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1 janvier 2009

Italy : Continuing vocational education and training (CVET) for adults

In Italy, there are two systems that provide adult education. The first falls under the responsibility of the Ministry of Education. The second, which provides continuing vocational training (Formazione Professionale Continua) for adult workers, is organised by the regional authorities.
The general system of Adult Education is financially supported on the base of resources allocated by the State, the Regions, and the local authorities; other funding can be provided by a number of public and private agencies, as well as by EU resources. Continuing training activities in Italy are implemented by a variety of agencies and institutions.
Lifelong learning in Italy is thus "disseminated" through the education, training and labour systems, and therefore the institutional jurisdiction in the programming, management and evaluation of the actions regarding lifelong learning is highly specialised. The reference context of lifelong learning (systems of education, training and labour) has been recently affected by wide-ranging reform processes.
Order No. 22 dated 6 February 2001 of the Ministry of Education "Sull'educazione degli adulti", states that the educational system must act according to procedures agreed with the vocational training and informal-education system, in order to "accompany the development of the individual, thus guaranteeing lifelong learning" in the full exercise of the right of citizenship. The right to lifelong learning, as a right of citizenship, is understood as an instrument of targeted action on social exclusion.
The growth of the Adult Education Centres has been considerable, rising from 25 in the first year of their foundation (1997) to 540 in 2003-2004.
The Adult Education Centres are located throughout Italy with an average of five centres per Province (the highest concentration is observed in Lombardy, Sicily and Campania).
The reforms introduced in Italy in recent years for the labour market, the social security and the VET system involve an overall system oriented towards “Welfare to Work”. One of the main objectives of this system is to foster the integration (or reintegration) in the labour market for the unemployed, the weaker categories or those at risk of exclusion.
According to the most recent Excelsior survey carried out by Unioncamere, Italian enterprises have nowadays more awareness of their fundamental role in training their employees, especially in the starting phase of their job. This fact confirms an existing gap between formal/school training and real vocational needs expressed by the productive system.
The activities of the Adult Education Centres are aimed not only at courses for the attainment of educational qualifications, but also for the reception, listening and guidance, as well as the primary, functional and adult literacy, the learning of language skills, the development and consolidation of basic skills and know-how, the recovery and development of cultural and relational skills both suited to the activity of participation in social life, and to the return to training of persons in marginal conditions.

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1 janvier 2009

Découvrez le nouveau logiciel de SIFAC de l'AMUE

nouveau logiciel de gestion financière et comptable

Découvrez le nouveau logiciel de Système d’Information Financier, Analytique et Comptable (SIFAC) de l'Agence de Mutualisation des Universités et Etablissements (AMUE).
24 établissements ont confirmé leur choix de prendre Sifac en 2010, troisième vague d’implantation du nouveau système d’information financier, analytique et comptable. Retours sur les conditions de déploiement du logiciel et l’accompagnement de l’Amue.

Le projet de réalisation d'un nouveau système de gestion financière et comptable s'est décomposé en 5 phases :2007 > construction du logiciel comprenant une phase de conception et une phase de vérification d'aptitude. Première vague > 1er janvier 2008 : 12 établissements pilotes basculent sur Sifac. Deuxième vague > 1 janvier 2009 : le logiciel sera implantés dans 34 établissements.Troisième vague > 1er janvier 2010 : 24 établissements ont à ce jour confirmés le choix Sifac. Quatrième vague > 2011 : dernière année du déploiement en établissement...

 ソフトウェアの導入に伴う戻り値とEUAM 。財務管理と会計の新しいソフトウェア

1 janvier 2009

Ireland : Continuing vocational education and training (CVET) for adults

Continuing vocational education and training (CVET) is a rapidly growing part of the Irish VET system. It caters for a diverse range of learners and fields of learning and takes place in a range of locations, including Institutes of further education, training centres, community-based learning centres and in the workplace.
The governments’ National Anti-Poverty Strategy (NAPS), identified education and training as central to addressing poverty, and targeted investment and support for individuals and groups with inadequate literacy and numeracy skills. In 2005 the Educational Disadvantage Committee (EDC), issued a report entitled, ‘Moving beyond Educational Disadvantage’. This looked at disadvantage on a lifelong curve and made specific recommendations in relation to adult and community education.
While most entrants to third-level and higher education are school leavers, government policy is to encourage greater participation by mature and second-chance learners. Priority has been given to increasing participation from persons from traditionally under-represented groups such as students from disadvantaged backgrounds and Travellers. To achieve this special arrangements have been put in place in various universities, including access officers, alternative entrance qualification requirements and special foundation or preparatory courses. A number of other initiatives have been established, including the special links with second-level schools. Students with disabilities are supported with technical education aids and supports. The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment (DETE) is responsible for developing continuing vocational training (CVT) policies for the unemployed.
Government policy has long been that CVET for persons at work is primarily the responsibility of employers, who are the main source of funds for training for the employed, through their direct funding of in-company training and their financial contributions to the National Training Fund (NTF).
FÁS runs a range of fee-paying evening courses in its training centres aimed at employed workers and the general public who wish to update their skills. If the trainee is unemployed or is from a recognised disadvantaged group no fee is charged. In many cases the employer sponsors the training or pays or reimburses the cost of these courses. In addition to the publicly-provided CVET, commercial training providers offer courses to the general public and individual learners can avail of fee paying courses in for instance, language and IT skills provided by these companies.

Roinn Fiontar, Trádalá agus Fostaíochta

  培训就业局运行一系列付费晚间课程的培训中心,旨在劳动者和一般公众谁要更新他们的技能。 如果学员是失业或是来自弱势群体认识到不收费的。 在许多情况下,雇主赞助的培训或国家或报销的费用,这些课程。 除了公开提供CVET ,商业供应商提供培训课程,一般公众和个人学习者可以利用的付费课程,例如,语言和信息技术技能提供了这些公司。

1 janvier 2009

Les Assises de la VAE en Bretagne

Les Assises de la VAE en Bretagne ont réuni le 15 décembre près de 300 personnes au Triangle à Rennes. Ces rencontres auront permis à tous les professionnels présents d'échanger sur les pratiques de VAE en Bretagne. Les résumés ainsi que les supports des interventions sont disponibles en téléchargement.
Les ppt des interventions
. Quelques extraits :
Le plan de professionnalisation du réseau VAE en universités, par Jean-Marie FILLOQUE, Vice Président chargé de la FTLV  de l‘Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Président de la Conférence des Directeurs de Service Universitaire de Formation Continue.

Les chiffres de la VAE en Bretagne.
RNCP, certifications et VAE. Télécharger-->
Résumés de toutes les interventions des "Assises de la VAE en Bretagne".
Dossier de Presse
des Assises de la VAE.

Source : .

1 janvier 2009

Iceland : Continuing vocational education and training (CVET) for adults

Access to lifelong learning has seen a colossal expansion in the past decades. Numerous private education and training institutions have been established, aiming specifically at adults and the state co-finances nine Regional Centres for Lifelong Learning, which offer a wide scope of training possibilities. In many cases they e.g. offer the possibility of adding on to qualifications through distance learning and a combination of on campus and distance learning. Many universities also offer similar possibilities and use both e-learning and more traditional approaches.
The nine Regional Centres for Lifelong Learning (Símenntunarmiðstöðvar) are the cornerstone of the government's continuous education and training programme.
In 2007 two institutions owned by social partners (Fræðslumiðstöð atvinnulífsins – the Education and Training Service Centre ( and Iðan fræðslusetur – the Vocational Education and Training Centre ( were working with the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (menntamálaráðuneyti) in the establishment of quality assurance mechanism for all adult education and training, as a part of a contract involving also “real competence” assessments and training for people with little or no formal skills.
The main providers are private companies that sell their services to whoever wants to pay. In recent years, there has been a great emphasis on teaching Icelandic to immigrants and it has proven difficult to get enough teachers for the subject, especially because many of the immigrants speak no other language than their own.
Training of any kind has been very popular in recent years. Even though specific information is not available for this completely unregulated field, it appears that the biggest group seeks general education rather than VET. Re-education courses at the universities expand rapidly and every type of language course seems to be very popular. The offer of vocational courses is much smaller and there the aim seems to be towards increased specialisation or re-training at special schools.

2007年2つの機関の社会的パートナー( Fræðslumiðstöð atvinnulífsins -教育およびトレーニングサービスセンター( )Iðan fræðslusetur -職業教育訓練センター( )の所有では、との仕事をしていた契約も" "の評価をほとんどあるいは全く正式なスキルを持つ人々に真の能力に関する研修の一環として、すべての成人教育と訓練の品質保証機構の設立に文部科学省、科学と文化( menntamálaráðuneyti ) 、 。

1 janvier 2009

Aujourd'hui, 20 universités (sur 85) deviennent autonomes

20 universités sont autonomes à partir du 1er janvier 2009, et bénéficient de compétences élargies (gestion du budget, de la masse salariale et des ressources humaines) prévues par la loi sur l'autonomie. Ces vingt universités, soit le quart des universités françaises, regroupent près de 315 000 étudiants et un peu plus de 19 000 enseignants-chercheurs. Le choix des universités autonomes s'est fait sur 4 critères, qui ont servi à réaliser les audits : la gestion comptable et financière, la gestion des ressources humaines, la gestion des systèmes d'information et la gestion immobilière. Télécharger la fiche complète

20 1ère universités autonomes au 01-01-09

Quelques réactions : 20% des effectifs universitaires concernés
La ministre de l'Enseignement supérieur Valérie Pécresse a présenté fin juillet un bilan de la première année d'application de la loi sur l'autonomie des universités et rappelé la liste des 20 premières qui y accéderont au 1er janvier, dont «le budget sera multiplié en moyenne par 2,5». «Elles recevront chacune une subvention de 250.000 euros», a-t-elle précisé.
Il s'agit d'Aix-Marseille 2, de Cergy-Pontoise, de Clermont-Ferrand 1, de Corte, Limoges, de Lyon 1, de Marne-la-Vallée, de Montpellier 1, de Mulhouse, de Nancy 1, de Paris 5, de Paris 6, Paris 7, de La Rochelle, de Saint-Etienne, de Strasbourg 1, de Strasbourg 2, de Strasbourg 3, de Toulouse 1 et de l'université technologique de Troyes.
«L'université s'ouvre dans un dialogue avec l'entreprise, elles tissent ensemble davantage de liens, il se passe quelque chose d'inédit», a-t-elle insisté, précisant que sa loi, également appelée «loi libertés et responsabilités des universités» (LRU), touche «tous les secteurs disciplinaires» et va concerner «312.000 étudiants, soit 20% des effectifs universitaires». Le président de l’université devient le vrai patron
Elu par les enseignants chercheurs du conseil d'administration pour un mandat de quatre ans renouvelable une fois, il devient le manager de son personnel: titularisation, détachement, délégation, avancement... Plus besoin d'en référer à l’Etat. Avec – et c'est nouveau – la possibilité d'embaucher des contractuels en CDD ou CDI pour des fonctions d’enseignement, de recherche, techniques ou administratives. Y compris des enseignants étrangers, à un salaire attractif pour eux. Les présidents pourront aussi distribuer des primes au mérite au personnel. Enfin, ils auront un droit de veto sur les recrutements d'enseignants. 1,9 milliard d’euros pour les 20 universités autonomes
Pour assurer une parfaite transition vers le statut autonome (le 1er janvier 2009), l’Etat joue un " rôle d’accompagnateur des Universités " . Cela se traduit par un " renforcement de l’encadrement dans les Universités ", déjà entamé en 2007. En effet, les Universités françaises comptent, en moyenne, moins de 25% de cadres A parmi leurs personnels.
Un plan de requalification des emplois a donc été engagé : dès la rentrée 2008, 721 emplois ont été requalifiés (453 emplois à la catégorie A, et 268 à la catégorie B).
L’Etat a également mis en place un plan de formation des agents, qui a débuté dès janvier 2008 et se poursuivra sur 3 ans. Ce plan, qui porte sur l’ensemble des aspects de management et de gestion, s’adresse aux personnels d’encadrement des universités et à l’encadrement supérieur. 500 agents en ont déjà bénéficié, et plus de 1500 personnels en bénéficieront au final. Президент университета становится реальным боссом
Избираются преподавателей совета сроком на четыре года, продлен один раз, он стал менеджером своего персонала: пребывания, размещения делегаций прогресса ... Нет необходимости ссылаться на государство.
Что - и это новое - возможность найма временной или контрактной комиссия функции учебного, научно-исследовательские, технические и административные. В том числе иностранные преподаватели с привлекательной заработной платы для них.

1 janvier 2009

Hungary : Continuing vocational education and training (CVET) for adults

Adult education within the school system offers full and part-time learning opportunities for adults who could not obtain a formal school graduation certificate of a certain level or an OKJ qualification during their compulsory schooling, or who want to attain a higher level or more specialized qualification. This kind of education is offered by public and higher education institutions at primary, secondary and tertiary levels. Their training programmes offered to adults do not in general differ from the regular full time courses in terms of objectives, structure, main content, or the awarded state recognized qualifications, except for the postgraduate programmes. Postgraduate specialized programmes and doctoral degree programmes target higher education graduates to provide them more specialized or higher level training.
Assisting unemployed people and others endangered by unemployment is the prime duty of the Public Employment Service (Állami Foglalkoztatási Szolgálat, ÁFSZ) whose regional labour centres (regionális munkaügyi központ) support the training of these target groups from sources of the employment sub-fund of the Labour Market Fund. In addition, the training of unqualified adults and older people to obtain a state-recognized vocational qualification, and the vocational, general and language education of people living with disabilities can be supported by the state budget through per capita support (normatív támogatás).
The state regulates by legislation the mandatory further training system of employees in the public sector as well in some fields of the private sector where the nature of work – for example, for safety reasons or because of the constant change of regulations - necessitates it (e.g. in occupations related to gas production and services, commerce of plant and animal health chemicals, professional drivers, bookkeepers and auditors, professional hunters, etc.).
According to the adjusted calculation of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour based on the available adult training statistics, around one third of the participants of registered adult trainings, 100 000 persons, finance their own training.    L'educació d'adults en el sistema escolar ofereix a temps complet i parcial oportunitats d'aprenentatge per a adults que no podien obtenir un certificat de graduació de l'escola formal d'un determinat nivell de qualificació o un OKJ durant la seva escolaritat obligatòria, o que volen assolir un nivell més alt o més coneixements especialitzats .

1 janvier 2009

The impact of Lifelong Learning on Poverty Reduction

Adult education is vital in the fight against poverty but it has to work alongside other measures aimed at improving people’s lives, a detailed study of the impact of lifelong learning on poverty reduction shows.
Research commissioned by the independent Inquiry into the Future for Lifelong Learning explores the public value of such learning, not only for the individual but for the family and wider community. The evidence suggests that lifelong learning works best when it is part of a broad set of initiatives and responses to the complex challenges people face at various stages in their lives.
The detailed study, including a reanalysis of more than 15 years of research into poverty reduction, was carried out by Ricardo Sabates, Senior Research Office at the University of London’s Institute of Education. He raises key issues around the potential of lifelong in helping cut the dependency of individuals on other often costly state-funded support services.
“This is an invaluable study, not only for what it says about the positive things lifelong learning can and does bring to us all but also in identifying areas that still urgently need to be researched. Indeed, much of the paper touches on wider issues around which this Inquiry is calling for evidence, such as the impact of learning on well-being and the higher benefits different forms of learning can bring. It is the first of a series of analyses of the public value of lifelong learning.
“Clearly, lifelong learning can help substantially to reduce poverty through the impact it can have on so many aspects of people’s lives. We need to ensure that learning opportunities are offered in such a way as to reach all these aspects.”  Read Dr Sabates' paper here

1 janvier 2009

Trouver la liste complète de tous les masters professionnels sur la base de données pour les diplômes universitaires réalisée pa

Trouver la liste complète de tous les masters professionnels sur la base de données pour les diplômes universitaires réalisée par le SIO sup de l'Université de Bourgogne
Cette base de données recense toutes les formations universitaires de France.
Elle a été réalisée et est administrée par le Service d'Information et d'Orientation de l'Université de Bourgogne. Pour toutes interrogations, adressez-vous à
Les masters pros sont répartis par grands domaines :
Arts, lettres, langues, sciences humaines et sociales

Droit, administration, économie, gestion, science politique, management

Sciences, technologies, santé, sport
Il n'existe aucun autre recensement exhaustif, ni aucune liste complète des masters professionnels en dehors de cette base de données, à notre connaissance.

Find a list of all professional masters on the basis of data for academic qualifications conducted by ORC sup at the University of Burgundy. The database lists all universities in France: Arts, literature, languages, humanities and social sciences, Law, administration, economics, management, political science, management, Science, technology, health, sport.

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