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18 novembre 2015

Technology's Powers and Limits Tracy Mitrano. This week I remember a ten-hour neurosurgery I had in Pittsburgh on November 6, 2008. From radiology that suggested a schwanomma on my right trigeminal nerve, the doctors took an innovative endoscopic approach through my sinuses, down to the bottom of my brain where they drilled a little hole in my skull to access the top of the spinal cord and a mass of nerve ganglia. Read more...

18 novembre 2015

Confidential Memo from Acme Education Widgets to Casey Green Joshua Kim. We at Acme Education Widgets would like to reiterate our ongoing gratitude for the highly actionable and wise consulting services that you have provided to us over the years. As longtime sponsors of The Campus Computing Project, we at Acme rely on your data driven insights to guide us through the treacherous educational technology market in which we operate. Read more...

17 novembre 2015

Technology Is Not Enough

HomeBy Serena Klempin. Higher education is increasingly looking to technology as a means of tackling persistent equity challenges and improving student outcomes. Yet technology in and of itself is not a solution -- unless people use technology to create new systems, behaviors and student experiences. Read more...

17 novembre 2015

When the Technology Changes on You . When we use technology extensively in our teaching (or work in general, really), how do we handle unexpected changes to that technology? Here are some thoughts and workarounds. Read more...
17 novembre 2015

Many Colleges Now See Centers for Teaching With Technology as Part of ‘Innovation Infrastructure’

By . In the past few years, many colleges have expanded the scale and scope of centers that support teaching and learning with technology, as part of an effort to build a new “innovation infrastructure” for instruction. More...

16 novembre 2015

Never mind pointless apps – our best minds should be solving real problems A huge flowering of creativity is focused on the minor inconveniences of the cash-rich and time-poor. That’s why we need proper funding for science. More...

10 novembre 2015

New E-tutorial available on the international dimension in Higher Education

Fact Sheet: tackling radicalisation through education and youth policyThis E-tutorial focuses on the international dimension of the Programme and the funding opportunities offered to Higher Education Institutions and their staff and students based in Partner Countries outside the European Union. More...

10 novembre 2015

Innovative Technologies for Engaging Classrooms, 2010-2014

Résultat de recherche d'images pour In iTEC (Innovative Technologies for Engaging Classrooms, 2010-2014), European Schoolnet worked with education ministries, technology providers and research organisations to transform the way that technology is used in schools. More...

10 novembre 2015

Google Expedition takes virtual reality to classrooms around the globe with a DIY pair of glasses

Résultat de recherche d'images pour The 2015 New Media Consortium Horizon Report predicts that wearable technology will be a main trend in schools within the next years. One of the pioneers in introducing this type of technology is Google, which has recently launched the virtual reality Expeditions programme, allowing teachers to bring their lessons to life in engaging ways. More...

10 novembre 2015

RDR 32 : La technologie, une nouvelle philosophie ?

Par Denys Lamontagne. Cette édition du Radar des Responsables (RDR) s'attarde aux modèles de pensée induits par l'omniprésence et l'omnipotence des technologies dans nos sociétés et nos vies. Voir l'article...

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