre juridique de la formation des salariés - Inscription
Jeunes et demandeurs d’emploi : insertion, formation et retour à l’emploi  - Inscription
- S’approprier des outils de capitalisation des acquis et des compétences - Inscription
Compléter un parcours certifiant après une VAE - Inscription
- Boite à outils de l'orientation : - 27 septembre après-midi : Présentation d'outils de Eurotests Editions  ; - 5 novembre après-midi : Présentation d'outils de la Fondation JAE ; - 13 décembre matin et après-midi :  Présentation d'outils des Editions Qui plus Est  - En savoir plus et s'inscrire
Axe 2 : Modernisation de l’offre et développement des compétences dans les organismes de formation
Aux modules de formation financés par la Région Poitou-Charentes, s’ajoutent notamment les rendez-vous de « la boite à outils du formateur », organisés tout au long de l’année par l’ARFTLV pour présenter aux acteurs de la formation outils, supports ou méthodes pédagogiques.
Les actions proposées :
- Animer des formations individualisées  -  Inscription
- Modulariser son offre de formation   -  Inscription
- Savoir répondre à la commande publique de formation   Inscription
- Innover en formation grâce aux multiples usages de l’internet (Internet, réseaux sociaux, FOAD) - Inscription
- Réseaux sociaux et forums pour créer et maintenir du lien  - Inscription
Visioconférence et travail collaboratif à distance  -  Inscription
- Adapter son système de formation au processus d’individualisation - Inscription
Axe 3 : Accompagnement du Programme d’Accès aux Compétences Clés
Les actions de cet axe sont financées par la Direccte Poitou-Charentes.
Les actions proposées :
- Accompagner les apprentissages des adultes en lecture-écriture  -  Inscription
- Reprendre les bases mathématiques avec des adultes en difficulté  -  Inscription
- Développer les compétences de base en sciences et technologie  -  Inscription
- Faire découvrir l’informatique à des adultes en difficulté  -  Inscription
- Développer la compétence clé « Apprendre à apprendre » du public accueilli  -  Inscription
Utiliser le référentiel des compétences clés en situation professionnelle (CCSP) - Inscription
Accompagner le développement de la capacité à apprendre des publics en insertion  -  Inscription
- Favoriser le renforcement des compétences clés en situation de travail  -  Inscription
- Rencontre régionale des acteurs du PACC : le 10 octobre 2013 (descriptif et inscription à venir)
Voir le calendrier mensuel de programmation et accéder aux bulletins d'inscription à télécharger
D’autres actions de professionnalisation pourront venir compléter cette programmation. L’actualité du dispositif Safran est à suivre sur le site de l’ARFTLV ( / rubrique SAFRAN) et grâce à sa lettre électronique hebdomadaire « Atout Compétences » (inscription gratuite).
Pour toute information, l’équipe Safran est à votre disposition au 05 49 50 32 90 et sur

26 août 2013

European Higher Education in the World Presidency of the Council of the European Union 2013. International Conference „European Higher Education in the World“ 
Date: 5-6 September, 2013 Venue: Pirkliu klubas, Gedimino pr. 25, Vilnius, Lithuania.
The international dimension of higher education has become a central topic of the European higher education policy agenda. Globalisation and technological development are radically changing the landscape of higher education. International student mobility will grow rapidly to an expected 7 million by 2020 in the context of an exponential growth in the demand for higher education: over the next twenty years, the number of higher education students is expected to increase fourfold, from 99 million to 414 million. The thirst for knowledge and social mobility of the expanding middle classes in emerging economies will put higher education within the reach of hundreds of millions of citizens of the world.
European higher education institutions have a positive record of internationalisation notably via their participation in EU and national academic cooperation programmes. They have a rich and diverse experience in developing international curricula, fostering international education, research and innovation projects and exchanging students, researchers, staff and knowledge. Since 1987, the Erasmus programme has played a key role in stimulating mobility: almost 3 million students have participated in the programme, as well as over 300,000 higher education teachers and other staff. Beyond mobility, Erasmus has transformed the way in which higher education institutions relate to and cooperate with one another. The Programme has proven to be an important catalyst in the reform and internationalisation of higher education systems. It put to the fore the need for the convergence introduced through the Bologna Process and its tools. From 2004, the Erasmus Mundus programme, building on the successes of Erasmus, has contributed to enhance internationalisation by funding the development of excellent joint Masters and doctoral programmes between higher education institutions in Europe and further afield, stimulating the process of accreditation of international joint degrees.
The chief purpose of internationalisation is to improve the quality of higher education, to better prepare learners in Europe to live in a global world and work in a global economy. There is no single approach to internationalisation. It involves all levels of university life and has to be adapted to each institution's specific profile. Higher education institutions are encouraged to develop comprehensive internationalisation strategies encompassing all their competitive and cooperative activities. While mobility is one key component, internationalisation strategies need to reach well beyond mobility and prioritise the need to internationalise curricula and the teaching process, in order to cater for the needs of the vast majority of learners who are not internationally mobile.
The need for more global cooperation and strategic partnerships involving European and non-European higher education institutions is particularly urgent, in order to tackle global challenges. If Europe is to remain a highly attractive destination for internationally mobile students, and a valued partner for international academic cooperation, against the rising backdrop of new regional higher education hubs, it must reinforce its efforts to promote the global awareness of the high quality and the rich cultural and linguistic diversity of its universities as well as its competitive advantages. Those include a strong experience in developing joint and double degrees, participation in international research projects, networks, developing doctoral schools, industrial doctorates or in implementing a common qualification framework and quality assessment tools.
Following the European Commission Communication on the internationalisation of higher education, the conference will bring together over 150 higher education stakeholders from the EU and beyond, and offer them an opportunity for dialogue on the different tools available to further internationalisation processes, and on the future place of Europe in the global higher education landscape.
See the Programme.

26 août 2013

AIEC 2013's New?

Theme: Global Imperatives - Local Realities
This year’s AIEC will focus on the key global, regional and local drivers that influence and shape international education. What impact do these drivers have and how can we respond to them most effectively?Conversely, what impact does international education have on the world around us globally and locally? How do local realities affect our ability to respond to global imperatives and opportunities? How do we achieve balance between global imperatives and local realities? How will international education influence and shape the future of the nation and the world?

26 août 2013

The 5th annual Wise Summit 5th annual Summit will convene in October 29 – 31, 2013, in Doha, Qatar.
Since 2009, the annual World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE) in Doha, Qatar, brings together the world’s most influential experts, decision makers and practitioners to find bold ways of improving education, exploring groundbreaking new trends and tackling the critical challenges of the 21st century through concrete action. The strength of WISE is its broad multi-sectoral base for collaboration, fostering innovation and sharing sustainable and replicable best practices.
The three-day Summit offers a convivial environment for interactive discussions with speakers, experts and members from the WISE Community. Attendees are given an opportunity to collaborate, share best practices and challenge their thinking during interactive Plenary Sessions and Debates. Focus Sessions highlight innovative Best Practices or projects, along with Workshops to facilitate collaboration on specific issues. Guests connected with members of the WISE Community, including the holders of  WISE Awards winning projects and Learners’ Voice student delegates. Also, the WISE Prize for Education, now is awarded during the Summit to an individual or a team in recognition of an outstanding contribution to education.
The Summit offers a unique opportunity for all the participants to find out more about the most cutting-edge practices in education, network with high-level people from all sectors and from all countries, and to actively participate in building the future of education.
Find out more:

World Innovation Summit for Education -2009 - in Doha, Qatar World Innovation Summit for Education - 2010 - in Doha, Qatar World Innovation Summit for Education - 2011 - in Doha, Qatar World Innovation Summit for Education - 2012 - in Doha, Qatar

49 abonnés
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