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18 octobre 2019

Un prototype strasbourgeois pour corréler offres d'emploi et formations diplômantes

sup-numerique.gouv.frDans la droite ligne des orientations stratégiques tracées par son schéma directeur numérique (SDN), l'Université de Strasbourg a développé un prototype web dont l'ambition est de confronter les données massives de l'emploi sur un territoire avec celles issues de son offre de formation. Plus...

18 octobre 2019

Exploring the UX of web-annotations

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Exploring the UX of web-annotations
Tom Critchlow, 2019/02/20 is "trying very hard to build a robust, long-term utility for the web which is awesome," writes Tom Critchlow. "Except their UI leaves a lot to be desired. Especially on mobile." I have to agree. Like most annotation systems, I find the text boxes way too small. And also, in the case of they open up on top of the text, which makes reading text along with the annotations almost impossible. Critchlow also evaluates the Genius annotation system, which I haven't used. More...
18 octobre 2019

The Web Through a 30 Year Old Lens

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The Web Through a 30 Year Old Lens

Ton Zijlstra, Interdependent Thoughts, 2019/02/19

As I write right now the service is overloaded and unresponsive, so you may have to wait a few days before enjoying it. But it's worth the wait, because it's worth keeping in mind that a scant 30 years ago (for me, half a lifetime ago) the web was very different - text-only, filled with hyperlinks to other sites. More...

16 octobre 2019

The Process of Research Writing: The Web Site

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The Process of Research Writing: The Web Site
Intended for students, and therefore in places quite basic (for example, when distinguishing between scholarly and non-scholarly work). The chapters on working with research teams and alternative methods of presenting your research represent a more modern outlook. And, of course, we have to applaud the making of this book freely available on the web. More...

15 octobre 2019

Un nouveau site web pour la Mission Locale de Touraine

Logo EtoileLe site web de la Mission Locale de Touraine a changé. Plus interactif, dynamique et intuitif, il est centré sur les réponses aux besoins des jeunes de 16 à 25 ans et leur permet notamment de se préinscrire en ligne. Plus...
15 octobre 2019

State of the Live Web

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. State of the Live Web
The post from Micropersuasion linked from this item is really hard to load into your browser because of all the crap embedded videos it contains, but the essence is that, according to Technorati, the rate of blog posting has slowed and begun to decline. To save you the grief, Here's the graph. Note that the turning point happens at the beginning of 2006 - about a year after I said it would. More...

9 octobre 2019

The Web 2.0 Bubble

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The Web 2.0 Bubble
An Atlantic Monthly article says Web 2.0 will fail (sound familiar?) and for the right reasons: "MySpace does not let users network meaningfully with people outside its walls, and it does not let them import some functionality that promotes or drives revenue to other corporations... as the value of social-media tools becomes inevitably unsexy and commoditized, it may be only a matter of time before the Tila Tequilas of the world, inspiration for millions of page views, decide they might as well go elsewhere. More...

9 octobre 2019

Syndicated Web Ratings - an Idea Whose Time has Come?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Syndicated Web Ratings - an Idea Whose Time has Come?
This is a good idea that comes up from time to time (I mention it in my Resource Profiles paper). I doubt that we could ever have a standardized rating system (there will never be global agreement on 'accuracy' or 'family-friendliness') but ratings metadata can be pretty simply encoded. Here is a simple pseudo-schema (similar in many ways to the hreview microformat) that would do the job:
- Item - item being rated (identified by URI)
- Scheme - rating scheme being used (eg., LDS family-friendliness scale)
- Field - field (eg. language use)
- Value - value (eg., 'mild profanity')
- Author - person doing the rating (identified by OpenID)
- Date - date reviewed Aggregating these provides you with a set of ratings on various resources. You can then assemble views (or 'profiles') of the resource, depending on what rating systems you use, what people you depend on for the ratings, etc. This is how we'll do it, eventually - it's just a matter of people collecting ratings and posting them as simple XML. More...

8 octobre 2019

Some Real Data On Web 2.0 Use

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Some Real Data On Web 2.0 Use
Survey, British-based, of 1400 respondents, on the use of Web 2.0 technologies. The respondents are self-selected, so expect the numbers to skew high. Even so, we get some useful data about the patterns of use. That iCal, for example, attracts only a smal percentage of calendar users, while Google Calendar, yahoo Calendar and Outlook are running neck and neck. We also see that World of Warcraft is a lot more popular than Second Life. Everquest, Chess and HalfLife are also more popular. More...

8 octobre 2019

BBC Suspends Jam, Its Flagship Online Learning Web Site

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. BBC Suspends Jam, Its Flagship Online Learning Web Site
The BBC suspends Jam, the site that is, as Seb Schmoller summarizes, "its expensive, ambitious, error-ridden and strangely designed e-learning web site." That may sound like a good reason to close it, but he notes, "there are 200 jobs at risk, 170,000 registered users will lose a service that (?) they've been making use of, and any work that they have saved, and a lot of procured and ready-to-launch content, developed with, say, £50m of public funding, may now never be used." Maybe there's some other way to fix it. More...

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