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17 septembre 2016

RERS 2016 - Les étudiants dans les formations scientifiques

Le poids des formations scientifiques dans l’enseigne ment supérieur a gagné plus de deux points en dix ans pour atteindre 33,6 % en 2015. Sur cette période, le nombre d’inscriptions d’étudiants en formations scientifiques a progressé plus rapidement que celui de l’ensemble de l’enseignement supérieur (+ 20 %, contre + 11,7 %) (1). Après une période de stabilité relative de la part des étudiants en formations scientifiques entre 2010 et 2014, la hausse peut apparaître particulièrement soutenue cette année (+ 0,5 point). Cette évolution est toutefois essentiellement liée à la mise en place progressive de la double inscription systématique des étudiants en classe préparatoire et à l’université. Hors ces doubles inscriptions, la part des formations scientifiques augmente de 0,1 point entre 2014 et 2015, évolution qui traduit mieux la réalité.
Suite dans le RERS 2016. Publication annuelle, Repères et références statistiques sur les enseignements, la formation et la recherche (R.E.R.S.) réunit en un seul volume toute l’information statistique disponible sur le système éducatif et de recherche français.

10 septembre 2016

Complex mathematics isn’t for everyone (but maybe it should be)

Education & Skills TodayBy Marilyn Achiron. Put a complicated algebraic equation or geometry problem in front of a 15-year-old student (or, for that matter, just about anyone) and you can almost see the brain at work: I. Can’t. Do.This. More...

30 août 2016

MUN shutting down Math Learning Centre in fall

cbc masthead logoBy Andrew Sampson. CBC News has learned that Memorial University, under pressure to find cost savings and make cuts, has decided to shut down the centre come September. More...

27 août 2016

STEMming reverse brain drain: what would make foreign students stay in the US?

The ConversationBy . Science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) disciplines in the US have come to heavily rely on international students, who constitute about a third of all STEM graduate students in the US. More...

27 août 2016

Mastery over mindset: the cost of rolling out a Chinese way of teaching maths

The ConversationBy  and . While the mastery model breaks down learning into small goals which have to be achieved before moving on, the mindset maths model aims to get pupils to develop an intuitive understanding of mathematical concepts before learning formal procedures such as addition or multiplication. More...

26 août 2016

Clinton pledges green cards for STEM grads

By Natalie Marsh. Presidential hopeful, Hillary Clinton, has pledged to “staple” green cards to student visas for international students completing STEM courses at master’s or PhD level. More...

23 août 2016

Females’ Enrollment and Completion in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Massive Open Online Courses

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Females’ Enrollment and Completion in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Massive Open Online Courses
Suhang Jiang, Katerina Schenke, Jacquelynne Sue Eccles, Di Xu, Mark Warschauer,, 2016/08/19
According to this study, "globally MOOCs have the potential to provide learning opportunities for females in less developed countries. Findings from this study support the hypothesis that greater gender segregation may exist in more economically developed countries." Even so, only about 24% of enrollees in STEM MOOCs were women, suggesting a need to explore ways to make them more gender-inclusive. More...

22 août 2016

How can we address the STEM skills gap? Ed Tech News and Research ~ Ray Schroeder, editor. The Science and Technology Committee recently published a report stating that the digital skills gap is costing the UK economy £63 billion a year in lost GDP. More...

15 août 2016

Science graduates struggle to find their first job

A new Grattan Institute report shows that while government and industry are urging more young people to study STEM – science, technology, engineering and mathematics – courses, science graduates have a hard time finding their first job, writes Tim Dodd for the Australian Financial Review. Read more...

9 août 2016

Overcoming students’ misconceptions in STEM disciplines

The conceptual nature of STEM disciplines means that students often start a subject with incorrect scientific assumptions. Misconceptions can be difficult to overcome, particularly in large classes where correcting them through personalised feedback is difficult or impossible. The presenters will discuss their development of a suite of active learning and student-centred teaching approaches that can be applied in large class settings to confront students’ misconceptions and bring about conceptual change. They will do so in the context of a large, second year Biochemistry and Molecular Biology subject, with the aim of eventually broadening the approach to include psychology and computer sciences. Preliminary data on successful methods to break strongly-held student misconceptions in large classes will also be outlined. More...

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