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6 janvier 2018

Why so many tennis players go pro even though few ‘make it’

The ConversationTennis players take on a huge risk in deciding to turn pro - the odds of earning a stable income through tennis, let alone vast riches, are vanishingly small. Our research suggests it’s this very riskiness that drives tennis players to turn professional. More...
2 janvier 2018

Brawl at Women's Basketball Game

HomeBy Scott Jaschik. New Jersey City University has suspended its women's basketball coach after a brawl between the team she led and that of York College of the City University of New York, reported. More...

31 décembre 2017

À vos marques, prêt … roulez !

Parcourir 710 kilomètres en 21 jours à la seule force des bras, en fauteuil roulant, quelle folle idée ! C’est pourtant l’incroyable défi que s’est lancé Édouard, véritable Forrest Gump à quatre roues. Plus...

29 décembre 2017

Sport et Animation. 24 700 salariés bretons, souvent des temps partiels et des salaires modestes

Selon l'Insee, 24 700 salariés bretons travaillent dans les métiers du sport et de l'animation. Précaires, ils doivent composer avec des temps partiels, jongler avec plusieurs employeurs pour joindre les deux bouts et/ou trouver un revenu d'appoint dans des secteurs éloignés de leur cœur de métier (restauration, manutention...). Leur salaire horaire net moyen est également inférieur à la moyenne régionale.
Source :

24 décembre 2017

What if universities didn't run college sports?

University Business Magazine logoScandals hurt collegiate athletics every year. 
Recruiting violations and illegal payments. Passing grades for courses student athletes never attended. More...

24 décembre 2017

University of Akron creates varsity eSports video gaming program

University Business Magazine logoThe varsity eSports program will involve 30 to 35 students, who will be eligible for scholarships. An associated club eSports program will involve several hundred students. More...

24 décembre 2017

Impatient with universities’ slow pace of change, employers go around them

University Business Magazine logoThe event was new, too. Called the Eagle Summit after the public university’s athletics mascot, it was meant to build enthusiasm among the school’s supporters. That has become increasingly crucial at a time when Americans’ faith in higher education is declining, governments are investing less money in it, and employers complain it’s producing too few graduates with skills they need. More...

23 décembre 2017

The practice of awarding huge buyouts to college football coaches

University Business Magazine logoThe rising price of big-time college football is reflected in dry language buried within the 2 ½ -page contract extension Jim Mora signed with UCLA last year. More...

23 décembre 2017

In college football, getting fired is like winning the lotto

University Business Magazine logoGetting fired has become one of the sweetest career moves in higher education. As long as the jettisoned employee happens to be a failed football coach. More...

20 décembre 2017

It Took a Village (or an Entire Coaching Staff)

HomeBy Jeremy Bauer-Wolf. NCAA punishes seven former Northern Colorado coaching staffers who paid for and completed athletes' online courses. More...

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