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Formation Continue du Supérieur
11 juin 2015

Listes de revues SHS

Listes de revues SHS
Pour de nombreuses disciplines de Sciences humaines et sociales (SHS) la production de livres reste la forme majeure de l’œuvre scientifique. Parallèlement, la multiplication des revues constitue aujourd’hui un outil essentiel d’animation et de diffusion...
14 février 2015

350 years of publishing from the world's oldest science journal– in pictures

350 years of publishing from the world's oldest science journal– in pictures
By Rebecca Ratcliffe . The world’s oldest scientific journal, Philosophical Transactions, has entered its 350th year. To mark the occasion, the Royal Society has opened its archives to showcase some of its most ground-breaking papers. The exhibition gives...
7 mai 2014

Questions métiers de l'ORM-PACA

Questions métiers de l'ORM-PACA
Cette publication présente des analyses transversales répondant à des questions courantes sur les métiers posées par les publics et les professionnels de l’orientation. 4 publications Diplômes des seniors et des juniors : quelles évolutions dans les métiers...
1 mars 2014

Association of Swedish Higher Education (SUHF) position on a national quality system for higher education

Association of Swedish Higher Education (SUHF) position on a national quality system for higher education
The Association of Swedish Higher Education (SUHF) has published in February an English-language version of its long-term position paper regarding a national quality system for higher education.The position was originally adopted by the SUHF General Assembly...
1 mars 2014

EDUIMHE › The State of Higher Education 2013

EDUIMHE › The State of Higher Education 2013
This report, released on 1 December 2013, is the result of carefully culling through OECD publications relating to higher education. Many of the Organisation’s in-depth studies and analyses over several years from various Directorates have revealed important...
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