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31 août 2016

Warning: Colleges may be responsible for Airbnb, Uber safety

eCampus NewsBy Meris Stansbury. Safety expert says shared services economy, ease of travel present new safety challenges for colleges and universities. More...

30 août 2016

Sleepless fraternity neighbours baffled by lack of UBC noise bylaw

Juliana Weberman says that she doesn't have the room to take on all of the knick knacks, kitchen items and furniture her parents want to give her.By . Daniel Kim wears earplugs to sleep at night. It’s not even the booming bass-blasting sound system that bothers him, however, but the hordes of wandering drunks that wake him up. More...

30 août 2016

Student workers hit hard by federal government's Phoenix pay system problems

cbc masthead logoBy Katie Simpson. One student worker went five months without a paycheque.
Another had to call the government help centre 177 times before getting an explanation about why she was being underpaid. More...

29 août 2016

Vie étudiante : de grandes inégalités selon les villes

Les EchosPar Pauline Verge. Les villes de la région parisienne sont celles où le coût de la vie est le plus élevé pour les étudiants, selon un classement de l'Union nationale des étudiants de France (Unef). Paris, Créteil et Nanterre figurent en tête de liste, suivies de Nice, Lyon, Bordeaux et Marseille. Limoges est la plus accessible, juste derrière Poitiers et Brest. Voir l'article...
29 août 2016

Comment concilier un job et des études ?

Par Françoise Marmouyet. D’après une enquête de l’Observatoire de la vie étudiante (OVE) publiée en juin, 46 % des étudiants exercent une activité rémunérée pendant l’année universitaire. Voir l'article...

28 août 2016

Help! I'm a postgrad: how to combat the stress of doing a master's Deadlines are looming, you’re broke and student parties are a distant memory. Being a postgrad is tough at times, but you don’t have to suffer in silence. More...

28 août 2016

University societies - do you wanna be in my gang? Dickinson. University societies attract like-minded people. What better place to meet friends. More...

28 août 2016

Student style – wearing it their way These sartorially savvy students prove great style will always trump fashion, via budget-friendly looks that are a rallying cry for individuality. More...

28 août 2016

Struggling students are not 'lacking resilience' – they need more support Binnie. It’s a buzzword in universities but what does resilience actually mean? Our overuse of the term may be causing more problems than it solves. More...

17 juillet 2016


HomeBy Jake New. More than 80 percent of college students in a new study said they have skipped a meal, induced vomiting or used a laxative in order to consume more alcohol. Read more...

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