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30 mars 2018

Ariz. ruling: OK to use car-rental tax to pay for sports stadiums

University Business Magazine logoThere’s nothing illegal about taxing car rentals to pay for sports stadiums and other projects, the state Court of Appeals ruled Tuesday. More...

29 mars 2018

Additional opinions on the tax bill’s impact on higher ed

University Business Magazine logoThe company will make an initial investment of $50 million in a new and ongoing education program specifically designed to cover tuition costs for hourly employees—a result of the recently enacted tax reform and representing a total allocation of more than $175 million in this fiscal year. More...

26 mars 2018

The Five Numbers Required for a Complete Grad Student Tax Return

The trickiest step in the tax return preparation process for a graduate student in the US is the very first one: identifying your income and other key numbers to plug into your tax return manually, enter into your tax software, or hand over to your tax preparer. More...

25 mars 2018

University Leaders Urge Changes to Endowment Tax

HomeBy Rick Seltzer. The leaders of 49 wealthy postsecondary institutions sent a letter to congressional leaders Wednesday urging them to repeal or amend the so-called endowment tax enacted as part of last year's Republican tax overhaul. More...

15 mars 2018

Income redistribution through taxes and transfers across OECD countries: A focus on the bottom 40 per cent . Tax and transfer systems are fundamental pillars of an inclusive growth policy agenda that aims at sharing the benefits of growth more equally and securing decent living standards for those in most need.  A new OECD report by Causa and Hermansen (2017) (“Income redistribution through taxes and transfers across OECD countries”) documents that redistribution through taxes and transfers has tended to decline across OECD countries since the mid-1990s. More...

4 mars 2018

Airbnb arrive à faire reprendre par les médias un communiqué qui mentionne le reversement de la taxe de séjour obligation légale

Alternatives EconomiquesSur le blog de Michel Abhervé pour Alternatives économiques. Airbnb a vraiment le sens de la communication, ou plutôt, sait comment utiliser l'absence de professionnalisme de nombre de médias !
En effet arriver à ce que ceux-ci titrent sur le versement de 13,5 millions d'euros de taxe de séjour aux collectivités relève d'une mélange d'exploit pour les communicants et de méconnaissance pour les médias. Plus...
27 février 2018

College seeking tax levy renewal, increase

University Business Magazine logoOzarks Technical Community College will ask voters in the college’s district to maintain an existing levy of 5 cents per $100 of assessed valuation. More...

26 février 2018

Student finance is broken. A graduate tax is the only solution

The Guardian homeTheresa May is right to criticise current tuition fees. The whole system needs overhauling. More...

6 février 2018

La campagne Taxe d’Apprentissage 2018 est lancée !

Depuis le 1er janvier 2016, Constructys est le collecteur de la taxe d’apprentissage auprès des entreprises du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics. Lors de sa dernière campagne, Constructys a collecté 95,7 millions d’Euros auprès de plus de 60 000 entreprises. Plus...

6 février 2018

Toujours plus simple !

Opcalia - OPCA - Promoteur de compétences - OpcaliaLe 28 février 2018 s'approche à grands pas... Il n'est jamais trop tard pour rappeler aux entreprises cette fameuse date butoir à laquelle elles doivent s'acquitter de leur contribution FPC et des versements au titre de la taxe d'apprentissage. SIMPLIFICATION ! Tel est mot d'ordre d'Opcalia. Deux experts-comptables témoignent. Plus...

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