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21 avril 2017

Apple’s Augmented Reality Debut Will Look More Like “Pokémon” Than Magic Leap

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Apple’s Augmented Reality Debut Will Look More Like “Pokémon” Than Magic Leap
Mark Sullivan, Fast Company, 2017/03/29
This article is mostly speculative at this point. The idea is that Apple is working on augmented reality, but that an eyepiece (think Google Glass) isn't in the works yet. More...

21 avril 2017

YaCy: The P2P Search Engine

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. YaCy: The P2P Search Engine, 2017/03/20

The YaCy search engine actually exists and actually works, and I can even find myself on it. More...

21 avril 2017

Teach schoolchildren how to spot fake news, says OECD

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Teach schoolchildren how to spot fake news, says OECD
A boy using a computer A boy using a computer. The OECD plans to test the ‘global competencies’ of 15-year-olds around , The Guardian, 2017/03/20
I know we would all love to do this, but I don't think you can simply 'teach children to spot fake news'. That's a bit like trying to 'teach children to spot mathematical errors'. More...

21 avril 2017

The college transcript of the future — and the processes holding it back

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The college transcript of the future — and the processes holding it back
Brian Peddle, EdScoop, 2017/03/17
Discussion of the concept of a "modernized transcript". It's similar to what I have been calling a "personal learning record", with the main difference being that it is specific to a single institution, as opposed to incorporating data from multiple institutions and specific to a single individual. More...

21 avril 2017

University of California researchers make lithium ion batteries last five to ten times longer

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. University of California researchers make lithium ion batteries last five to ten times longer
Jayson MacLean, CanTech Letter, 2017/04/18
Because of concerns about the availability of lithium I am not sanguine about this technology in general for the long term. I expect carbon (and more specifically, graphene) to offer a long-term solution. More...

21 avril 2017

Build a talking, face-recognizing doorbell for about $100

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Build a talking, face-recognizing doorbell for about $100
Lukas Biewald, O'Reilly, 2017/03/16
Even if (like me) you don't have the time and space in your life to construct one of these, just reading the article is enough to give you inspiration. It also gives you a 20-20 glimpse into the future. More...

21 avril 2017

Brace Yourself For The Bitcoin Hard Fork

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Brace Yourself For The Bitcoin Hard Fork
Rob Blasetti, Decentralize Today, 2017/03/23
There's a lot of history behind this one, but essentially the split is between the original developers, who want to keep the size of a block limited, and Bitcoin miners (ie., the people who actually encrypt the blocks), who want the size of the block to grow. This can happen in distributed systems. More...

21 avril 2017

Voice Is the Next Big Platform, Unless You Have an Accent

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Voice Is the Next Big Platform, Unless You Have an Accent
Sonia Paul, Backchannel, 2017/03/23
I have mixed feelings about the importance of voice commands. Yes, we will need voice - we frequently need to communicate with a computer when we are otherwise occupied, as for example when we are driving. And a computer can be a participant in a conversation, as for example on Star Trek. More...

21 avril 2017

Getting Web Services Up and Running on Amazon Web Services (AWS) Using Vagrant and the AWS CLI

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Getting Web Services Up and Running on Amazon Web Services (AWS) Using Vagrant and the AWS CLI
Tony Hirst, OUseful Info, 2017/04/06
This is the sort of stuff I've been working on recently. This is a particularly useful project: "here’s an example of how to get a browser based application up and running on EC2 using vagrant from the command line." The description is pretty detailed and is probably not for everyone. More...

21 avril 2017

Cloud computing pushes into the classroom, but not without challenges

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Cloud computing pushes into the classroom, but not without challenges
Ron Miller, Ars Technica, 2017/03/28
"Slowly but surely, in spite of the issues, cloud tools are coming to the classroom," according to this report. But infrastructure challenges remain. More...

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