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11 décembre 2015

Virtual-Reality Lab Explores New Kinds of Immersive Learning

By . Music played over them — but to the wearer, the source of the sound seemed to move around the room. As the music quieted down, it sounded as if it came from farther away. As it got louder on one side of the headset, it sounded as if it came from that side. More...

9 décembre 2015

10 Things I Learned From My 3D Printer: An Early Adopter's Diary

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. 10 Things I Learned From My 3D Printer: An Early Adopter's Diary
Michael Lydick, PC Magazine, 2015/11/30

What I like about this story is that it's not just a story about being an early adopter, it's a story about learning. And it's not one of those "you can learn it in ten minutes" stories, it's a story about what it takes to learn something big, complicated, and unfinished. More...

9 décembre 2015

Mobile App Developers are Suffering

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Mobile App Developers are Suffering
Alex Austin, Medium, 2015/11/30

Good article explaining why it is nearly impossible today to break into the app market with enough impact to build a sustainable revenue base. Essentially, the market (consisting of the apple and Google app stores) is rigged in favour if the incumbents (and those apps with a special relationship with Apple and Google). More...

29 novembre 2015

OECD report questions the value of technology in schools. What did 13 distinguished experts say? What is your opinion?

Résultat de recherche d'images pour Few weeks ago the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has published a report entitled “Students, Computers and Learning: Making the connection". The findings of this research have been interpreted in different ways by experts. More...

29 novembre 2015

Coding and literacy

Résultat de recherche d'images pour The aim of this good practice was o connect different subjects such as ICT and in particular coding, Literacy and Foreign Language, that is English. I asked my students to create a 3 scenes story using ScratchJr app. More...

28 novembre 2015

How to revive The Story

Résultat de recherche d'images pour The basic idea is to create QR codes that will be deployed throughout the city. Codes can be scanned with mobile phones and contain links to maps that allow visitors to learn and see specific locations in the city, as well as how long takes walk for the selected route. More...

27 novembre 2015

„Klassengespräche“: schulbasierte Ansätze zur Verstärkung der Wirkung von Lehrergesprächen innerhalb einer Organisation

Résultat de recherche d'images pour Mit dem Modell der auf Fragen basierenden Lehrergespräche wird eine Brücke zwischen der Rolle der Lehrkraft und des Forschers geschlagen. More...

27 novembre 2015

Conoscenze di progettazione dell'insegnante e convinzioni relative ai materiali didattici arricchiti dalla tecnologia

Résultat de recherche d'images pour L'impegno dell'insegnante nella progettazione di materiali didattici arricchiti dalla tecnologia può essere vantaggioso per la formazione dell'insegnante e può creare un senso di appartenenza, entrambi presupposti per apportare innovazione insieme alla tecnologia. More...

27 novembre 2015

Connaissances et opinions des enseignants pour l’élaboration de support pédagogiques davantage axés sur les technologies

Résultat de recherche d'images pour La participation des enseignants à la conception de supports pédagogiques résolument orientés sur l’aspect technologique est essentielle à l’apprentissage des enseignants. Cette participation peut susciter un sentiment d’appropriation propice à l’innovation et aux technologies. More...

27 novembre 2015

Las convicciones y los conocimientos de diseño de los docentes para los materiales educativos potenciados por la tecnología

Résultat de recherche d'images pour La participación de los profesores en el diseño de materiales educativos basados en las tecnologías resulta beneficioso para el aprendizaje de los profesores y puede crear un sentido de apropiación, ambos propicios a la innovación mediante las tecnologías. More...

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