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7 décembre 2014

Connecting Technology Buckets in Student Affairs Eric Stoller. The Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS) website lists "44 sets of functional area standards for higher education programs and services." That represents a multitude of departments and services that are present at most colleges and universities. It also means that there are scores of technologies at play within myriad functional areas. More...

7 décembre 2014

What Monsters Lurk In Your LMS? Audrey Watters on Education Technology . Education technology is a term loaded up with venture-capital-funded hype men and a longer, more tangled history than those folks usually acknowledge. Over the past several years, few journalists have been as critically and historically minded in their coverage of ed tech’s complex story than Audrey Watters, the freelance journalist who writes Hack Education. Her blog is an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to understand the history of education and technology, or even just marvel at the farcical repetitions of ed tech hype cycles. Read more...
7 décembre 2014

Doxie Portable Scanners Get a Wifi Upgrade . For a couple of years now, I’ve been fond of the Doxie line of portable scanners. Three years ago, I looked at the Doxie Go (as did Konrad!), and two years ago I reviewed the second version, the Doxie One. Last year’s model, the Doxie Flip, didn’t really fit into my life very well, but this year’s upgrades to the Doxie Go are pretty terrific. Read more...
26 novembre 2014

When An Evernote Upgrade Goes Horribly Wrong

By Joshua Kim. This is what my Monday was like.  I updated to Evernote 6 on my 10.10.1 MacBook Air from the App Store.  Evernote promptly broke.  The notes were blank.  Titles were missing.  It was not possible to edit existing notes.  Nothing was working. Read more...
25 novembre 2014

Première convention nationale des Sociétés d'Accélération du Transfert de Technologies

Geneviève Fioraso, secrétaire d'Etat chargée de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche, Louis Schweitzer, Commissaire général à l’investissement, et Pierre-René Lemas, directeur général du groupe Caisse des Dépôts, ont ouvert mardi 25 novembre 2014 la première convention nationale des Sociétés d’Accélération du Transfert de Technologies (SATT) créées dans le cadre du Programme d’Investissements d’Avenir (P.I.A.). Voir l'article...

23 novembre 2014

Faculty: Here’s what we really do with technology

eCampus NewsBy  - . Though most faculty members have still not fully embraced teaching exclusively online courses, many are using technology in an attempt to enhance student-centered instruction, according to the results of a new survey conducted by the Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA. More...

23 novembre 2014

Technology Readiness Level (TRL) math for innovative SMEs

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Technology Readiness Level (TRL) math for innovative SMEs
Serkan Bolat, Serkan Bolat, 2014/11/18
This overview of the concept of the 'technology readiness level' (TRL) is useful in the areas of innovation and technology development (we use it in-house at NRC). The idea is to distinguish between innovations that are still at the conceptual stage and those that are ready for production. Our MOOC technology reach 5 or 6, and did not receive project support to go further. More...

19 novembre 2014

Lancement de la 1ère Convention Nationale des #SATT

RDV le 25 novembre 2014 à la Cinémathèque Française de 9h00 à 13h00 donné aux acteurs publics et privés concourant au transfert de technologies et de connaissances de la recherche publique vers les entreprises, toutes disciplines confondues.
Le Communiqué de Presse ICI. Voir l'article...

18 novembre 2014

Technology that puts the classroom in students’ laptops

Go to the Globe and Mail homepageBy Adam Stanley. With classrooms extending to students’ laptops, tablets and even their phones, postsecondary schools are looking for ways to use constantly changing technology to augment learning. Read more...
9 novembre 2014

L’impact des nouvelles technologies et d’Internet sur le fonctionnement du marché du travail, séance plénière du 5 novembre 2014

logoAu cours de cette première séance consacrée à « L’impact des nouvelles technologies et d’Internet sur le fonctionnement du marché du travail », le Conseil a entendu M. Bruno Crépon, Chercheur au Centre de Recherche en Economie et Statistiques (CREST), Professeur associé à l’ENSAE et à l’Ecole Polytechnique, et M. Yannick Fondeur, Directeur de l’unité de recherche "Marchés du travail, Entreprises, Trajectoires" au Centre d’Etudes de l’Emploi (CEE).

Présentation Y. Fondeur PDF. More...

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