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8 mars 2014

Why I care about edtech D’Arcy Norman. I’ve been in the edtech game for a long time. I started as a programmer in 1994, then moved into instructional design, and now am working with an amazing group of folks to integrate learning technologies into the practices of instructors and students.
But. Why?
I just came from a workshop that made it clear that many in the edtech field see innovation as something like “working out creative licensing deals with vendors and/or publishers.”
No. It isn’t.
Edtech is important because it can be transformative.
It can literally change the nature of the learning experience. It can shift people from consume mode, into collaborate and publish mode. It can knock down walls. Evaporate silos. Connect people across campus, across campuses, and across the globe. Read more...
23 février 2014

Lawyer creates video platform for academics Elizabeth Raymer. Scholars can connect with public through short ‘vlogs’.
Academics looking for a way to engage and educate the public through video clips now have a platform. It’s called Vidoyen (combining the words “video” and the French word for dean, doyen), and it was launched last year by a Toronto technology lawyer. More...

23 février 2014

ACPA is Getting #SAtech at Upcoming Convention Eric Stoller. This year's ACPA Annual Convention in Indianapolis is gearing up to be an epic event. From a student affairs technology perspective, the convention committee deserves a standing ovation. A recent blog post on the ACPA Convention blog lays out the ways in which technology will play a vital role in this year's experience. Read more...
23 février 2014

Teaching With Video Margaret Andrews. Throughout the years I’ve taught a variety of courses and short programs and have collected a relatively short list of favorite films and videos that I use to illustrate certain lessons and behaviors.  Here are some of my favorites:
Milkshakes:  This four-minute video showcases Clay Christensen talking about how you get the most creative insights into a situation/problem by making sure you ask the right questions. Read more...

10 février 2014

Free trial year for reviewing #cloud #training option

Inge Ignatia de WaardBy Inge Ignatia de Waard. After having a quick look at a new training platform LearningStone I got quite excited. The new Cloud based platform (self-promoting as supporting training professionals with an instant, flexible online platform to support class based training groups) is developed by two experienced EdTech people (which is already a bonus). Sjoerd Boersma and Michiel Klonhammer just released their two year effort and it looks promising. Even after a first look the platform seems to make sense in terms of training options, quick group overviews, focused interaction spaces... Though admittedly I will need more time in order to really review the total package and see whether the ubiquity really works, the tools are truly intuitive and the centrality of the platform (bringing all course components together into one place) feels like a total package that would fit any trainer or course tutors agenda. Read more...
9 février 2014

iPad Apps for the Classroom George Williams. At the beginning of last month, I asked ProfHacker readers to share their favorite apps for the new year, and there are many great contributions in the comments section of that post. Lately, I’ve been talking with my campus colleagues about ways to use the iPad in the classroom. More...

1 février 2014

Why We Joined edX Joshua Kim. Last week my institution announced that it is joining the edX consortium, and will start offering open online courses this fall.
Over the next weeks and months I’m hoping that our IHE community can utilize this platform to engage in a discussion about how to best leverage open online education to improve an intimate, campus-based, learning experience. Read more...

1 février 2014

EDULEARN14 conference coming soon

The 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN14), organised by the International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED), will take place in Barcelona, Spain from 7 to 9 July 2014. More than 700 participants will gather to discuss the latest developments in the field of teaching and learning methodologies, educational projects and innovations and new technologies applied to education and research. Submit your abstracts until 3 April.

24 janvier 2014

Trois chantiers pour aligner la formation sur le Web Michel Diaz. Un salarié, c’est souvent, pour ne pas dire toujours, un internaute… On imagine que les deux auront de plus en plus de mal à cohabiter, à comparer les services qu’ils obtiennent de leur entreprise et sur le Web, dans le champ de l’apprentissage en particulier !
Dédoublement de personnalité de rigueur ! En tant qu’internaute (mobinaute, etc.), je me goinfre tant et plus des produits et services que m’offre le Web. Une vraie corne d’abondance ! Des ressources en nombre infini, souvent de grande qualité, aux formats les plus variés… Freemium : les services de base sont gratuits, je peux aussi tester le niveau premium et m’abonner d’un clic s’il me convient. Ces services sont par ailleurs immédiatement accessibles, sur tous mes « devices » (ordinateur, tablette, smartphone). Suite...

16 janvier 2014

Blackboard Buys Student-Centric Web Platform MyEdu Megan O'Neil. Blackboard Inc., whose learning-management system is used by more than two-fifths of nonprofit colleges in the United States, said on Wednesday that it would acquire the student-centric web platform MyEdu.
Jay Bhatt, Blackboard’s chief executive, declined to disclose the purchase price. He described the acquisition as “small” compared with others that Blackboard has made in the past several years, but “extremely strategic.” Read more...

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