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22 juin 2014

Hampshire College Will Go ‘Test Blind’ Eric Hoover. Hundreds of colleges are test-optional. Hampshire College is going “test blind.”
On Wednesday the small liberal-arts college announced that it would no longer consider an applicant’s ACT or SAT score in admissions and financial-aid decisions. “If it’s sent, we won’t put it in their files,” said Meredith Twombly, Hampshire’s dean of admissions and financial aid. More...

22 juin 2014

'Test-Blind' Admissions

HomeBy Scott Jaschik. More than 800 four-year colleges and universities do not require applicants to submit SAT or ACT scores. But of these "test-optional" colleges, the competitive ones will look at scores that are submitted. And most selective, test-optional colleges report that a majority of applicants (typically a large majority) submit scores. On Wednesday, Hampshire College announced that it would become the only such college that will be "test-blind," meaning that it will not look at SAT or ACT scores even if applicants submit them. Read more...
10 juin 2014

ACT Exam Will Include New Writing Scores and Readiness Indicators Eric Hoover. The big tests keep evolving. Three months after the College Board unveiled plans for revising the SAT, its rival—ACT Inc.—announced on Friday coming changes in its own examination, now the nation’s most widely used college-entrance test. More...

31 mai 2014

L'université de Perpignan plus sélective pour écarter les étudiants fantômes

Voté en conseil d'administration le 23 mai, le dispositif qui se veut expérimental empêchera sous certaines conditions les étudiants de redoubler leur première année.
C'est un sujet plus que délicat auquel l'université de Perpignan a décidé de s'attaquer pour la rentrée prochaine. C'est-à-dire, la sélection des étudiants pouvant s'inscrire en première année de sociologie, Staps, IAE et AES*.
Dorénavant, les étudiants qui ont obtenu une note inférieure à 6/20 ne pourront pas se réinscrirepour retenter une 'deuxième première année' dans ces quatre filières qui regroupent cette année près de 600 étudiants de première année. Voir l'article...

24 mai 2014

Harvard U. Will Loosen Subject-Test Requirement Eric Hoover. Harvard University will no longer require all applicants for undergraduate admission to submit scores from SAT subject tests, according to an email sent last week to the institution’s alumni interviewers. In the May 14 message, William R. Fitzsimmons, dean of admissions and financial aid, wrote that Harvard would soon change how it describes its testing requirements. “While we normally require two SAT subject tests,” he wrote, the new language will say, “you may apply without them if the cost of taking the tests represents a financial hardship or if you prefer to have your application considered without them.” More...

17 mai 2014

Cambridge University admits fewer state school students Graeme Paton. The proportion of Cambridge places claimed by pupils from state schools has declined this year amid warnings from admissions tutors that the university does "not operate a quota system”.
The number of pupils from state schools admitted to Cambridge dropped this year amid record competition for places, it has emerged. Read more...
4 mai 2014

State colleges 'struggle to get pupils into top universities' Graeme Paton. The Association of Colleges claims that poor access to top universities is linked to the funding 'chasm' between state and private schools, with many Government-funded institutions being forced to cut A-level courses and extra-curricular support for pupils. Read more...
25 avril 2014

Study questions SAT’s admissions value Tim Goral. Students who submit standardized test scores don't show higher success rates. There is no significant difference in the success rates of students who submit standardized test scores to colleges and those who don’t. That’s the summary of a NACAC report, “Defining Promise: Optional Standardized Testing Policies in American College and University Admissions," which looked at nearly 123,000 students at 33 public and private institutions of all sizes. More...

25 avril 2014

AS-level exams 'devalued' in university admissions shake-up . UCAS proposes to cut the number of tariff points for AS-levels in a reform of the admissions system, prompting claims that more schools will drop the qualification.
Teenagers could find it harder to get into university after it emerged that AS-level exams would be downgraded as part of the higher education admissions process.
A new points system drawn up by the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) proposes cutting the value of the AS exam sat in the first 12 months of the sixth-form. More...

20 avril 2014

Diskriminierung im Jura-Studium: Im Zweifel für den Mann

SPIEGEL ONLINEVon . Wie objektiv sind Jura-Abschlussnoten? Drei Forscher haben in einer umfangreichen Studie die Ergebnisse Hunderter Staatsexamen ausgewertet. Das Ergebnis erschreckt - nur Männer mit deutschem Namen dürften sich freuen.
Leistung lohnt sich, zumindest in Abschlussprüfungen galt das als sicher, auch am Ende des Jura-Studiums. Wer fleißig lernt, bekommt auch gute Noten, denken viele Studenten. Doch Leistung lohnt sich nicht gleichermaßen, wie eine neue Studie zeigt: Geschlecht und Herkunft der Prüflinge beeinflussen anscheinend massiv, wie sie im Examen abschneiden. More...

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