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4 novembre 2018

WSCC board considering incremental credentialing to aid workforce

University Business Magazine logoWorkforce demand for some career programs offered by Washington State Community College is so acute that students are being hired away before completing their studies. More...

4 novembre 2018

With tuition and debt rising, vocational education must be a higher priority in Fa.

University Business Magazine logoAs tuition rates and debt levels continue to rise, Florida colleges and universities need to place a greater emphasis on providing learning opportunities outside the classroom for students to prepare them for a competitive job market. More...

4 novembre 2018

Enrollment numbers reflect national trends

University Business Magazine logoCommunity college enrollment is down nationwide. 
From an economist’s view, the explanation is simple: Readily available, well-paying jobs draw students of all ages away from colleges and into the workforce. More...

4 novembre 2018

Improving community college completion rates by addressing structural and motivational barriers

University Business Magazine logoCommunity colleges have the potential to provide students across the United States with viable pathways into good-paying jobs. However, many students who enroll in community college in the United States do not complete a certificate or degree. More...

4 novembre 2018

First-year supports for students

University Business Magazine logoMany community colleges offer supports to new students in their first year, but it is often through piecemeal activities rather than a coordinated comprehensive approach. More...

3 novembre 2018

VET needs support to rebuild its role in getting disadvantaged groups into education and work

The ConversationIn 1974, a review of the VET sector set out an agenda for the future of the vocational education and training sector. It emphasised education and social inclusion in work as key functions of the sector, rather than mainly its “manpower role”.
In the ensuing decades, this emphasis has been overturned. The vocational education and training system of today is industry-led. It is funded primarily to achieve employment outcomes.
VET’s role in skill development and educating those who engage in the range of occupations that contribute to Australia’s economy is critical. But we also need to strongly support the role VET plays in getting disadvantaged groups into education and work. More...

3 novembre 2018

We need to change negative views of the jobs VET serves to make it a good post-school option

The ConversationThe low status of vocational education and training (VET) is a growing problem. Many young Australians and their parents don’t consider VET as a potential post-school pathway, even if it might be more suitable for them than university. More...

3 novembre 2018

A new national set of priorities for VET would make great social and economic sense

The ConversationAttending a Vocational Education and Training (VET) graduation can be an uplifting experience. There’s the 45-year-old manufacturing worker who left school at 14 getting his first-ever qualification and a new job in construction, the Indigenous single parent who started a business based on what she learnt with her Certificate III in Hospitality, the female refrigeration apprentice who won a medal representing Australia at WorldSkills, and the Sudanese refugee who is now a university law student following his English Language and Tertiary Preparation Course. More...

3 novembre 2018

The vocational education sector needs a plan and action, not more talk

The ConversationAustralia’s vocational education system has been bedevilled by competing jurisdiction control, political ideology, chronic under-funding, piecemeal reforms, rampant rorting by a small number of corporate private providers, and a disappointing and surprisingly high level of policy confusion. More...

3 novembre 2018

Teachers and trainers are vital to the quality of the VET sector, and to the success of its learners

The ConversationVocational Education and Training (VET) is an important part of the education sector and trains people of all ages for occupations vital across all sectors of the economy. It also makes a major contribution to social inclusion. More...

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